Saturday 26 March 2011

Happy Birthday, Leslie!!!

One boring day at the office (while I worked at the fence company) in June of 2005, I was perusing the “General Hospital” community on Live Journal to see if anything interesting was going on. There was a post from some random girl about her first trip to the annual GH Fan Club Weekend and her wish to see if anyone was attending Kelly Monaco’s event and wanted to meet up. I commented on the post with a “Sure, come hang with my little group.” And the friendship with this cool chick was born.

She’ll tell you that I stalked her the day we met, but I swear I was innocent. I just saw her and called to tell her I saw her! But regardless, no restraining orders were applied and Leslie has blessed my life with her presence since then. I often have said that I always forget that Leslie is younger than me because she has such an old soul that is wise beyond her years. I love that we can have the most serious soul baring conversations and turn it around in minutes and am giggling over the silliest thing. (Including the fact that they send you mystery “balls” for dessert from the Chinese place we ordered from in Van Nuys. For proof of this I present you with the exhibit below.)

Happy Birthday, Leslie! May every single dream you wish for come true as you blow out your candles and may light shine on you this year and always. Your birthday present will be arriving in May when we set off on another Yuma adventure. But the wishes abound for you today and every single day!

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