Monday 5 September 2011

Former United Ambassador to Tanzania Mr Michael Retzer

Michael Retzer is an American Republican politician who was United States Ambassador to Tanzania 
from 2005–2007.

Before becoming ambassador
Retzer served as a Captain in the U.S. Air Force. He developed a restaurant chain in 20 locations in Mississippi, which employs over 1,100 people. He has served on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Planters Bank of Mississippi.

Since 1978, Retzer has been elected multiple times as Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party. In 2004, he was elected Treasurer of the Republic National Convention in New York City. He was elected National Committeeman for Mississippi in 2001 and Treasurer of the National Republican Party in 2002.

Service in civic organizations
In his hometown of Greenville, Mississippi, Retzer has contributed to community growth by serving in several civic organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Industrial Foundation, and the South Delta Planning Council. He was a founding member of Delta Wildlife Foundation and the Mississippi Wildlife Foundation. He has also served as a trustee of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Honors College at the University of Oregon with a major in Finance and Marketing.

US Ambassador to Tanzania
Retzer was named as Ambassador to Tanzania by President George W. Bush on June 28, 2005, and the Senate confirmed him on July 29, 2005. Retzer was sworn in by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as United States Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania on August 24, 2005, and presented his credentials to President Benjamin Mkapa in Dar Es Salaam on September 1, 2005.

Retzer ended his ambassadorship in Tanzania during the summer of 2007 amidst controversy over his attempts to consolidate the Peace Corps mission there with the embassy. On account of his actions and subsequent disapproval from the Peace Corps and the US Senate, the State Department issued a written apology to the Peace Corps Country Director, Chrisine Djondo.

On June 8, 2007 the White House announced that Retzer would be replaced as Ambassador to Tanzania by Mark Green, 47, a former Republican congressman and unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate in Wisconsin.

 On June 14, 2007, the Peace Corps announced its strong disagreement with the decision of Retzer, to withdraw the authorization for Peace Corps Country Director Christine Djondo to remain in Tanzania and the adverse effects of Retzer's decision on the Peace Corps program in Tanzania including cutting the incoming group of volunteers by half to ensure adequate support.

On June 27 Senator Chris Dodd put a hold on the nomination of Mark Green to replace Retzer as Ambassador citing Retzer's action as interference in the independence of the Peace Corps. Dodd asked that Retzer rescind his cable of no confidence of Djondo or that the State Department provide a written apology to her. On June 28, the State Department provided a written letter of apology to Djondo and Senator Dodd released his hold on Green's nomination allowing it to go forward.

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