Thursday 22 January 2009

Holbrooke is one of the bad guys.

Holbrooke - linked to the deaths of up to half of the population of East Timor.

Richard Holbrooke is now special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan under the Obama administration.

Holbrooke is a former Peace Corps official, and investment banker. The Peace corps is believed to be a front for the CIA. Holbrooke is a member of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

The real Karadzic - telling the truth about Holbrooke

Radovan Karadzic has told the UN court the US tried to assasinate him

1. In August 2009, Karadzic told the UN court that Richard Holbrooke, the former United States Assistant Secretary of State, granted him immunity from prosecution in 1995.

In court, Karadzic accused Holbrooke and others of trying to "liquidate" him.

It has been alleged that Slobodan Milosevic, the former Serbian President and ally of Karadzic, was murdered by agents of the USA.

2. Mohammad Sacirbey, former Bosnian foreign minster, says that US diplomat Richard Holbrooke did make a deal with Serb leader Radavan Karadzic.

The Holbrooke-Karadzic deal meant Karadzic dropping out of public life in return for his war crimes indictment being scrapped. ( Press TV - Karadzic-Holbrooke deal confirmed )

Sacirbey says that top US diplomat, Robert Frowick, head of the OSCE mission in Bosnia in 1996 was his source for the information of the Holbrooke-Karadzic deal.

3. Holbrook is linked to the East Timor genocide.

Holbrook was the US government's expert on Indonesia.

Holbrooke was Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs under Kissinger.

Ford and Kissinger gave Indonesia's Suharto the green light to invade East Timor in 1975.

Consequently, up to half the population of East Timor were wiped out.

"Holbrooke repeatedly played down the brutality of the Indonesian occupation." ( East Timor - Feature Story)

Holbrooke and Zbigniew Brzezinski frustrated the efforts of congressional human rights activists and accelerated the flow of weapons to Indonesia at the height of the genocide.

(Democracy Now! Richard Holbrooke Questioned on Support for Brutal Indonesian Dictatorship )


Karadzic to respond to amended charges

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