Thursday 21 May 2009


New York 'bomb gang' due in court

Terror plots are usually the work of government spies.

The Jubilee Plot of 1887 is a classic example. (The classic false flag operation.)

A UK government agent agent called Francis Millen organised the 'plot'.

The plot employed two Irish-American patsies, Thomas Callan and Michael Harkins.

The aim of the plot was to discredit the movement which wanted independence for Ireland.

Most terrorism is false flag terrorism. Reportedly the security services organise and finance the militants.

The 1605 Gunpowder plot in the UK is another classic example. (Classic Double Agents in False Flag Operations)

King James I's spymaster, Robert Cecil, blackmailed Robert Catesby into organising a plot to discredit Catholics.

Several of the plotters, including Thomas Percy and Francis Tresham, were agents of the British government.

The rest were stupid patsies.

The main aim of the Gunpowder Plot was to discredit Catholics and allow the Protestant elite to continue to take money and land off Catholics.

Reportedly the Pentagon and Israel planned the attempt to sink the USS Liberty, in order to discredit Egypt. (aangirfan: The US government tried to sink the USS Liberty)

On 21 May 2009, Paul Joseph Watson, at Propaganda Matrix, wrote about how the New York "Terror Plot" Is Another Government Provocateured Set-Up

Paul points out:

1. In the so-called New York 'terror plot', four men, three of them U.S. citizens, supposedly planned to blow up a Jewish synagogue and shoot down military aircraft.

2. The aim of the plot was to get the American public to accept police state measures, and to accept the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

3. The four 'terrorists' were organised by an FBI informant.

The FBI provided the four with the fake weapons that led to their arrest.

4. "Just as in every other case, the men will likely turn out to be semi-retarded dropouts who eagerly followed the fed's lead in the pursuit of a promise of massive cash gifts and a way out of their miserable poverty-stricken lives."

5. It took the FBI nearly 12 months to get the men to accept fake weapons.

6. Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat-N.Y., said that "the group was relatively unsophisticated ... and not connected to any outside group."

7. "The last such major 'domestic terror plot' in America involved a group out of Miami that supposedly planned to 'wage a full ground war against the United States' and bomb the Sears Tower, but who actually turned out to be 'a bunch of dipshits living in a warehouse,' as The Daily Show's Jon Stewart described them.

"As in every other case we have studied, the men turned out to be a semi-retarded street gang that were provocateured by FBI agents into spewing violent rhetoric yet barely had the capability to make a cheese sandwich, never mind bring down the tallest building in America.

"What they were interested in was a promise of $50,000 in cash from the government informants who were sent in to radicalize them and create a phony victory for the war on terror."

"As the Miami New Times newspaper described it, the 'ragtag group couldn't wage a ground war on a jar of peppercorns.' The whole case descended into a farce as judges repeatedly declared a mistrial while the government tried to save face.

"After three trials, three juries and nearly three years, the government finally managed to convict the men despite there being 'little concrete evidence of an evolving plot,' as in one that was not wholly provocateured by the FBI informant."

NY Bomb Suspects Said to Have No Connections to Terror Groups

Are the security services using mentally backward people for false flag operations?

1. Nicky Reilly, who was involved in the nail bomb explosions in Exeter, England, in May 2008, was under surveillance by the Security Services. ( Face of the 'nail bomber': Police were tailing Muslim convert ...) . Was he being used by them?

2. "GENTLE giant Nicky Reilly may have been 'brainwashed' into becoming a would-be suicide bomber... police say.

"The mentally ill 22-year-old was arrested on Thursday after a homemade nail bomb blew up in his face in a busy restaurant. ( Mentally ill man 'brainwashed' into suicide bomb bid, police say)

"Mr Reilly’s stepfather, Philip Dinner, is a convicted heroin dealer and his younger brother, Luke, 20, is serving a six-year prison sentence for kicking a man unconscious in a violent robbery." (Neighbours tell of Nicky Reilly’s troubled past )

"One neighbour, Daniel Turner, 20, said... 'He is mentally ill and probably has the mental age of a 10 year old'...

"The chairman of the local Islamic Centre, Syed Rahman, said Mr Reilly may have prayed at the mosque but denied any knowledge of him. 'Certainly no one who attends our mosque has anything to do with extremism,' he said. 'This guy may have come to us, but we do not know him and we do not recognise him.'" (Exeter bombing suspect was 'brainwashed', friends insist)

3. It has been alleged that the American trained Indonesian military used mentally backward youths in their terror plots.

