Wednesday 17 June 2009


Lockerbie: "A fragment of bomb timer was taken to America and not kept in Britain as police had claimed." - Lockerbie bomber 'in a quandary'

Christine Grahame, SNP member for the south of Scotland, "spoke of a Dutch TV documentary that ... showed that a key piece of evidence was taken out of Scotland without the proper documentation.

"The circuit board used as a bomb trigger had been removed to America, she said, undermining the reliability of Al Megrahi's conviction. 'Lord Peter Fraser, who was the Lord Advocate at the time, has said it never left Scotland - so my challenge to the Lord Fraser is, what did the Crown know at the time about that circuit board, what did you know, can you come and tell us and tell the public?' she added." - Megrahi in quandary over option to abandon court fight

Lockerbie - forensic tests suggest evidence was planted by the CIA

aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence

Bubonic plague reported in Libya

"The BBC captions the photo of a rally in Tehran as 'pro-Moussavi'. Too bad the wider view shown in the LA Times shows it is actually a rally for Ahmadinejad." - MEDIA PROPAGANDA ON IRAN

"An alliance has emerged against Ahmadinejad. It includes Mousavi, former presidents Mohammad Khatami and Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the mayor of Tehran. Because Khamenei is fully backing Ahmadinejad, this alliance can be interpreted as an alliance against Khamenei." - Q+A-What might happen next in Iran

"Mousavi is an unlikely champion of 'reform.' During the period he held the post of prime minister—1981-1989—he presided over mass executions of political dissidents, many of them leftists, as well as the Iran-Iraq War, in which Iran suffered a million casualties, dead and wounded." - Iran: Election clashes mount as West escalates pressure

Lesbian albatrosses and bisexual bonobos have last laugh on Darwin

"We may soon have a Jewish Speaker, a Jewish Foreign Secretary, a Jewish and unelected First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and Lord President of the Council, a Jewish Secretary of State for Justice, not to mention many Jewish Members of Parliament and far too many others to relate here, out of all demographic relation to the tiny Jewish population in the UK of 0.5 percent." - A quiet coup

World Bank raises China forecast

Ministers accused of trying to bring GM crops to Britain 'by the back door'

Not a Good Morning for the Prime Minister

"If we boil it all down, and strip away the distractions, the only weapon the death cult has is fear and desire. Between that and selflessness, only one of them is worth having. Between delusion and seeing clearly; between the self and the all; between fear and desire and peace, love, and understanding, anyone who isn't bullshit has already arrived at the right place. Not forgetting of course, that wherever you go, there you are." - Selflessness as a martial mindset

Time for ‘new world order’: Brazilian President

Throwing a BRIC Through America's Window

‘US planted Taliban in Pakistan’


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