Wednesday 15 July 2009

Did Tsar Nicholas II of Russia escape to England?

Supposedly, this is Tsar Nicholas II, in captivity in Russia, in March 1917.

There seems to be a conspiracy by the elite to prove that Tsar Nicholas II and his family were killed in Russia in 1918.

Paul Theroux, in his travel book Ghost Train To The Eastern Star, describes his meeting in Sri Lanka with Arthur C Clarke.

Clarke appears to believe that Tsar Nicholas II was safely in England in 1918.

Clarke tells Theroux of the time when, as a very small child, he 'shared bed and breakfast with the Tsar of Russia.'

Clarke says of the Tsar's family: 'They were in exile in England in 1918.'

Nicholas and family in 1910

After the supposed death of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, in 1918, there were people who claimed to have seen and spoken with Nicholas II as he walked down a street in London. (Russian Royal Family - The Romanov 'Pretenders')

In 1892, a 'lunatic' had hit Nicholas on the forehead with a samurai sword.

Michael Gray, who was principal of Lurgan college in Northern Ireland, has pointed out that the supposed skull of Nicholas II has no mark resulting from the attempt on his life.

Michael Gray claimed in his book Blood Relative that the Tzar's son Alexei, and the Dowager Empress, escaped from Russia aboard the warship HMS Marlborough.

Gray claims Alexei took the name Nikolai Chebotarev and secretly married the widowed Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, in the late 1940s

Gray claims he is the illegitimate son of the Alexei and Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent. (Cached )

The name Michael Gray is a pseudonym for William Lloyd Lavery.

King George V (right) with his first cousin Tsar Nicholas II, Berlin, 1913.

In The Secret Plot to Save the Tsar, Shay McNeal claims that the official story of the death of the Tsar is not necessarily true and that the so called DNA evidence is not conclusive.

There was DNA analysis of bones discovered in a pit in Russia in 1991. A comparison was made with DNA from Prince Philip. Some experts conclude that the bones could have belonged to members of the extended royal family. (Cached )

The Orthodox Church still does not officially accept the authenticity of the bones found in the pit. (Search on - The Independent )

According to The Sunday Times, 15 october 2006, there was a British plot to rescue the Tsar.

British spies in plot to save tsar - Times Online

The diary of Captain Stephen Alley, second in command of British intelligence in St Petersburg, has been discovered in a trunk.

This shows Alley organised four spies to be ready to help the deposed Tsar Nicholas II and his family escape from the house where they were held.

The diary includes a sketch map of the house and its surroundings.

Reportedly, both King George V and the government of Lloyd George were willing to rescue the family.

The diary shows that the tsar and his family were to be taken to Murmansk by train and then put on board a Royal Naval ship.

Tsarevich Alexei, left, and Grand Duchess Olga, right, aboard a ship that took them to Yekaterinburg in May 1918. This is the last known photo of Alexei and Olga.

Could William Lloyd Lavery (Michael Gray) be the son of Alexei?

The evidence:

1. DNA tests against the bones of the Tsar 'show he is a close match and in the same rare A positive blood group'.

2. Tests show that 'his skull is a close match to that of the tsarina and her daughters'.

3. Evidence from his supposed real mother’s medical records show she never gave birth.

4. Photographs 'show him with Russian aristocrats as a baby'.

5. In letters from the Orthodox Archbishop Theophan of Poltava, Chebotarev, who may have been Alexei, was addressed as a prince.

6. Princess Marina 'visited Chebotarev in Northern Ireland'.

7. Records show 'unexplained gaps in Princess Marina’s schedule between August 1947 and February 1948.'

8. There is 'evidence that Lloyd Lavery's (Michael Gray's) birth certificate was altered to conceal his real place of birth'.

9. Photographs 'show a striking resemblance' between Mr Lloyd Lavery, Tsar Nicholas and Alexei. This resemblance 'is reproduced in Mr Lloyd Lavery’s son'.


aangirfan: British Royal Family's Irish and Jewish Links

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