Wednesday 8 July 2009

Who owns the criminal justice system? Murdoch in trouble?

Rupert Murdoch, whose mother reportedly is Jewish, is linked to Fox News and many newspapers.

Who owns the criminal justice system in your country?

Think of Lockerbie, and you might come to believe that in certain countries the criminal justice system is owned by the CIA and Mossad.

Rupert Murdoch is seen by some as being a friend of Israel and the Pentagon.

According to The Guardian newspaper, Rupert Murdoch journalists have been using private investigators to illegally hack into the mobile phone messages of top people in the UK.

Cabinet ministers and MPs were among those targeted.

Murdoch papers paid £1m to phone-hacking victims

Does Murdoch control elections?

What is most shocking is the reported behaviour of the UK criminal justice system.

1. Reportedly, the police did not alert all those whose phones were targeted.

2. Reportedly, the Crown Prosecution Service did not pursue all possible charges against Murdoch's News Group personnel.

More lies from a Murdoch paper?

And, reportedly, the Press Complaints Commission failed to uncover evidence of illegal activity.

Reportedly, Rupert Murdoch's 'News Group Newspapers' has paid out more than £1m to settle legal cases which threatened to reveal evidence of his journalists' repeated 'criminal' methods.

The payments 'secured secrecy' over out-of-court settlements.

According to The Guardian, Conservative leader David Cameron's director of communications, Andy Coulson, was editor of the News of the World when the journalists were engaging in hundreds of apparently illegal acts

According to The Guardian, Murdoch executives appear to have misled a parliamentary select committee.

One 'senior source at the Metropolitan police' told the Guardian that police officers had found evidence of News Group staff using private investigators to hack into "thousands" of mobile phones.

Murdoch appears not to be keen to tell us about Operation Gladio or Operation Mockingbird.
Murdoch backs alleged war criminals?

Another Sun story that turned out to be untrue.

Does Murdoch tell us Saddam worked for the CIA?


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