Saturday 31 January 2009

Become an expert on international Jewish Capital

Kuala Lumpur from

Mostaque Ali ( has written about The Root cause of failure in certain Muslim Countries. :

The problem of Muslim countries existing in the bottom of the Third World, with low levels of growth with often harsh autocratic governments can be attributed to many factors.

It is not merely the result of "Western oppression", though that may be a significant factor.

One must also look at the weaknesses of Third World regimes in themselves and the wider society from which their governments are chosen to explain why so many Muslim nations fail.

It is this weakness that predatory Western powers such as the USA, and UK feed on, as it is in their nature.

But here again we must look at the work of specific groups in Western society who shape policy for countries such as the USA, namely Jewish groups.

So to summarize it is not a Muslim vs Christian thing, but rather 1) Weaknesses in Muslim societies. 2) Predatory usually Capitalist, usually Jewish groups exploit the local situation for their geo-strategic and financial schemes.


Become an expert on international Jewish Capital; become an expert in their way of thinking and how they operate, and then beat them if you can at their own game. They are human after all.

They also suffer significant criminal tendencies involving money, financial transactions, sex, narcotics, gambling......and the worst source of all the lust for power and total control because their local rabbi taught them at aged 10 it is in their destiny.

Such things one can term Jew weaknesses which subject to proper investigation by righteous groups can reveal their true nature, and the numerous gentiles with whom they work.

Their strengths are:

1. The Western media which creates popular consciousness, and allows the Jew perception management, what is important etc.....

2. Financial strength, running the major banks of the world, especially in the West..........

3. Finally security domination, again especially in the West, and the control of major intelligence and other security organizations which gives them a lot of unofficial power.

These factors are the reasons why Jews like creating "security situations" like war, or low level insurgency because Jews feel they can control such situations, through the media, through banks, and through security.

The need to "secure" and "expand"

Israel's boundaries is one major factor for the hostile stance of Western governments such as the USA and UK, TWO COUNTRIES DOMINATED BY JEWS, towards Muslim nations and the subsequent covert problems such nations suffer.

It is in this Jewish led narrative of Israel's interests are the same as that of the Christian West (Our struggle against Muslims is your struggle) that much of the problems of Muslim nations can be identified at its source.

Or to put it in a faux Ahmedinejad way, so long as Israel exists, in its present condition, Muslim nations will face "difficult" times ahead for many decades to come, as the Jewish dominated West continues to justify false actions against fake actors in the vicinity of Muslim countries in the name of GWOT, an open ended Jewish war against Muslims, that pits western security against Muslim nations covertly and overtly.

There is a need to expose this fake nature of this false struggle between "radical Islam" and the "West".

"Clash of Civilization" as stated originally by the Jew British agent of influence in Washington Bernard Lewis and later sanctified by Samuel Huntington in influential American circles in the early 1990's just as the Cold War had ended.

You and I both know who created the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the 1920's, al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban...and for what purpose, and even though these falsely created organizations exist they do not themselves carry out many of the terrorist acts that happen around the world, but provide cover for state agencies in their acts, and thus the justifications.


Mostaque Ali also comments on Malaysia, a successful Moslem country (Malaysia a poster child of Muslim success? ):

And so I also speculate as to why Malaysia is successful.

A good pertinent question to pose. Whether the thesis has credibility in relation to Pakistan and other Muslim countries interests me and I imagine a lot of other people curious and concerned for the outcomes of such countries.

I would attribute Malaysia's success to many factors, and not just one, two, or three.

Malaysia is a second world country now with real per Capita income around $15,000 (2009), and is on target to becoming a first world country by "2020" which is its program name. I think it can achieve this realistically.

So why is Malaysia successful, when the vast majority of Muslim countries still slumber in the Third World?

1) I believe Malaysia's present success has a lot to do with its resource wealth. It has a lot of exportable resources, juxtaposed with a small population.

But that in itself would not alone explain the countries success. Zaire or the DRC in Africa also has huge wealth, but is very poor with little development.

2) Malaysia was fortunate to have a good leader. Mohammed Mahatir ruling the country for 22 years. He was not corrupt but loved his country ardently. He was intelligent and understood the basic essentials of economics.

He understood global politics far more than the average Third World leader. Through his astute guidance he made Malaysia successful.

3) Malaysia was a colony of the British, and to a great extent how the colonial master behaves towards your country, both overtly and covertly determines how successful a country becomes even after the British let go the reins of power into their chosen successors in that ex-colony.

