Friday 30 September 2011


Headley from Chicago.

The government of India would appear not to want to get its hands on David Headley.

David Headley is the American 'CIA agent' who has admitted to planning the 2008 Mumbai attacks, and who is suspected of being involved in other acts of terrorism.

On 4 September 2011 we read that 'India's National Security Advisor, MK Narayanan, secretly suggested that the Indian government was not keen on Headley's extradition from the USA to India'

Publicly, India has pressed for Headley's extradition from the USA.

Privately, Narayanan suggested to the American Ambassador, in December 2009, that the Indian government was actually not keen on the extradition.

In a leaked cable to the US State Department, on 17 December 2009, then Ambassador Timothy J Roemer said that Narayanan had told him on the subject of Headley's extradition that it was 'difficult not to be seen making the effort,' but that the government was not seeking extradition 'at this time.'

Roemer explained to Narayanan that "If Headley were convicted, an extradition request by India would not be considered until his sentence in the USA was fully served, which could be decades, if ever."

There is a suspicion that elements of the Indian security services and police were involved with Headley in planning the Mumbai attacks and other terrorist attrocities.

It has been reported that the Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab "was interrogated by Headley."

Kasab says Headley, who is alleged to be a CIA agent, interrogated him, with four whitemen, in his cell at the Mumbai police custody after he was captured.

The Mumbai police would appear to be guilty of faking evidence. (DAVID HEADLEY, THE MUMBAI POLICE AND A MAP ...)

Mumbai Police

The 2008 Mumbai Attacks would appear to be an inside-job, involving elements of the security services of the USA and India, among others.

And it's not just the Mumbai Attacks.

"It was after the 2001 parliament attack that the first serious questions began to be raised. A campaign by a group of lawyers and activists exposed how innocent people had been framed by the police and the press, how evidence was fabricated, how witnesses lied, how due process had been criminally violated at every stage of the investigation." (Arundhati Roy: Mumbai .)

Kasab, the 'patsy'



Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men'






On 30 September 2011, the Yemen government announced the 'death' of Anwar Al-Awlaki, believed to be an agent of the CIA.

"It is not clear yet whether the airstrike was by Yemeni air force or by US drone."

(Al-Qaeda leader Awlaki killed in an air strike in north)

The 'death' was swiftly confirmed by US officials.

The US officials claim that the military unit involved in the reportedly fake death of Osama bin Laden was also involved in the 'death' of Al-Awlaki.

Same US military unit that got Osama bin laden killed Anwar al-Awlaki

Anwar Al-Awlaki was born in the USA.

He earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering at Colorado State University.

He was once a chaplain at George Washington University.

He is most likely an agent of the CIA.

On 21st October 2010, it was reported that Al Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki was 'invited to the Pentagon for lunch after 9 11'.

In 1996 and in 1997, Al-Awlaki was arrested in San Diego for soliciting prostitutes

Al-Awlaki studied at George Washington University which is known for having close ties to the intelligence community. (Anwar al-Awlaki and 'CIA Islam')

Fox News says it has documents revealing how Anwar Al-Awlaki, a top man in al Qaeda, met high-ranking US military personnel just months after the 9 11 atrocities.

According to the documents, Awlaki was taken to the U.S. Department of Defense's headquarters, to have lunch, in the immediate aftermath of the 9 11 attacks.

Awlaki is of Yemeni descent.

Awlaki has links to three 'hijackers', Nawaf al-Hazmi, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Hani Hanjour who were allegedly aboard Flight 77 that 'crashed into the Pentagon'.

He was said to have inspired the alleged Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

In Yemen, he is said to have met with the 'Christmas Day bomber' Farouk Abdulmutallab.

Allegedly, Awlaki "was killed in a strike on his convoy directed by the CIA and carried out with the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command's firepower, according to a counterterrorism official."

The Yemen government was the first to report that Awlaki had been killed.

Al-Awlaki is a US citizen, who had not been charged with any crime.

Civil liberties groups have questioned the government's authority to kill an American without trial.

Al-Awlaki served as imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Va., a Washington suburb, for about a year in 2001.

Ibrahim al-Asiri 'of the CIA'.

The CIA and the Pentagon want to do to Yemen what they are doing to Pakistan, and what they have already done to Iraq and Afghanistan.

After Yemen will eventually come Saudi Arabia.


"In February of 1975 the London Sunday Times revealed information from a leaked and classified US Department of Defense plan.

