Monday 3 January 2011


Rupert Murdoch, whose newspaper accused an anti-war politician of telling lies.

The Criminal Justice System in Scotland was 'discredited' by the Lockerbie trial. (Police officer said that he planted the Lockerbie bomb.)

More recently, Rupert Murdoch's News of the World won a case against the anti-war Scottish politician Tommy Sheridan.

In both cases, witnesses were paid.

(The Lockerbie Case: Money has no place in Scots justice /
Features : Exclusive: Money has no place in Scots justice.

Sheridan may not be what he seems.

He may be a spooky character being used to discredit the causes he appears to support.

He is mixed up with some strange people. (Wham bam and thank you Ma'am)

On 24 December 2010, Ian Hamilton QC wrote an important article entitled "Her Majesty’s Advocate against Mr & Mrs Sheridan"

According to Ian Hamilton:

The News of the World won its case against Tommy Sheridan, "with the connivance of the Lord Advocate (government legal official)...

"The government was the pimp.

"The aim was not to seek justice but to placate Rupert Murdoch and the News of the World...

"No doubt the Lord Advocate was leant on by Rupert Murdoch’s employees".

The journalists bought a video "from a known thief".

"No attempt was made to have the tape examined by a voice expert..."

The police "spent thousands of man hours and over a million pounds on this investigation, while the gangster bosses go free...

Fifteen policemen burst into Tommy Sheridan's house "where they knew there was a three-year-old child.

"They terrified the whole family including the child.

"She hid in a spasm of terror behind a sofa. She will remember that all her life..."


Elish Angiolini is the Lord Advocate, the top legal officer in Scotland.

She "deplored" al Megrahi's attempt to challenge his conviction in the Lockerbie case. (aangirfan: ANGIOLINI WANTS JUSTICE?)

Allegedly, she also knows rather a lot about child abuse cases.

Angiolini was once Procurator Fiscal for Grampian, Highlands and Islands.

The case of a seven-year-old boy, who was allegedly raped, collapsed because of delays in bringing it to court in Aberdeen. (Procurator apologises - Telegraph)

When a ten year old was allegedly sexually abused 'the case was delayed by Ms Angiolini, and by the time it came before a Sheriff, it was deemed that too much time had passed, and that the case could not be heard – it had taken Ms Angiolini three years to process the case.' (Angiolini: Covering for Paedophilia?)

Reportedly, the Sheriff who heard the case was the very same Sheriff implicated in the abuse of Hollie Greig.

In the summer of 2000, Hollie Greig told her mother, Anne, that she had been repeatedly sexually abused.

It appears that a ring of sexual abusers were involved and this ring included people working for the criminal justice system in Scotland.

Reportedly, top legal people (including those involved in the Lockerbie scandal) prevented any police action taking place. (THE SHOCKING STORY OF HOLLIE GREIG)

Greig received a payout from the criminal injuries compensation authority.

The real Tommy Sheridan



Police incompetence and corruption?


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