Looking at Malaysian/British relations there does not seem to have been any great conflict, except for the Communist insurgency by ethnic Chinese in the Malay peninsula.

By contrast not too far away in both Pakistan and later Bangladesh the British exercised a very negative posture against both countries covertly, especially Bangladesh, both independently or with collaboration with America.

There are various historical factors for this....though certainly not justifiable....but as they say its the luck of the draw.

Malaysia is a Muslim country as are Pakistan and Bangladesh, BUT the British applied different standards. My assumption is that the British shielded Malaysia from American Jewish interference and intrigue, and Mahatirs long and successful tenure as PM was not merely the result of his "genius".

4) It is easier for the British or Americans to be benevolent towards 16 million Moslems in Malaysia than the 200 million Muslims in Indonesia, or the 140 million in Bangladesh or the 180 million in Pakistan. It is likewise easy for the British and USA to be benevolent towards the UAE or Kuwait both enjoying high living standards, but not Iran or understand.

5) Malaysia has a sizable ethnic population of Chinese----about 30%. The Chinese are a talented, intelligent, and hard working race, and a considerable determining factor for Malaysia's current success must be attributed to the ethnic Chinese community.

Though certainly being biased, as I am from South Asia originally, Bangladesh and Pakistan have many remarkable talented people by GLOBAL standards. But like any cricket team, and especially the Pakistan cricket team, you can have enormous talent in your country but if the team do not play effectively nationally than that national human talent is wasted.

And so the best of these countries people are usually always end up working in the USA and UK. ........So the sum total of South Asia exports (1.5 billion) is less than Malaysia's (27 million). This is not because of the lack of ability, there has to be other explanations, and I tend to focus on geo-strategic reasoning's.

6) The characterization of the troublesome military in Muslim countries is CORRECT, usually without exception. Most are trained by the USA, and in the case of Pakistan and Bangladesh, the British through colonial history also exercise considerable input.

Both of us know that global Islamic terrorism does not exist and is a fiction perpetuated by America and their puppets around the world who have surrendered to American hegemony, or bribes, or out right criminal activity.

In the case of Pakistan specifically, the military/ISI have been the main propagators of the al-Qaeda myth and Taliban nuisance. Without the Pakistan military/ISI "cooperation" in this area with America over 30 years, such organizations would not have existed in the first place in peoples imagination or in reality. The Pakistan military are the main source of problems for Pakistani society, and for Pakistan's neighbors INDIA AND AFGHANISTAN.

But how does a sufficiently strong civilian leader rein in the military of such countries?

800,000 men under arms in the case of Pakistan, consuming and controlling large parts of the economy...very hard. Bhutto tried, as did Nawaz Sharif, but the military with the help of the Americans always dominated again.

In the case of Turkey with its even bigger military/MIT, backed by Israel and America, 1.1 million men under arms, you have an example of maybe a Turkish version of Mohammed Mahatir, Erdogan, and he has started an assault against the military by the arrest of many officers and generals linked to extreme groups attempting a coup against the AKP government.

Large sections of the Turkish military seem to tacitly approve his actions, BECAUSE he is delivering on the all important economic front providing jobs for Turks, increasing wealth and income for everybody.

Turkey now has the largest Muslim economy, and has the potential to achieve many great things as I have stated before. BUT Erdogan's success is only linked to the economic side, so long as he can deliver on this than all is well......then Erdogan has room to maneuver within Turkey.

By contrast far too many Muslim national leaders are thick on rhetoric but thin on real economic achievement. Many are corrupt, or outright agents of America (Musharaf).......or incapable (Karzai).

7) You correctly identify the importance of the Middle Class as the power house and work horse of any successful economy and the significant measures Mahatir took to propagate this class in Malaysia.

8) Regional cooperation is an important factor for any countries development. If you do not have regional stability with your neighbors, how than can you focus on the economy and other such vital national issues?

Pakistan and India being classic examples, where there is no real regional cooperation, but you have American/UK backed civilian puppets (Zardari) and military puppets (Busharaf) creating problems for the region. Where you have communication between the two countries through the national and international media, or worse still through the Americans and British, the real back seat trouble makers.

9) Good infrastructure. Malaysia through the good leadership of Mahatir has excellent development, simple.

10) Good communal relations, tactfully managing the aspirations of the various communal groups; Again this is the legacy of the "benovolent" British colonial rule who originally imported the Chinese and Indian coolies into the Malay peninsula, and the work of Mohammed Mahatir later.

By contrast look at Indonesia and the treatement of minorities, or even Pakistan, or Turkey. Development should mean national development for everybody.


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