Monday 6 July 2009

Your Health Record, the CIA, Google and Sarah Palin

Imagine if your 'health record' is held by a private company which allegedly has links to the CIA.

Imagine if your health record is held by an internet company which allegedly allows certain types of pornography on its sites.

(porn UPSKIRT xxx AMAZING ASS ....Pre Teen Girls Stripping)

Imagine if your health record is held by a company which allegedly discriminates against those who criticise Israel and the Pentagon.

In the UK, if there is a Conservative government led by David Cameron, health records could be transferred to Google.

Medical records via Google?

Steve Hilton is one of David Cameron’s closest advisers.

Hilton is married to Rachel Whetstone, Google's vicepresident of global communications and public affairs.

Cameron, who claims to be a Zionist, flew to San Francisco to address the Google Zeitgeist conference in 2007 at the company’s expense.

Five months ago, it was revealed that Eric Schmidt, Google’s chief executive, was joining a UK Conservative business forum to advise on economic policy. (Medical records via Google?)


"Google has changed Google Image Search to make it just a bit faster and easier to find adult or pornographic content with the search engine." (Google Makes It Faster To Find Pornography)

(Google does not allow adverts on our blogs and it has been known to delete our videos.)

Google R&D centre, Haifa, in ISRAEL - by David Shay

Meanwhile, "the feds have formally declared that they have begun an inquiry into whether Google's Book Search deal violates the Sherman Antitrust Act...

"Meanwhile, Google's dynamic new operating system Android has just run into a rare stumbling block... a Nokia representative told the press that the company had no plans at all for an Android phone...

"Disney has finally begun posting movies and television shows on Hulu, adding to the repertoire of content you can't watch on YouTube." - Google's Dark Day

Meanwhile: "Last week, users of Google App Engine - Google's application hosting platform - discovered a new feature in the product: downtime.

"App Engine was offline for roughly six hours, and for much of that time, even the status page which tells users about downtime was unavailable. Now that's a strong way to send a message...

"Watching Google's response to the App Engine downtime reminded me of the cruel 2008 US Vice Presidential debates, where everyone watching just wanted to pull Sarah Palin aside and say 'Sweetie, this is a grown-up event. You need to use your big-girl words now...'

"Google's introverted population certainly knows that it's easier and cheaper to legalese your way out of a customer's problem than it is to hire a person to pick up the phone."

Meanwhile, as Twitter and Facebook prosper, Google's YouTube seems to have adopted the worst design that anyone can imagine.

YouTube is the new General Motors.

Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google

CIA enlists Google's help for spy work - Times Online

Google and the CIA


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