Thursday 22 January 2009

How Jews take over countries and steal wealth.

Fascist Jews and their friends target civilians.

How might certain Jews manage to take over countries and steal the wealth of the non-Jews?

A. The blog ZSIDOZAS — The Jewish Question refers to 'Obama’s Jews…Change We Can’t Believe In ' and suggests that up to half of the Obama Administration may be ethnic Jews.

Jews as an ethnic group in America are only about 2-3% of the overall population.

(We suspect that everyone has to have some kind of Jewish connection or Bilderberg connection to get into the administration. Bilderbergs are a 'fascist' group.)

Israelis did this.

Examples of the Jews who now run America are:

David Axelrod, Special Adviser to the President, is the Jew who manufactured Obama as a political force.

The Jews Bernanke, Kohn, Warsh, and Kroszner head the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary, is reported to be part of The Tribe.

Elena Kagan - Solicitor General

Ron Klain - Chief of Staff to the Vice President.

Jacob Lew and James Steinberg - Deputy Secretaries of State.

(Hilary Clinton is reported to have Jewish origins).

Ellen Moran - White House Director of Communications

Robert Reich - Economic adviser to Obama-Biden.

Israelis did this.

Dennis Ross - Obama’s Ambassador-At-Large in the Middle East.

Robert Rubin - Economic adviser to Obama-Biden.

Daniel B. Shapiro - Head the Middle East Desk at the National Security Council.

Mary Schapiro - Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Lawrence (Larry) Summers - Director of the White House National Economic Council.

B The blog ZSIDOZAS — The Jewish Question gives us A Brief Anatomy Of The Largest Jewish Swindle In Human History.

Here is a paraphrase:

STEP 1 — The Jewish owned media claims there is a massive economic crisis and that we should all panic.

(In the UK, back in October 2008, you might have got the totally false impression, from Jewish journalists, that huge numbers of home owners and business owners were going to default on their loans; since then, the unnecessary panic has of course caused growing problems.)

STEP 2 — Jewish financial machinations and manipulations lead to many people losing at least 1/4 of their retirement savings.

STEP 3 — Jews step in to buy up cheap shares.

Some of these Jews have just been "engorged by well over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money."

Chicago 9 January 2009. Jewish fascists work with fascists around the world to carry out acts of false flag terror.

STEP 4 — Non Jews become more enslaved.

STEP 5 — The Jews (and their various fascist allies) are in total control.

"And, a warning: be on the lookout for Jewish-provoked wars and/or social unrest in the near future in an attempt to distract the non-Jewish masses from the clear and undeniable Jewish role in this slow-motion collapse of the American economy..."

" This Jewish financial swindle is quite clearly a repeating historical pattern which has occurred many times in the past..."

Post-Communist Russia "was bled dry by" Jews.

"For all their faults Britain's banks are not insolvent or unprofitable.

"At the end of June this year the book value of the much maligned Royal Bank of Scotland's equity was more than £60 billion, while the total profits in 2007 of the eight institutions negotiating with the Treasury ... was about £40 billion." - The harsh arithmetic behind the banking crisis Tim Congdon ...

Tim Congdon "says the Northern Rock had net assets (assets larger than its liabilities) and that even after the fall in house values, this remains the case.

"He said, if I recall, that 97 per cent of its mortgages are being paid off in the normal way." - The Welfare State We're In: A different view of who is to blame


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