Sunday 7 June 2009

Moderate and Anti-War

Alex Salmond is leader of the moderate, anti-war, slightly left of centre Scottish National Party. (Scotland: one year closer to breaking away as SNP momentum continues.)

In the June 2009 European Elections in Scotland, the Scotish National Party came top (Labour trounced by SNP in euro election).

SNP 29%
Labour's 20.8%.
Tories 16.9%
Lib Dems 11.5%.

Indian children from

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Photo from:

On 7 June 2009, the U.S.-backed alliance of Lebanese factions successfully defended its parliamentary majority in an election, defeating an alliance including the Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah.

- SCENARIOS - After election, what next for Lebanon?

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS - victory for the Left in Greece.

On 8 June 2009, it became clear that Far-Right parties and extremists had made some gains in the European parliament elections.

However, in Greece, it was the Socialists who beat the ruling conservative New Democracy party.

And in Scotland, the left 0f centre SNP came top.

"Governments in Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Greece and Ireland, all countries hit hard by the economic crisis, were punished by angry voters."

Anti-immigrant and far-right groups made gains in the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Slovakia and Finland.

In Slovakia, with a turnout of just 19.4 per cent, an anti-gipsy extremist ultra-nationalist has got into the parliament.

In Sweden, the Pirate Party, 'founded to legalise internet file sharing and to defend online privacy from state snoopers', got over seven per cent, taking a seat.

European elections 2009: far-Right and fringe parties make gains ...

In the European elections in Scotland, the moderate, left of centre government party came top, because it is providing good government.

Scotish National Party (moderate, anti-war, slightly left of centre) 29%
Labour's 20.8%.
Tories 16.9%
Lib Dems 11.5%.

This is in spite of the media being 100% against the moderate, anti-war Scottish National Party.

Labour trounced by SNP in euro election

Across the UK

Tories (pro-Israel and Pentagon) 27 %
UKip (pro-Israel and Pentagon) 17 %
Labour 15%
Liberal Democrats 14 %
Greens on 9 %
BNP on 6 %

SNP's Salmond 'excited' by poll

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