Friday 19 June 2009


Reportedly, as a teenager, Hitler took a fancy to a pretty girl called Stefanie Isak, whose surname has clear Jewish origins. (Hitler's secret Jewish girlfriend Mail Online )

Reportedly, Hitler was rather gay. (aangirfan: Hitler was Gay Hitler was bisexual?)

German historian Lothar Machtan claims that Hitler ordered the deaths of several high-ranking Nazis to prevent the secret of his homosexuality from surfacing. (New book says Hitler was gay The Observer )

Did Hitler want to prevent the secret of his possible Jewish links from surfacing?

According to Walter C Langer's "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" (1972), Langer, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild Bill" Donovan, of the OSS, to conduct a psychological investigation of Hitler.

Langer mentions that Hitler had been linked to the Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer.The story was that Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber had slept with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. (This Rothschild may have been Salomon Mayer). (Understanding Hitler's Secret Relationship to the House of Rothschild)

A number of Nazis had secret Jewish links.

So when did Hitler become anti-semitic?

Historian Ralf-George Reuth has written 'Hitler's Jewish Hatred; Cliché and Reality'

Reuth argues that Hitler blamed Jews for both the Russian revolution and the collapse of the German economy.

Marx, Trotsky and Lenin were among those communists with Jewish links.

At the time when the German economy collapsed:

1. Almost half of all German private banks were Jewish owned.

2. The stock exchange was dominated by Jewish stockbrokers.

3. Almost half of the nation’s newspapers were Jewish run

4. 80 per cent of chain stores were Jewish run..

Hitler may have been Jewish. The most anti-semitic people often have Jewish origins.

Some historians are braver than others.

Jews were often unpopular in Europe between the wars because of their links to crime.

According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade)

Reportedly, "Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members."

In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhanded methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes. (the brains behind the sexslave trade)

The sources for the following include:

'The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews' by Norman Cantor - Harper Collins, 1995

"It was the Jews, by and large," says Norman Cantor, "not the Italians, who created what was later called the Mafia.

"In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organized crime industry, but as late as 1940 if you wanted a spectacular hit you were looking for a representative of the Lepke Buchalter Gang, also known as Murder Inc.

"Jews were also prominent in the gambling trade and developed Las Vegas in the 1940s. It was a Jewish gambler who fixed the 1919 baseball World Series - what became known as the Black Sox scandal."

Marvin Kitman has written: "The Jews were the first ones to realize the link between organized crime an organized politics. They led the way in corrupting the police and city hall."

Reportedly, the Seagram's alcohol fortune (the Canadian Bronfman family) 'grew to power by getting their alcohol into criminal hands who smuggled it into the United States. Bronfman, who bristled when anyone called him a bootlegger, had a distribution deal for his booze with Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.'

David Ben-Gurion was jailed in Warsaw, Poland. "That was the first time," he said, "that I ever came into contact with the dregs of society. I was shaken to the core at the language and behavior. I never had the slightest notion that such people ever existed ... The thing that shook me most was that these criminals were Jews."

According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, September 15, 1999, "Between 50 and 80 percent of the Russian economy is said to be in Jewish hands, with the influence of the five Jews among the eight individuals commonly referred to as 'oligarchs' particularly conspicuous."

Reportedly, Mark Rich Helped the KGB Create a Hidden Government

According to Newsmax, Saturday, March 31, 2001: "Mark Rich, the most-wanted fugitive pardoned by former President Clinton, was a key figure in the Communist Party and the KGB's creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."


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