Saturday 11 July 2009


Mai Pederson fed fake intelligence to Dr David Kelly?

Allegedly, Dr David Kelly, who had close links to the UK security services, was murdered because he knew too much about the lies leading to the Iraq war and about germ warfare.

A coroner's inquest into Dr Kelly's death was suspended by the then Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer.

He designated the Hutton Inquiry as 'fulfilling the function of an inquest'. The Hutton Inquiry, which said Kelly killed himself, was regarded by many as being a whitewash.


On 12 July 2009, the Mail on Sunday reports that 13 doctors are demanding an inquest into Dr David Kelly's death

"A team of 13 specialist doctors has compiled a detailed medical dossier that rejects the Hutton conclusion on the grounds that a cut to the ulnar artery, which is small and difficult to access, could not have caused death.

"It will be used by their lawyers to demand a formal inquest and the release of Dr Kelly's autopsy report, which has never been published...

"The doctors also say that the level of the painkiller co-proxamol in Dr Kelly's blood was about one third of that required to produce death...

"Dr Kelly reportedly had a connection with Dr Walter Basson, "whose work for the South African apartheid regime used chemical and biological weapons research destined for extrajudicial execution, and whose goals included ethnic cleansing." - 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly's death

The Strange Death Of David Kelly was written by UK Member of Parliament Norman Baker (Published by Methuen 2007.)

(Norman Baker's shocking investigation ...)

According to Baker, a secret file of evidence was submitted to the Hutton inquiry by Thames Valley Police.

The contents remain secret.

But 'the cover is publicly available and reveals that the codename for the investigation was Operation Mason.'

This has given rise to 'rumours of a freemasonry angle'.

Operation Mason, linked to kelly's death, records a 'tactical support operation' by Thames Valley Police during what it terms a ‘major incident' on July 17 and July 18, 2003, when Dr Kelly was missing.

Operation Mason reportedly started at 2.30pm on July 17.

That is one hour before Dr Kelly set out on his final walk.

And nearly ten hours before wife rang the police to sound the alert over her missing husband.

The start time of Operation Mason is given as 2.30pm on Thursday July 17.

That was BEFORE Dr Kelly set off from his home on his fatal walk.

And, it is nearly ten hours before Dr Kelly's wife rang the police to sound the alert over her missing husband.

Reportedly, Mai Pederson is an agent of US army intelligence.

Allegedly Mai Pederson may have seduced Dr David Kelly.

"Postal records show that in the 16 months prior to Dr Kelly's death, Ms Pederson was registered at three different addresses in America where he was also registered as living.

"As late as July 2003, the month Dr Kelly died, their names appear on the register for a house in Montgomery, Alabama." (David Kelly: The belly-dancing spy whose secrets they just ignored ...)

Kelly converted to the Baha'i faith reportedly under the influence of Mai Pederson.

Allegedly, Pederson 'leaked' fake intelligence about Iraqi WMD to Kelly over an extended period.

See more here at Xymphora: David Kelly

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