Sunday 3 May 2009

Murder over sexy caddie?


"She was expensive and had many bookings, mostly by state officials, who were known to tip generously. Some of the course’s top caddies could charge up to Rp500,000 for a round (of golf), but Rani was the most expensive, able to charge Rp1 million." - Murder over Sexy Caddie?

This is a story, from Indonesia, of an alleged love triangle, a mafia-style execution and dodgy vote counting equipment.

Nasrudin Zulkarnaen was murdered. Was he killed as part of a love triangle, or, killed to prevent him testifying in a corruption case?

(Zulkarnaen was president director of PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran, PRB, a pharmaceutical subsidiary of PT Mitra Rajawali Banjaran, which is itself a subsidiary of state-owned PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, RNI, which has been linked to massive corruption )

At, we read Murder over Sexy Caddie?

"Some reports say Nasrudin (Nasrudin Zulkarnaen) was killed to prevent him from testifying in a corruption case.

"Others claim the murder was a crime of passion because Antasari and Nasrudin were screwing the same young female golf caddie.

Antasari Azhar, indonesia's anti-corruption boss, has been linked to the murder.

"Reports have described the caddie as Nasrudin’s 'third wife' although apparently the two were not officially married.

"There is talk that Nasrudin had filmed Antasari having sex with the caddy and had threatened to release the footage.

"Another version is that the killing was conducted with the sole aim of making Antasari a suspect because powerful people feared his anti-corruption investigations...

"When former dictator Suharto’s youngest son Tommy was sentenced to 18 months’ in jail for corruption in 2000, it was Antasari’s job to take Tommy to jail.

"Antasari instead allowed Tommy to go into hiding.

"Antasari has been accused of allowing other villains to get away with corruption.


There has been chaos in the vote counting in the elections in the world's fourth biggest country, by population, Indonesia.

Indonesia's anti-corruption boss, Antasari Azhar, has launched an investigation into the procurement of faulty electronic equipment used in the elections.

(April 2009 - KPK probes KPU equipment procurement)

Indonesia's anti-corruption boss, Antasari Azhar, has also been named as a suspect in the 'love triangle' murder.

(3 May 2009 - Indonesia's anti-corruption boss named as suspect in 'love triangle'.)

It was on 1 May 2009, that Antasari was named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office in connection with the murder of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen, director of state pharmaceutical firm PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran, on 14 March 2009.

Antasari's supporters see this as a conspiracy to destroy a corruption-busting crime fighter. Antasari's opponents say Antasari has a poor record in fighting corruption.

(Grand scenario to frame KPK chief seen behind bizman`s murder)

Zulkarnaen was shot in the head by a motorcycle-riding gunman as he left a golf course south of Jakarta in his BMW.

Police reportedly found a text message from Antasari on Zulkarnaen's mobile phone. Allegedly this read: "You know the risk."

Police were told of Zulkarnaen's involvement with 22 year-old Rani Julianti.

Zulkarnaen's family and lawyers claim Antasari was also infatuated with Rani Julianti, said to be a golf caddy.

According to a family friend, Zulkarnaen threatened to expose Antasari's relationship with Julianti to Jakarta's 'gossip media'.

Among those caught by Antasari's anti-corruption body have been senior staff at the Attorney-General's Department.

Police have arrested the alleged gunman, reportedly an East Timorese native who fought with the pro-Indonesian militia, and the "recruiter" of the gunman, apparently a senior police officer from Jakarta.

Two other men, allegedly the financiers of the plot, have also been arrested. One is Sigit Haryo Wibisono, the owner of the Harian Merdeka newspaper.

An Indonesia Corruption Watch activist, Dadang Tri Sasongko, said Antasari had a poor track record as a senior prosecutor.

"We knew Antasari was not clean during his previous stint as a prosecutor. But our input to the House was ignored," he said. (Disgraced KPK chief faces suspension: Presidential advisor )

Ranendra Dangin.

The murdered Zulkarnaen is linked to state-owned PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, RNI.

Dangin was the finance director of RNI.

He was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on January 8, 2009, for allegedly embezzling Rp4.5 billion ($376,000) in proceeds from the refined sugar import monopoly controlled by RNI in cooperation with the National Logistics Agency (Bulog) over 2001-04. (Murder over Sexy Caddie? by kenyeung )

Ranendra's trial commenced on 30 March 2009 at the Anti-Corruption Court in Jakarta.

In 2005, then State-Owned Enterprises Minister Sugiharto reported that RNI and its subsidiaries had embezzled more than Rp60 billion in funds.

In 2003, RNI and two of its subsidiaries were reported for allegedly embezzling Rp520 billion out of Rp580 billion in funds the ministry had disbursed over a period of five years. (Murder over Sexy Caddie? by kenyeung )


Losing the Drug War by kenyeung

possible coalitions
1 2 all )by KuKuKaChu


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