"The plan, drawn up by the Pentagon, was code named 'Dhahran Option Four' and provided for an invasion of the world's largest oil reserves, namely Saudi Arabia." - (Who Really Wants to Invade Saudi Arabia, and Why?) - Who can Saudi Arabia trust?

A plan to split Saudi Arabia gives the Saudis the holy sites and us the oil - New Statesman - The secret partition

Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri (Aseery) is alleged to be the bomb maker in:

(1) the failed Yemen parcel bomb plot of October 2010

(2) the failed attempt to kill Saudi counter-terrorism chief Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in August 2009

(3) the failed Christmas bombing by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Underpants Bomber.

(U.S. eyeing Saudi-born bombmaker in parcel bomb plot / Yemen parcel bombmaker believed to be al Qaeda terrorist Ibrahim ...)

UK journalist Con Coughlin, who is believed to be an asset of MI6 (Con Coughlin and MI6-Mossad propaganda), writes:

"Not since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am flight 103 (aangirfan: LOCKERBIE IS ABOUT HEROIN), which killed 270 people, has a terror group sought to smuggle primed explosive devices in the cargo holds of commercial aircraft...

"In February 2006 ... 23 suspected al-Qaeda members managed to escape from a prison in Sana'a, including the alleged mastermind of USS Cole attack.

"Nasser Abdul Karim al-Wuhayshi, a former personal assistant to bin Laden in Afghanistan, was another escaper ."

The boss of the Yemen al Qaeda militants is said to be AL-AWLAKI OF THE CIA? ~


Actress Helen Mirren, who has played the part of a Mossad agent.

In Israel, in the late 1980s, author Julia Pascal met a former agent of Mossad.

(Honeypot: The startling story of the killer in heels)

The Mossad agent was blonde and Swedish.

Julia Pascal has written a play about an agent of Mossad called Susanne.

According to Pascal (Julia Pascal.):

"Susanne is raised a Swedish Christian by her father who was in fact a hidden Jew...

"When Susanne discovers this, she finds a whole new unexplored identity which leads her to Israel to join Mossad, to use her intelligence and her body as a honeypot."

Mariella Novotny

Mossad makes great use of sexy female agents.

In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu revealed that Israel had nuclear weapons.

While Vanunu was in London, negotiating his story with the UK's Sunday Times, he met a blonde tourist called Cindy

Cindy was very critical of Israel.

Cindy invited Vanunu to come with her to Italy.

In Rome, Vanunu woke up naked and blindfolded, with his wrists and ankles tied.

He had been kidnapped by Mossad.

Cindy's real name was Cheryl Ben Tov, or Cheryl Hanin.

One of the most famous female spies was Mariella Novotny, who was reportedly Jewish.

(aangirfan: DOUBLE AGENTS)

Novotny was involved with J F Kennedy and UK government minister Jack Profumo.



The war criminals must go!

On 29 September 2011, Reuters reports on the Libyan town of Tawargha, which is among those which have been wrecked and looted by the opponents of Gaddafi.

Ruined Libya town shows danger of post-war vendetta

1. The town of Tawargha is now almost completely deserted.

Its inhabitants have been forced to flee from the anti-Gaddafi forces.

Tawargha is a town of smashed windows, looted shops, and buildings damaged by gunfire.

2. The anti-Gaddafi forces have covered the walls with graffiti threatening the people of Tawargha.

3. Former residents say their homes in Tawargha have been burned and that people have been abducted and disappeared.

4. Thanks to NATO, much of Tawargha is in ruins.

NATO killing kids.

5. Pro-Gaddafi green flags still fly over many buildings in Tawargha.

Reportedly, 95% of people in Tawargha supported Gaddafi.

6. The anti-Gaddafi authorities have announced plans to bulldoze the entire town of Tawargha. (Mass killing -Sirte...)

7. The refugees from Tawargha fear that they will be slaughtered by the anti-Gaddafi militia forces.

8. Anti-Gaddafi forces have detained refugees and thrown them into concentration camps.

Nazi NATO destroys prosperous countries.

9. On 29 September 2011 WSWS reports on the mass killing and humanitarian disaster in the NATO siege of Sirte

Refugees from Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of bombing and shelling by NATO and its anti-Gaddafi allies.

10. A Ukranian doctor told AFP about conditions in Sirte: "Most patients coming to me are children.

"I saw 120 patients since morning and 70 percent of them were children."

11. A fish trader who was leaving Sirte, told AFP: "There is no food, there is no medicine, and every night, for five or six hours, NATO bombs all sorts of buildings."

