Monday 25 May 2009

Dadis personally interviews alleged drug dealers and corrupt politicians from the previous regime, live on television.


Captain Moussa Dadis Camara is Guinea's popular new leader.

Dadis took power in a bloodless coup after the previous ruler, Lansana Conté, died in December 2008.


Lansana Conte had been put into power in 1984 by a Western/CIA backed military coup. (Captain Moussa Dadis Camara and the future of Guinea-Conaky)

Under Lansana Conte, there were continuing problems of poverty, unemployment, tribalism, interrupted electricity supply, lack of clean drinking water, lack of decent health centres and schools, and lack of decent roads. (Captain Moussa Dadis Camara and the future of Guinea-Conaky)

Guinea. Cette photo a été prise par Michel Tendil

Now things have changed.

Dadis personally interviews alleged drug dealers and corrupt politicians from the previous regime, live on television.

Ousmane Conté, a son of the previous president, was seen on TV confessing that he had been part of a drug-smuggling ring.

Several former ministers and a prime minister have agreed to give back money that went missing when they were in power.

Dadis is very popular in Guinea, but may not be popular with the CIA or the drugs barons.


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