Friday 23 January 2009

What YOU can do to stop the USA burning babies.

Photo from Gaza by Fady Awan, Gaza City January 8 2009

Campaigns Urge Boycott of US Firms over Gaza Massacre

There is a campaign to boycott:



Pizza Hut

Coca Cola


In Lebanon, protesters angry at Israel's attack on Gaza forced the closure of a Starbucks coffee shop in Beirut.

Mad Cow disease

McDonald's may not give you Mad Cow disease or make you fat, but they taste of cardboard.

Coffee worker (

Starbucks is over-priced.

The $3 people you pay for a Starbucks is equivalent to the daily wage of a Central American coffee picker.


I've visited some rather dirty Pizza Huts.

(BBC NEWS UK England West Yorkshire Pizza Hut fined for ...)

And the pizzas from Pizza Hut are nothing like real Italian pizzas.

Coca Cola contains phosphoric acid and too much of this is very bad for your health

(The Health Hazards of Drinking Coca-Cola and other Soft Drinks)

Photo by Marlith

Two of the Marlboro men died of lung cancer.

Gaza villages Wiped off the map


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