Wednesday 14 September 2011


Hero Nathan

The American owned Liverpool football club is to investigate a 9/11 tweet from Nathan Eccleston

Liverpool Football Club 'striker' Nathan Eccleston is one of the good guys.

Top sportsman Nathan Eccleston has made it clear that 9 11 was an inside-job.

On 14 September 2011, we read that Nathan posted a comment about 9 11 on Twitter:

"Don’t let the media make u believe that was terrorists that did it. #O.T.I.S."

OTIS stands for 'Only The Illuminati Succeed'.

Many thanks to majestika for the link.

Now senior officials at the US-owned club have told Nathan that he faces an investigation into his posting.

A Liverpool Football Club spokesman said:

"The club takes this matter extremely seriously and senior club officials have informed Nathan Eccleston that we are undertaking an investigation into the circumstances surrounding these postings and will decide on an appropriate course of action."

Liverpool fans took to internet message boards to defend Nathan.

Various shitty fascist spooks have attacked the young hero on similar boards.

Aangirfan would like to see more sports personalities speak out about 9 11.

Liverpool is owned by Fenway Sports Group

Liverpool onderzoekt 9/11-tweets Eccleston

Liverpool onderzoekt '9/11-uitspraken' Eccleston

Liverpool-speler in opspraak na '9/11'-tweet

Weer relletje rond '9/11-tweet'

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