Friday 23 January 2009

LOST! And things.

Oh my! "Lost" is definitely back and just as confusing as ever! Did anyone else catch the season premiere? I have more questions than answers, as usual, but I think the season is off to a great start!

And "Grey's Anatomy"...Tear jerking stuff last night. Bailey, Meredith, and Denny just had me in tears. And if Eric Stoltz doesn't get an Emmy nomination for guest starring role there is some serious injustice in the Emmy world. He was downright creepy, but he sold it.

Audra & Porter over at Little Black Bears
did a cute little 8 Favorite Things survey that I lovingly ganked.

Eight Favorite Things
8 Favorite TV Shows
Grey's Anatomy
General Hospital
Big Bang Theory
How I met your Mother
Ugly Betty
Sex and the City

8 Things I Did Yesterday
Played with Molly
Fed Tyson treats
Emailed and IM'd with my favorite peoples.
Fed Tyson treats
Took a shower & washed my hair
Fed Tyson dinner.
Watched TV.

8 things I look forward to
Dinner out with the familia tonight.
Going to the movies this weekend.
Going to LA in March with Mala.
Seeing my girls!
Rose coming to visit!
Going to LA in July with my friends.
Lisa's brunch that I am working on planning right now.
Plans for 4th of July in Idaho.

8 Favorite Restaurants
PF Changs
Pei Wei
Papa Murphey's Pizza
Olive Garden
Carl's Jr
California Pizza Kitchen
(And I have to add Jerry's Deli in LA cuz I love it and I saw Colin Farrell there...and he looked so dang hot!)

I tag whoever wants to do this. :)

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