Saturday 13 June 2009

Catching up!

I always have a lot to say and then never sit down to say it. And now that I am sitting down to blog, I don't remember everything that I wanted to blog about! *sighs* Ain't that always the way!

My darling friend, Lisa, has a blog, The REEL: Box Office Buzz, and asked me if I would write up a review of "The Hangover" for her since it wasn't on her list of movies to go see. Of course, I jumped at the chance! I love movies and was really excited that she wanted me to share my review. Not only did she ask me if I wanted to write the review but she asked me if I would be interested in being her partner in crime over there! I, naturally, said yes!! My first review is up and I hope you will check it out: Go Ahead and Laugh - It's The Hangover.

My sister and the kiddies are coming home this coming week. :) Jeremy is going to fly to Jacksonville, FL to meet them and drive back with them. (If anyone lives in Jacksonville, I'm sorry in advance for the chaos he can possibly cause.) They should be home on Friday and then Saturday, my friend, Rose, is driving up from Tombstone where she will be vacationing. We are taking her out to lunch for her birthday (and yes, Rose, if you read this we are!) and letting her finally meet the girls, Allie and Kayleigh. It will be great to have them home...even if Tyson is not going to think so.

Allie has, however, informed me that we are having a Barbie party while she is here. I do have two Barbies somewhere in the closet so I will have to bust them out.

Earlier this week two of my friends and I were talking and we decided that in 2011 we are going to take a little jaunt over the pond. Yep, England. I want to do more traveling, see more of the world and these two (Shelley and Angelina) are also wanting to travel around. I can't wait to get planning that. But first I decided that for my birthday next year I want to make it a big one...I think I'm going to take a week, at least, off and hit up both coasts -- start in LA and end up in NYC with friends to celebrate.

What has been the best Birthday celebration you have ever had?

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