Thursday 28 May 2009



"There is a very wealthy class here and it is growing, but so is the gap between rich and poor.

"While the top 2% are swanning around the brand name stores, more than half the country's workforce earn hardly enough to feed themselves...

"Ani looked at me as if I were mad when I mentioned the new democracy.

"'Indonesia's no good anymore,' she said emphatically." - Falling down Indonesia's social ladder

JAKARTA, 21 July 2008 (IRIN) – Thirteen toddlers are fighting for their lives in Ba’a hospital ... All of them are suffering from malnutrition.

“They are very weak – only skin and bones and swollen stomachs,” Dr Rina Sudjiawati told IRIN...

Dozens of Indonesian children under five died of malnutrition in the first six months of 2008, according to the health authorities, although no accurate figure can be determined.

The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates 13 million children in Indonesia suffer from malnutrition. In some Indonesian districts about 50 percent of infants and young children are underweight.

“Some parts of this country have even worse data than sub-Saharan Africa,” said Anne Vincent, head of the UN Children’s Fund’s (UNICEF’s) health and nutrition section in Indonesia.

Vincent is “appalled” by eating habits in Indonesia. “Sometimes they give their children only rice with water. Kids don’t grow on that.” (Jakarta (children's day, financial reform, sex work, and ...)

Indonesia's president is General (retired) Yudhoyono, a friend of the Pentagon.


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