Saturday, 19 March 2011


David Cameron. Website for this image

On 19 March 2011, we learn that, in Libya, the rebels have broken the ceasefire.

Libyan rebels have acknowledged that the warplane which crashed in flames in their Benghazi stronghold belonged to them.

(Warplane shot down in Libyan rebel town of Benghazi belonged to rebels.)

"Yes, it was one of the insurgents' planes," a senior rebel official told AFP.

Gaddafi's government have said that its armed forces were under attack west of the rebel-held stronghold of Benghazi and responded in self-defence.

A Libyan government statement accused the rebels of using "a helicopter and a fighter jet to bomb the Libyan armed forces in blatant violation of the no-fly zone imposed by the UN Security Council."

So, the rebels, supported by the US and its allies, provide the excuse for an invasion.

Military action against Libyan forces is under way as UK Prime Monster David Cameron declared that Gaddafi flouted the ceasefire. (Military action launched over Libya)

According to Shashank Joshi, of the Royal United Services Institute (Benghazi attack by Gaddafi's forces was 'ploy to negate air ...):

Some of Gaddafi's artillery and tanks are "intermingled with the urban infrastructure and civilian targets like schools and hospitals..."

"British special forces units ... are likely to be operating in the city to help 'light up' targets...

Paul Smyth, founder of defence analysts R3I Consulting, said the greatest danger was "collateral damage".


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