12. Sami Abderraman, 64, told the Spanish daily El Pais as he sought to leave Sirte: “Hundreds of women and children have died like animals."

Abderraman estimated that as many as 3,000 people have been killed in the siege.

NATO is turning Libya into Afghanistan.

13. Riab Safran, 28, told the Times of London that he and his family had slept on the beach to avoid the NATO bombs and rebel shells, which had destroyed his own house.

14. Ali Omar, who fled the Sirte, said that the anti-Gaddafi forces "are exterminating everything in front of them."

15. The anti-Gaddafi NTC has repeatedly failed to carry through announced plans to form an interim government and has seen its authority come under fire from Islamist militia elements.

16. Since launching the war on Libya last March, NATO has conducted 24,140 sorties, including 9,010 strike sorties, leaving much of the country in ruins and thousands killed and wounded.


Nina Ricci S/S '12

[source, Vogue]

The Golden Hour (part 2)

[source, PlanetBlue]

Super Doll & Michelin gala dinner at Movenpick hotel in Dar es salaam

Bus owners get on-the-spot information about Michelin tyres during the event
A Super Doll official explains the qualities of a Michelin Tyre
More explanations
Mr Seif A. Seif, the Managing Director of Superdoll, talks to Dar Express Bus services owner Mr Yudica Mremi
Super Doll IT experts prepare a presentation for guests
Part of the invited guests

Some of the Superdoll officials
Mr Seif A. Seif, the Managing Director of Superdoll talks to his guests
Expert advice

Superdoll in collaboration with Michelin has assured their customers that they will continue their quest to meet and satisfy their needs and demands in terms of provision of excellent customer service as well as provision of highly durable and cost effective bus tyres.

This was said on Friday evening by Mr Seif A. Seif, the Managing Director of Superdoll at Movenpick Hotel during a seminar for long distance bus owners organized by Superdoll in collaboration with Michelin.

“As professional bus operators, you know the value of having the right quality tyres for your operating conditions. Michelin meets the demands of Tanzanian roads and working conditions by developing increasingly resistant, hardy and efficient tyres aiming at minimizing operating costs as well as minimizing impact on the environment”. He told the bus owners.

Mr Seif said, “Michelin has maintained leadership position in the tyre industry for more than one hundred years, thanks to the relentless efforts in research and development”. He said that the Michelin research and development department which has 6000 dedicated staff ensures that tyres are designed in accordance with specific customer needs and meets the operating conditions of a particular area. “This is why Michelin has unrivalled expertise in the areas of higher mileage, fuel efficiency and safety”, said Mr Seif.

He informed the up country bus owners that Michelin tyres have many advantages. Apart from being durable which means they last longer, Michelin tyres are also safer and saves fuel. “Save fuel and reduce operating costs with Michelin tyres. They provide optimum solution by allowing savings of up to 9% in fuel consumption and more mileage”, Mr Seif told the bus owners.

In his remarks, Mr Seif shrugged-off the assumption that Michelin tyres are expensive. He said “some people have wrong assumptions that Michelin tyres are expensive. This is very wrong, the tests done not only here in Tanzania but worldwide proves that Michelin tyres are much cheaper than the so called cheap tyres. We have testimonials from many of our satisfied customers proving that Michelin tyres are much cheaper in terms of cost per kilometer (CPK) compared to other tyres”.

He added that apart from the high mileage achieved in the first tyre life, the Michelin’s high tech design incorporates a layer of rubber thick enough to cater for safe regrooving and at least two times retreading which increases tyre mileage by up to 150%.

He further added that, “in every product that Michelin designs, the goal is always to safely transport as many people or goods as possible, as far as possible, while saving as much fuel as possible”. He however reiterated that, “at Michelin, fuel saving is achieved without sacrificing any other fundamental tyre performance features particularly safety”.

Mr Seif said that apart from the high tech robust construction of Michelin tyre which aims at ensuring safety of people and property, Michelin has also improved safety when braking on wet surfaces, “for example the Michelin Energy tyres reduces braking distances by three meters”, he said. 

Speaking on environment protection, Mr Seif said “Longevity has improved since Michelin tyre can cover several thousand kilometers more than standard tyres. And longer lasting tyres not only mean less operating costs to transporters as well as end users but also mean fewer tyres need to be manufactured and recycled. This is very clear example of Michelin’s efficient use of materials and protection of environment”.

