Friday 17 July 2009


Indonesia's President Yudhoyono claims to have photos of certain plotters.

Indonesia's President Yudhoyono has referred to the Jakarta hotel bombers as “people who are familiar with abducting and killing; and people who once escaped the law.”

(Jakarta - Jakarta Under Attack)

According to The Financial Times (Eight killed in attacks on two hotels in Jakarta), 18 July 2009, President Yudhoyono "did not name any individuals but appeared to implicate Prabowo Subianto, a former general and political opponent.

"He said there were people in Indonesia who had committed crimes, killed people and escaped the clutches of the law.

"Mr Prabowo has admitted to overseeing the kidnapping of student activists during the dying days of the Suharto regime in 1998.

"He has disputed Mr Yudhoyono's apparent victory (in the recent presidential election), alleging mass voter irregularities in the July 8 poll.

"Mr Prabowo rejected the apparent accusations by Mr Yudhoyono."

According to The Jakarta Globe (Presidential Rivals Caution SBY Not to Politicize Terror Attacks), Prabowo says: "It has never crossed our mind to resort to [bombing]. We use political strategies."

According to The Australian, 18 July 2009, an election link is not ruled out in the Jakarta attacks:

"Speculation about the involvement of the Indonesian military cannot be discounted.

"President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono put that cat amongst the pigeons yesterday when he said there had been threats of 'a revolution' should he be confirmed as the winner in last week's presidential election...

"Without directly using his name, Dr Yudhoyono was referring to former military hardman Prabowo Subianto, whose losing ticket with former president Megawati Sukarnoputri has refused to admit defeat in the polls."

Prabowo has been accused of being involved in attempts to destabilise Indonesia.

On 17 July 2009, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said intelligence reports suggested there were attempts to destabilise Indonesia, including a plot to kill him. (Plots under way to destabilise Indonesia: Yudhoyono)

He showed photographs of a group of people conducting a shooting exercise with the president’s picture as a target.

"We have the video and photographs (of the training)," he said.

He said intelligence also suggested attempts were under way to sabotage his apparent election victory.

If some top Indonesian was involved in the July 2009 Jakarta hotel bombings, was he working with or without the approval of the CIA?

One puzzle, concerns the victims of the July 2009 Jakarta hotel bombings.

Reportedly, two of the wounded were employees of mining company Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.

A group of executives with Western companies was holding a regular Friday morning meeting at the Marriott when the explosives were detonated.

No Americans appear to have died.

Three of the dead were Australians.

Elements of the the Indonesian military do not love Australians because of the Australian intervention in East Timor.

Image from

Prabowo, a billionaire, owns companies involved in coal mining in Indonesia.

Prabowo has promised to give priority to domestic companies over foreign investors.

But all that may be misleading.

The mainstream media appears to be promoting the agenda of the Pentagon and CIA.

We read:

The terror group with Qaeda (CIA) links is suspected to be behind the Jakarta blasts and Shadowy al-Qaeda-linked group prime suspect for bomb attack and Suspects' al-Qaeda link and killer past

The Military-Industrial Complex must be happy.

On 17 July 2009, Major General Wahyono of Jakarta police said that the hotel bombing 'suspects' stayed on the 18th floor of the Marriott where un-detonated explosives were found.

Top hotels in Jakarta have inquisitive security guards patrolling corridors and inquisitive maids checking hotel rooms. It is strange that nobody noticed anything odd going on.

aferrismoon points out that the Carlyle Group founders have connexions to the Marriot Hotels Group.

Prabowo of the CIA?

American-trained Prabowo is the former boss of Indonesia's special forces (Kopassus).

He is also a former son in law of former president Suharto.

Prabowo is notorious for human rights abuses.

Indonesia is the world's largest Moslem country, in terms of population.

Prabowo Subianto "has denied accusations that he organised terror squads in East Timor during Indonesia's bloody 24-year occupation and that he orchestrated riots and mass rapes of ethnic Chinese women in Jakarta prior to Suharto's fall,

"But he has not shied away from responsibility for the kidnappings of student activists in the last days of his then father-in-law, telling foreign journalists last month his "conscience is clear" over the abductions."

Jakartass wrote: "There's no way he can deny it - the army command kicked him out and he went off to build up his fortune in the Lebanon."


Of the 23 activists abducted in 1997 and 1998, one is known to be dead and 13 are missing.

Raharja Waluya Jati was held in a cell for 45 days and tortured in what he suspects, but is not sure, was Kopassus headquarters...

"Prabowo knows about everything, including my friends who are still missing." -Kidnapper recruits victims in Indonesia vote

Photo of Prabowo from

American trained General Prabowo is said to be a friend of the CIA.

Domingos Guterres, from East Timor, alleges that in 1989 he was tortured for 35 days by soldiers under General Prabowo's command.

Guterres claims General Prabowo personally carried out acts of torture.

In the 1983 Kraras massacres in East Timor, about 300 people are believed to have been buried in mass graves after a series of executions that the locals say were carried out under General Prabowo. ( Torture evidence mounts against Indonesian general )

According to The Economist, March 2009 (Indonesia's parliamentary election Unencumbered incumbent.):

"The greatest excitement (in the election campaign) is being provided by Prabowo Subianto, a former son-in-law of Suharto and head under him of a notorious special-forces unit accused of many atrocities over the years.

"His military career foundered after Suharto’s downfall. But backed by his billionaire brother, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, he formed the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) last year.

"It is waging a slick, populist campaign aimed at the mass of poor voters.

"Gerindra may well win enough votes for Mr Prabowo to join Mr Yudhoyono and Mrs Megawati in an unlikely three-cornered presidential race."

Video: Prabowo advert

Lieutenant General Prabowo Subianto, the leader of the new nationalist political party Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra), has made much use of television. (Self Promotion Strategies)

In one advertisement Prabowo, as chairman of the Farmers’ Federation, "is shown strolling about fields chatting with, and listening to, men on the land."

Prabowo speaks of his calling to serve the nation.

It has been alleged that the CIA used General Prabowo to topple President Suharto.

In 1998, when Suharto was apparently toppled by the CIA, one of the key generals was Prabowo, son of Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, a former Finance Minister, said to have once worked with the British and the Americans against Sukarno.

Prabowo learnt about terrorism at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US. General Prabowo and terror (

In May 1998, Prabowo was commander of Kostrad, the strategic reserve, the regiment Suharto commanded when he took power in 1965.

Prabowo's friend Muchdi ran Kopassus (special forces) and his friend Sjafrie ran the Jakarta Area Command.

The American Defence Secretary, William Cohen, was in Jakarta in January 1998 and he visited Prabowo.

The CIA chief had also been a recent visitor to Jakarta. The CIA and the Pentagon were close to Prabowo. (


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