In 1998, elements of the Indonesian military wanted to topple Indonesia's President Wahid.

Allegedly, in East Java, members of the military dressed up as Ninjas.

Allegedly the military then dumped mental patients in villages.

When the village vigilantes arrived, they thought the mentally backward youths were Ninjas and chopped their heads off.

Indonesia was destabilised.

There is a suspicion that the security services recruit their patsies from among the weakest members in society: people with mental problems, people who are petty criminals, people who can be easily brainwashed. (aangirfan: TERROR IN INDONESIA : THE CIA CONNECTION )

4. The mentally disturbed Marinus Van der Lubbe was accused by the Nazis of causing the Reichstag Fire. Many believe that he was manipulated by the Gestapo.

Historians Bahar and Kugel used evidence from Gestapo archives to argue that the fire was almost certainly started by the Nazis. They say that a commando group of at least three, and at most ten SA men led by Hans Georg Gewehr set the fire using self-lighting incendiaries, and that Van der Lubbe was brought to the scene later.[13]

5. 'Retarded Prisoner Was Informant For London Terror Raid', according to the London Mirror, June 18 2006

( )

A MAN with an IQ of just 69 is believed to be the trigger behind the bungled terror raid in Forest Gate, East London.

Ex-waiter Mohammed Abu Bakr Mansha, 22, was a childhood pal of the innocent two brothers arrested in the dawn swoop by police two weeks ago.

In January he was jailed for six years for terror offences - and even described in court as an "utter incompetent". Soon afterwards, friends of brothers Abul Kahar, 23, and Abul Koyair, 20, visited him at top-security Belmarsh prison, in South-East London.

And, the Sunday Mirror has learned, that meeting sparked a surveillance operation on the men by the security services. According to a friend of the brothers, they laughed at constantly being followed. Our source said: "It was so obvious we treated it as a joke."

Then new information came through, said to include detailed drawings of a suicide vest.

That led to Operation Volga - the botched police operation to arrest the brothers, which led to Kahar being shot. After seven days in custody they were released without charge amid claims of incompetence and brutality.

Friends of the men believe dim Mansha was the trigger for the extraordinary operation.

Mansha's lawyer Sara O'Keefe revealed how her client was moved just before the raid from category 'A' Belmarsh to a softer category 'B' jail. She did not know why he got the favourable treatment, or whether he unwittingly helped MI5. Told that the brothers knew they were being followed she said: "That sounds about right."

Mansha - serving six years for possessing an old address of a British Army war hero, which police suspected was part of a terror plot - is appealing against his sentence. His trial revealed him to be educationally subnormal with an IQ of 69 - compared to the average of 100.

In the US that would make his court evidence unreliable.

If Mansha is confirmed as the trigger for the raid, it will be hugely humiliating for the security services in their battle against terror.

Police and intelligence officials claim the information was from a reliable single source who knew the brothers and whom the security services had dealt with before.

But our probe suggests that if Mansha was at the centre of the investigation, the intelligence is highly suspect and deeply embarrassing for MI5. Vajahat Sharif, lawyer for one brother, slammed the "scattergun" approach, saying it would lead to police targeting more innocent people. He said: "Where does this stop? What about Mansha's friends, family or neighbours? They know him, so presumably they're terrorists."

A friend of the brothers said they'd grown up with Mansha. He said: "We used to play in the street. Abu was strange. He'd suddenly lose it. Once while playing street football, he got upset as no one passed to him. He took out a gun and went pop, pop, pop."

He added: "Once I saw him pee in the eye of a man lying on the floor, for fun. I've seen him do all sorts, bad things, because he's a nutter - but he's no al-Qaeda bomber. He needs help, not banging up. A few guys visited him in jail. I didn't go as I didn't like him, but suddenly Kahar and Koyair were being followed. It was so obvious we all treated it like a joke. Maybe if I'd gone too they'd have raided my house and shot me. It's a f***ing outrage."

On June 2 at 4am 250 officers, including forensic and chemicals experts, waited at the terraced home of their parents Abul Kalam and Alif Jan. Bursting through a window, 50 cops met Kahar and Koyair on the stairs. Kahar was shot in the shoulder. They were held for seven days as police dug the garden and drilled holes into walls seeking a chemical device.

A week later police issued a grudging apology, outraging locals. The brothers are suing for distress, wrongful imprisonment and damage to their house. But a pal said: "They don't blame Abu, he's an old friend. But he's capable of saying and doing anything. If he did say anything it would be madness if the police took him seriously."


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