The managing Director of Superdoll concluded his remarks by mentioning that apart from all other advantages that Michelin offers, his Company has introduced a buy back policy whereby Superdoll will buy Michelin casings from its customers  at the end of the tyre life for a price of TZS 200,000/= and therefore giving further relief to the clients who do not wish to retread their tyres. 

Many bus operators who were interviewed by our correspondent, expressed their total satisfaction with Michelin perfomance on buses. They also spoke highly of the Superdoll’s tyre expertise and their superb after sales customer service.
Mr Yudika Mremi, the Managing Director of Dar Express bus company, said that he is fitting Michelin tyres on his buses for many years now and is very happy with performance. He said, “Michelin tyres not only ensures safety but are very economical in terms of cost per kilometer. My company is saving so much money by using Michelin tyres”.

His comments were echoed by among others, Mr Ibrahim Baamer of Al saedy Bus. He mentioned that he started using Michelin tyres in 2008 and is getting very high mileage compared to other tyres. “I have Michelin tyres fitted on my my bus plying between Dar and Mbeya, the tyres have so far covered 150,000kms but are still in good condition and will no doubt run for another two or three months”, he said and strongly recommended his co-bus owners to fit Michelin tyres on their buses.

The function which was well attended by the long distance bus owners, witnessed Mr Hilal of Akida Original bus company winning four Michelin Coach tyres worth around TShs 5million in a lucky draw conducted at the same venue by Superdoll in collaboration with Michelin.




 Baadhi ya maofisa wa Afya wakisikiliza otuba ya kuzindua rasmi wiki ya Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii katika kusheherekea miaka 50 ya Uhuru
 Dkt. Deo Mtasiwa akitambulisha meza kuu kwa wageni waalikwa na wananchi waliohudhuria uzinduzi wa wiki ya maadhimisho ya Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii kusheherekea miaka 50 ya Uhuru.
 Pichani Juu na Chini ni  baadhi ya Wakurugenzi, Viongozi wa Wizara na Serikali, Wadau wa Sekta ya Afya na Watoa huduma za Afya.
 Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) Dkt. Rufaro Chatora akizungumza wakati wa uzinduzi huo ambapo ameipongeza Tanzania kwa hatua iliyofikia katika kuboresha huduma ya Afya.
 Waziri wa Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii Dkt. Hadji Hussein Mponda akitoa hotuba ya kuzindua rasmi wiki ya Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii katika kusheherekea miaka 50 ya Uhuru ambapo pamoja na mambo mengine ameelezea vipaumbele vitakavyozingatiwa baada ya miaka 50 ya Uhuru kuwa ni pamoja na kuimarisha utoaji wa huduma za Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii,  Kuimarisha huduma za Afya ya Wanawake wajawazito, watoto wachanga na watoto wenye umri chini ya miaka 5 ikiwa ni pamoja na kuimarisha udhibiti wa magonjwa yanayoammbikiza na yasiyoambukiza pamoja na yale yaliyosahaulika.Pia ametoa wito kwa Watanzania kujitokeza kwa wingi kupima Bure Afya zao na kipindi chote cha wiki ya maadhimisho hayo itakayomalizika tarehe 2, Oktoba, 2011.
 Mwanamuziki Mkongwe nchini Kassim Mapili (katikati) akiwa na wanamuziki wenzake wa bendi ya Mjomba wakitoa burudani katika sherehe za maadhimisho hayo
 Baadhi ya wageni katika hafla hiyo.

 Mwakilishi Mkazi wa Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) Dkt. Rufaro Chatora(kushoto), Mkurugenzi wa Tiba Wizara ya Afya Dkt. Margareth Mhando (katikati) na Mkurugenzi wa Bima ya Afya Dkt. Emmanuel Humba wakifuatilia hotuba ya mgeni rasmi.
 Mgeni rasmi Mh Dkt. Mponda akisakata Rhumba baada ya kukunwa na muziki uliokuwa ukiporomoshwa na Mzee Kassim Mapili.
  Mfanyakazi wa Banda la kudhibiti magonjwa yasiyopewa kipaumbele ambayo ni Usubi, Matende na Mabusha, Kichocho na Vikope akitoa maelezo kwa Mgeni rasmi Dkt. Mponda alipotembelea banda hilo. Kulia ni Dkt. Alison Mjema.
 Mkuu wa Taasisi ya Ustawi wa Jamii Mlandwe Madihi (mwenye miwani) akimsikiliza kwa makini Mgeni rasmi Dkt.Mponda alipotembelea banda la Taasisi hiyo.

