Saturday 23 May 2009

Surprise Appearance

Noemi Letizia

Noemi Letizia appeared in a short filim called Scaccomatto which was shot in Venice last December

Letizia played the role of the girlfriend of a politician.

Noemi, a teenage lingerie model, has told an Italian newspaper she wants to stand for parliament.

"Papi Silvio will fix it," said Noemi Letizia, in an interview with the paper.

According to The Observer, 24 May 2009:

"Berlusconi's surprise appearance at Letizia's party, where he gave a €6,000 (£5,300) gold necklace to the teenager, might have strayed no further than the gossip columns had it not been for Mrs Berlusconi, who told newspapers she could not stay with a man who 'frequents minors'."

- Berlusconi rattled by La Repubblica

In La Republica, Letizia said about Berlusconi, aged 72 (Papi Silvio 'to fix up' teen model as MP):

"Papi brought me up. He’s always been kind to me. One year he gave me a little diamond; another time, a small necklace...

"I adore him. He calls me, he tells me he has some free time and I join him in Milan or Rome. I stay there listening to him. That’s what he wants from me. Then we sing together."

The prime minister also told her dirty jokes.

She denied rumours that she was Berlusconi’s illegitimate daughter.

According to the Sunday Express, 24 may 2009:

"Madeleine McCann may have been taken to a luxury villa just half a mile from where she was abducted, Portuguese detectives were told.

"Suspicions were raised because of the behaviour of the people who rented the £1million villa and because video cameras were reportedly seen there along with pictures of children on a wall, the Sunday Express has learned...

"'The search dog handler said the villa had a room with a kind of amateur studio with video equipment and cameras with children’s toys and pictures of children on the wall.

"'He felt it was something to do with paedophiles. He told the police and they seemed to know something about it, but we don’t think they took it any further.'" - MADELEINE: THE MISSED CLUES AT £1M VILLA


According to the Mail on Sunday (Brown's candidate for Speaker is right wing turncoat hated by many Tory MPs ), 24 May 2009:

Gordon Brown is plotting to help the Jewish Tory MP John Bercow to become the Commons Speaker.

Bercow is the son of a Jewish taxi driver.

According to the Mail on Sunday, Bercow was once chairman of the right-wing student group, the Federation of Conservative Students, some of whose members reportedly brandished 'hang Nelson Mandela' slogans.

Bercow was once secretary of the 'immigration and repatriation committee' of the 'infamous' Right-wing Monday Club.

Bercow has promised to pay back £6,508 in capital gains tax linked to the purchase and sale of homes in his constituency in 2003.

In 1996, Bercow paid £1,000 to hire a helicopter so that he could attend the selection meetings for two safe Conservative parliamentary seats.

The Conservative leader David Cameron would like Frank Field, a strong friend of Israel, to be Speaker.

Brown's candidate for Speaker is right wing turncoat hated by many Tory MPs

Mole who blew whistle on MP expenses is a 'swashbuckler' with a £7m trail of debt


MPs` expenses: The saints (Part i)

MPs' expenses: The saints (Part ii)

MPs` expenses: The saints (Part iii)

Lib Dem claimed running costs for two homes


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