Sunday 5 July 2009

The Ayatollahs and the CIA

The Ayatollahs seem to be split between those who work for the CIA and those who don't.

Hossein Shariatmadari is editor-in-chief of Iran's Kayhan newspaper.

Shariatmadari is a close pal of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Shariatmadari, in an editorial, writes: "It has to be asked whether the actions of [Mousavi and his supporters] are in response to instructions of American authorities."

Shariatmadari has now declared that opposition leader Mousavi has committed "terrible crimes", including "co-operating with foreigners and acting as America's fifth column".

The Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qum has called the presidential election and the new government illegitimate.

Leading Clerics Defy Ayatollah on Disputed Iran Election

Ayatollah's aide accuses Iran opposition leader of being US agent

According to an item at

"In 1964, after Khomeini was arrested by SAVAK, the CIA arranged for Khomeini to stay at a safe house in the Iraqi Shi'a holy city of Najaf.

"The CIA's man in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, permitted the CIA to protect Khomeini with a number of CIA Iranian-born security agents.

"Eventually, Khomeini out stayed his welcome in Iraq and he moved, along with some CIA agents on his personal staff, to a villa outside of Paris.

"Khomeini would be grateful to the CIA later. When the CIA conspired to eject Carter from office, Iran would, along with Israel, be the perfect allies...

"The Reagan-Bush-Casey team charter(ed) the SS Poet to deliver weapons to Iran..."

- The CIA had long maintained an association with Iran's Shi'a holy leader, Ayatollah Khomeini...

aangirfan: The Shah of Iran was toppled by the CIA and MI6?


The most important spooks are not given any publicity...

The World's Best Newspaper?

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