Waziri wa Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii Dkt. Hadji Mponda akizungumza na  Jumanne Ramadhani (wa kwanza kushoto) pamoja na wafanyakazi wenzake wa Banda la TAYOA ambapo amewasisitiza kuongeza juhudi katika kutoa elimu kwa vijana juu ya maambukizi ya Ugonjwa wa Ukimwi na njia za kujikinga.

Mkutano wa mawasiliano wa masoko Tanzania TMCC hoteli ya Golden Tulip jijini Dar es salaam leo

 Mkurugenzi wa Maendeleo ya Michezo kutoka Wizara ya Habari,Utamaduni na Michezo Leonard Thadei  wa sita kutoka kushoto waliosimama mbele akiwa  katika picha ya pamoja na washiriki wa mkutano wa  Tanzania Marketing Communication  Confrence (TMCC)  uliofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam, uliowshirikisha wataalamu wa masoko toka makampuni mbalimbali  hapa nchini.

Mkurugenzi wa Maendeleo ya Michezo kutoka Wizara ya Habari, Utamaduni na Michezo Leonard Thadei akihutubia  katika mkutano wa  Tanzania Marketing Communication Confrence (TMCC) uliowshirikisha wataalamu wa masoko toka makampuni mbalimbali hapa nchini. Mkutano huo uliodhaminiwa na Kampuni ya Vodacom ulikuwa na lengo la kuwakutanisha wataalamu hao ili waweze kubadilishana utalaamu wao.

Baadhi ya washiriki wa mkutano wa wa Mawasiliano wa masoko Tanzania Marketing (TMCC) uliowahusisha wataalaamu wa masoko kutoka makampuni mbalimbali wakifuatilia mada katika mkutano huo uliofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam.mkutano huo ulidhaminiwa na Kampuni ya simu za mkononi ya Vodacom Tanzania.

Baadhi ya washiriki wa mkutano wa wa Mawasiliano wa masoko Tanzania Marketing Communication  Confrence (TMCC) uliowahusisha wataalaamu wa masoko na mawasiliano  uliofanyika katika Hoteli ya Golden Tulp  jijini Dar es Salaam,  wakifuatilia mada iliyokuwa ikitolewa na Mshauri wa maswala ya masoko wa kampuni ya Constomer   Passion Point Ltd  Ikechuku Kalu.

Meneja huduma na Bidhaa wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania Elihuruma Ngowi, akiongea na wandishi wa habari kuhusiana na mkutano wa  Tanzania Marketing Communication  Confrence (TMCC )  katika  Hoteli ya Golden Tulip jijini Dar es Salaam, Kampuni ya simu za mkononi ya Vodacom Tanzania  ni miongoni mwa makampuni yaliyodhamini mkutano huo wa siku mbili. 

Mwenyekiti  wa Marketing Society of Tanzania  Rosemary Mwakitwange akifafanua jambo katika wa  mkutano wa wa Mawasiliano wa masoko  (Tanzania Marketing Communication  Confrence (TMCC) uliowashirikisha wataalam wa  masoko wa makampuni mbalimbali ikiwa na lengo la kuwakutanisha pamoja ili kubadilishana uzoefu  wao kushoto ni Mshauri wa maswala ya masoko wa kampuni ya Constomer   Passion Point Ltd  Ikechuku Kalu 

Mshauri wa maswala ya Masoko wa kampuni ya Constomer   Passion Point Ltd  Ikechuku Kalu akitoa mafunzo katika mkutano wa Mawasiliano wa masoko (Tanzania Marketing Communication  Conference -TMCC) uliowashirikisha wataalamu  wa  masoko na mawasialiano wa makampuni mablimbali ikiwa na lengo la kubadilishana uzoefu  mkutano huo wa siku mbili ulidhaminiwa na kampuni ya simu za mkononi ya Vodacom Tanzania.

Meneja huduma na Bidhaa wa kampuni ya Vodacom Tanzania Elihuruma Ngowi, akiongea na wandishi wa habari kuhusiana na mkutano wa  Tanzania Marketing Communication  Confrence (TMCC )  katika  Hoteli ya Golden Tulip jijini Dar es Salaam, Kampuni ya simu za mkononi ya Vodacom Tanzania  ni miongoni mwa makampuni yaliyodhamini mkutano huo wa siku mbili. 

Downtown Sasha

Sasha Pivovarova for Reserved Fall 2011 lookbook. Love.
[source, tFS]