Friday 16 September 2011


Basildon Academies.

On 16th September 2011, the UK's Daily Mail reports on a UK school that has actually improved!

The wrong trousers? No ruler? Get out of my class!.

Basildon Academy, in Essex, was bad.

There was graffiti on walls.

Kids would get up in the middle of class to go for a cigarette.

Fighting, bullying and staff sickness were common.

The new boss of the school, Dr Rory Fox, has changed things.

On his first day at work, Dr Fox sent home 109 kids – for wearing the wrong uniform.

Scores were sent to after-school detention for failing to bring proper equipment to class.

Dozens were put in an isolation centre for disrupting lessons.

Teachers say they have now doubled the amount of teaching time in lessons, as they no longer have the disruption problems.

Most parents support Dr Fox.

Julie Terry, who has three children at the academy, said: "The change is remarkable.

"It’s a complete turnaround.

"Discipline is back, daily fights have gone."


aangirfan: SCHOOLS

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