Sunday 18 September 2011

Cinematic Pet Peeve, Take One

I am a big movie fan, that is no secret. I usually see at least one movie a week and am also pretty anal about my movie experience. I am picky about the theater and seats, I want quiet during the movie (IE do not try to carry on a conversation with me), and I can't stand when people bring kids to a movie that is not geared towards children.Today I went to my favorite movie theater with plans to see "Straw Dogs". I walked in the theater about 20 minutes before it was starting and there were quite a few people there already. All but five of them were children. And I mean young children. I had to go back out and change the movie to "Drive".I completely understand that sometimes you need to bring children with you to the movies, but seriously what about "Straw Dogs" was yelling "kid friendly" to to you? There is a lot of violence, including rape. Do you really think your five year old needs to watch that? I am at a serious loss where some people get their common sense from.

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