Tuesday 19 May 2009

Kids or Goats

New York school kids

Why does George W Bush spend his retirement phoning schoolkids and inviting them round for a chat?


The Day Pakistan and Israel Came Close to War.

The next Speaker of the UK House of Commons will be very powerful.

Will the next Speaker of the UK House of Commons be of Jewish origin?

Among the names being mentioned are Jack Straw, Vince Cable and John Bercow, who are all reportedly of Jewish origin.

Will the next speaker be a strong Friend of Israel?

Among the names being mentioned are Sir Alan Beith and Frank Field, both of whom are very strong friends of Israel.

- Who will be the next Speaker? , Who will be the next Speaker?, So who'll get the Speaker job?.



How many newspapers have mentioned the following:

On 19 May, "Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi's legal team completed submissions ... in the first section of his appeal, and the judges said they wanted time to consider their ruling.

"If the ruling goes in favour of Megrahi, 57, his conviction would be quashed and he would be returned to Tripoli; if against him, he would remain in Greenock Prison pending the hearing of further sections of the appeal later in the year." - Lockerbie bomber's legal team puts forward appeal bid

Image from notasheepmaybeagoat.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_a...

Is Kasab's lawyer working for Kasab or someone else?

Mumbai, May 17 (PTI) "With overwhelming evidence in the chargesheet against November 26 Mumbai terror attack accused Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab, his lawyer Abbas Kazmi today said it was going to be 'an uphill task' for him but he would put 'his best foot forward' to save the accused. 'To me, it appears to be an open and shut case... But I have a role to play as a defence lawyer. My job is to defend the accused and I would do my best,' Kazmi told PTI."- Overwhelming evidence but I have to defend Kasab: Kazmi



MI5 had 7/7 ringleader on 'radar' 12 times... but MPs' report still fails to point the finger

aangirfan: Khan is working for the security services?

aangirfan: Al-Badawi, Al-Faruq and Aswat - all working for the ...


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