Saturday 4 July 2009

The most important spooks are not given any publicity

The new head of Britain's MI6 security service is to be Sir John Sawers.

Sawers' wife, Lady Shelley Sawers, has published photographs and family details on the Facebook website.

MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving

Sawers's brother-in-law is Hugo Haig-Thomas.

Haig-Thomas is an associate of the controversial Right-wing historian David Irving, who was jailed for three years in Austria in 2006 for 'glorifying the Nazi Party.'

Sawers holidayed with Haig-Thomas last month.

Lady Sawers revealed on Facebook the location of her London flat and the whereabouts of her three children.

One suspects that the really big decisions are not taken by people like Sir John Sawers.

The most important spooks are not given any publicity.


In 2008, Sir John Sawers, while Permanent Representative of the UK to the UN, said about Palestine: "The closing of all crossings and restriction of the supply of fuel, food and other goods in order to create suffering among the civilian population is not the right response..."


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