Saturday 31 January 2009


Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003.

Malaysia is a successful Moslem country.

The Palestinians should copy Malaysia.

And so should the Americans.

The CIA has managed to wreck most of the Moslem countries that have tried to become prosperous and independent.

The CIA and its friends have, reportedly, promoted the extremists in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Indonesia and so on; but in Malaysia, so far, the CIA has failed.

Allan Nairn, (Rising in Malaysia. )in November 2007, pointed out:

Malaysia, after independence, did not copy other Moslem countries such as Indonesia.

The USA put the military into power in Indonesia in 1965.

What did Malaysia do?

1. It put some controls on foreign investors, thus defying the IMF.

2. It developed a big middle class with domestic industry, public works and housing.

3. Malaysia pulled away economically from Indonesia and Bangladesh...

4. "Malaysia did something that London and Washington normally frown on:

"They utterly castrated the army as a political institution."

Malaysia is not entirely Moslem, but Islam is the official religion. According to the Population and Housing Census 2000 figures, approximately 60.4 percent of the population practiced Islam; 19.2 percent Buddhism; 9.1 percent Christianity; 6.3 percent Hinduism; and 2.6 percent traditional Chinese religions.

At the Crossroads - Malaysia

One reason for Malaysia's success is its former prime minister Dr Mahathir.

Mahathir knows who rules the world.

"Faced with furious criticism from around the world over Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's assertion that Jews rule the world, Malaysia apologised today for any misunderstanding and claimed that no offence was intended.

"Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar struggled to contain the damage wrought by his blunt-spoken boss, who told a summit of Islamic leaders yesterday that 'Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.'

"Repeated assertions of Jewish dominance dotted the speech to buttress Mahathir's analysis that Muslims needed to embrace modern knowledge and technology and overcome divisions over religious dogma that have left them weakened on the world stage." - Malaysia apologises for Mahathir's 'Jews rule world' remark - www ...

Photo from:

Malaysia is a successful Moslem democracy.

It is not without its faults but it is a happier country than most.

The ruling coalition won 199 out of 219 parliamentary seats in the 2004 elections.

The USA and its friends may be trying to wreck Malaysia? And they may be using opposition leader Mr Anwar, who pretends to be a keen Moslem.

Anwar and his friend, former U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen.

On 16 July 2008, Malaysian police arrested Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Allegations of sodomy have been levelled against Anwar by a male aide.

"Anwar was in a vehicle approaching his home when the road was blocked by 10 police cars and a contingent of 20 balaclava-clad special forces, who took him to police headquarters." (Malaysian opposition leader Anwar arrested)

"Road blocks were set up and water cannons and helicopters were mobilised around the police station in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where Mr Anwar was taken after being arrested." (Malaysia braced for riots after sodomy arrest of Anwar Ibrahim)

Acording to an article at, Anwar may be an agent of the CIA.

In September 2000, Malaysian politician Lim Kit Siang called on Prime Minister Mahathir to declare the outcome of three years of police investigations as to whether Anwar is a CIA agent and to state whether the United States is the country he meant in a Merdeka Day message as the country out to 'recolonize' Malaysia

Anwar was alleged to have received RM60 million from a Mr Nallakaruppan.

Former Bank Negara assistant governor Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid accused Anwar of having amassed a fortune of RM3 billion while in government through over 20 "Master Accounts".

Reference was made to the American-based organisation called Asia Pacific Policy Centre (APPC) headed by Douglas H. Paal, who was former Senior Director from Asian Affairs (1989 to 1993) of the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States.

MPs used parliamentary immunity to claim in Parliament that Anwar was a CIA agent on the basis that the APPC was a CIA outfit and Douglas Paal a CIA agent.

Oddly, Anwar had allegedly given money to APPC and Douglas Paal.

"The CIA... have complete records of Anwar's visits to gay bars in Washington D.C. and New York whenever he visited the USA." (cia)

Reportedly, Anwar is chairman of the board of the CIA-funded "Foundation for the Future". (BarkingMagpie: Biggest kennel of foreign pet poodles, and Anwar ...)

The USA may be trying to use 'People Power' against Malaysia.

According to The Economist, (Not mellow yellow ):

In mid November 2007, "tens of thousands of Malaysians wore canary-yellow shirts to defy a government ban and march in Kuala Lumpur, calling for fairer elections. Riot police blocked routes into the city and fired water cannon to break up the rally...

"Mr Anwar is out of jail and again leading opposition to the entrenched elite he was once part of."
Malaysia is of strategic importance.

The Straits of Malacca are one of the most important shipping lanes in the world and are used for transporting oil. (

Admiral Thomas Fargo, head of U.S forces in the Asia-Pacific in his testimony to U.S House Armed Services Committee had suggested that U.S troops might assist in patrolling the straits to deter terrorists who might target shipping in the Malacca Straits. This suggestion has been resented both by Malaysia and Indonesia.



Remember the fall of Marcos in the Philippines and the fall of Suharto in Indonesia?Remember the fall of pro-Soviet regimes in Eastern Europe? Remember the recent changes in Haiti and Georgia?

There is a CIA connection.

Mark Almond, lecturer in modern history at Oriel College, Oxford, wrote in the Guardian, December 7, 2004:,3604,1367965,00.html

"As an old cold war swagman, who carried tens of thousands of dollars to Soviet-bloc dissidents alongside much better respected academics, perhaps I can cast some light on what a Romanian friend called 'our clandestine period'. Too many higher up the food chain of People Power seem reticent about making full disclosure.

"Nowadays, we can google the names of foundations such as America's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a myriad surrogates funding Ukraine's Pora movement or 'independent' media. But unless you know the NED's James Woolsey was also head of the CIA 10 years ago, are you any wiser?"

People Power is usually about changing regimes to suit the American Military Industrial Complex.

As Almond states, "People Power is, it turns out, more about closing things than creating an open society. It shuts factories but, worse still, minds. Its advocates demand a free market in everything - except opinion."


Kuala Lumpur

Melaka, Malaysia

YouTube - Marvelous magical Malaysia

Happy holidays in Malaysia

Kids dance


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