Saturday 20 June 2009


Reportedly, a top UK judge, Gerald Price, had a secret nine-month affair with a £250-a-night rent boy, called Christopher Williams.

Reportedly, Judge Gerald Price QC, 60, set Williams up with a flat, paid him a monthly allowance and let him sit on the bench in court as he presided over trials.

Reportedly, Price paid for gay sex in a hotel despite ruling on vice cases. - Judge had affair with male prostitute

BERLUSCONI: Reportedly, squads of handpicked showgirls, models and actresses were flown in for parties at the Villa Grazioli in Rome.

Reportedly, 23 year old Barbara Montereale travelled with Patrizia D'Addario, a former model and escort, to a dinner in Rome hosted by Berlusconi, and then to Berlusconi's Sardinian retreat, Villa Certosa.

Reportedly, for making the Sardinia trip, she was paid €1,000 by Giampaolo Tarantini, who is now under investigation by Bari investigators for abetting prostitution. - The starlet, the statesman and the sex

I'd drunk too much, I was appalling, irresponsible, criminal': Nick Clegg, leader of the UK Liberal Democrats, talks of arson, cross-dressing and drugs

NAMED & SHAMED: Officials at sex school


"A five-page document, written by Blair's foreign policy adviser, Sir David Manning, and copied to Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the UK ambassador to the UN, Jonathan Powell, Blair's chief of staff, the chief of the defence staff, Admiral Lord Boyce, and the UK's ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer, outlines how Bush told Blair he had decided on a start date for the war." - Memo reveals US plan to provoke invasion

Since 2002 the dollar's trade-weighted strength, calculated against a basket of other currencies, has fallen by more than a quarter, from 112 to 81 points.

"In the same period, the proportion of dollars held by reserve managers in leading central banks has also taken a dive. According to figures from the IMF, confirmed holdings of dollars in government vaults, from Beijing and Tokyo to London and Paris, fell from 71pc of reserves to 64.5pc between 2002 and 2008. Is this the death of the dollar?

Jewish "John Bercow, the Conservative MP and second favourite to replace Mr Martin, twice charged taxpayers for the cost of hiring an accountant to complete his tax return. The former Tory frontbencher successfully claimed two amounts – £481.75 and £487.62 — in 2007 and 2008. He joins a number of senior MPs and ministers who have claimed for the cost of accountancy advice, a move which a tax expert has described as 'scandalous' because expenses are tax-free." - Secrets of MPs bidding to lead Commons

PAKISTAN: "A prominent militant leader, Turkistan Bittani (Baetani), who broke away from Baitullah Mehsud, called him 'an American agent'. (Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants)

"Mehsud, a warlord in his late 30s, has claimed responsibility for dozens of attacks on both civilians and security forces throughout the feared region.

"Moreover, Bittani (Baetani) emphasized that Mehsud was being funded by US and Israeli intelligence services for brainwashing innocent youths.

"The insurgents' chief has recruited several teenagers who have carried out dozens of suicide attacks on Pakistani mosques and educational institutes over some past months.

"Baetani also noted that al-Qaeda and Taliban's leadership was never targeted in the dozens of US drone strikes in the country's troubled north-west region.

"Another defector, Qari Zainuddin, said that Mehsud had established strong links with Israeli intelligence services which were destabilizing the nuclear armed country." - Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants

"Iran is an experimental field for innovative subversive methods.

"The CIA is relying in 2009 on a new weapon: control of cell phones." - The CIA and the Iranian experiment

IRAN: "A number of newspaper pundits, including Gideon Rachman of the Financial Times, claim as evidence of electoral fraud the fact that Ahmadinejad won 63% of the vote in an Azeri-speaking province against his opponent, Mousavi, an ethnic Azeri...

"A closer look at the voting pattern in the East-Azerbaijan region of Iran reveals that Mousavi won only in the city of Shabestar among the upper and the middle classes (and only by a small margin), whereas he was soundly defeated in the larger rural areas, where the re-distributive policies of the Ahmadinejad government had helped the ethnic Azeris write off debt, obtain cheap credits and easy loans for the farmers." - Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax

Mossad still stalking malls for U.S. military personnel

'MPs should be paid £100,000 a year' says favourite to become Commons Speaker the Jewish John Bercow

Why apples, avocados and a glass of red wine could ease your arthritis

Scots international business body beats rest of UK to win high World Bank ranking

"Have you found yourself having sizzling sex in a dream with someone of your sex? You might think it's extremely bizarre but believe me it's common. Men in particular feel anxious when they've dreamt about having sex with another man." - THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR SEX DREAMS


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