Friday 30 January 2009

Jewish control of Turkey?

Turkey's prime minister Erdogan.

Israel likes to control Turkey, but things may be changing.

In Turkey there has been a secret 'fascist' organisation called Ergenekon, which, reportedly, was originally set up by the CIA and its friends.

Ergenekon is reportedly behind most acts of terrorism in Turkey.

Reportedly, Mossad has influence within Ergenekon, and has tried to use it to topple the Turkish prime minister.

86 people, including retired generals, journalists and politicians, have been on trial. On 22 January 2009 a further 39 people (five of them serving army officers) were arrested. (Conspiracy theories )

The leaked diaries of a retired naval commander have revealed that some fellow officers (two of whom are now in jail for alleged links to Ergenekon) had plotted at least two coups against the present Turkish prime minister Mr Erdogan. (Conspiracy theories )

The military, and presumably Ergenekon, are said to be split into two factions. There are those who see the value of having links with neighbours Russia and Iran and those who oppose this. The latter faction want to keep close to Israel, the USA and Europe.

Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan has recently blasted Israel for its attacks on Gaza.

Behind the scenes, one half of the military wants to continue its close ties to Israel.

In 1948, Turkey was among the first countries to recognise Israel. (Bad new vibrations )

Under a military co-operation deal in 1996, Israeli pilots have been training in Turkish skies.

In 2007, bilateral trade rose to $2.7 billion. Between 2006 and 2007, the number of Israelis visiting Turkey went up from 362,000 to 511,400—more than 7% of Israel’s population. (Bad new vibrations )

Should Turkey be friends with Israel, Russia, Iran, the USA...?

1. What is one to make of the arrests of Ergenekon people?

This may signal that Mossad and its friends have fallen out with certain Ergenekon generals.

It may signal that the Turkish government is fed up with Mossad and the CIA using Ergenekon to carry out acts of terrorism.

There may be a split within Ergenekon.

Why has Ergenekon been outed?

2. In early January 2009, the Turkish daily Milliyet stated that a report had found that "Mossad has been behind the Ergenekon plot to topple the Turkish government."

(Report: Mossad behind Ergenekon plots)

Fars news reported that Investigators uncovered evidence that a Jewish rabbi named Tuncay Guney, who worked for Mossad and fled to Canada in 2004, was a key figure behind attempts to overthrow the Turkish government.

Sabah daily reported that Guney infiltrated Ergenekon and another organization known as JITEM, an illegal intelligence unit linked with the police and suspected of hundreds of murders and kidnappings.

Turkish daily Yeni Safak has claimed that Turkish security forces have discovered documents in Guney’s Istanbul house that disclose information concerning suspicious investment and economic activities by certain Jewish businessmen in Turkey.

The businessmen allegedly have significant relations with individuals, political groups and cultural organizations affiliated with the Ergenekon group.

Turkish security forces have detained many members of the Ergenekon group, including retired army generals, politicians, popular lawyers and famous journalists. The individuals currently face trail on charges of plotting to overthrow Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

(Report: Mossad behind Ergenekon plots)

3. On 22 January 2009, Prof. Dr. Umit Ozdag stated that the United States is the real power behind the Ergenekon Operation in Turkey. (Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)

Mr. Ozdag said "The US aims to establish a federal Turkey instead of unitary Turkish state".

Prof. Ozdag claimed that the European Union (EU) too makes efforts to shift Turkey's unitary state into an ethnic based federal Turkey state.

4. A report in Turkish Weekly, 23 January 2009, suggests that some Ergenekon people may have turned against the USA and Israel. (Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide)

According to a writer in Turkish Weekly:

"Most of the Ergenekon members are anti-Semitic.

"They claim that the MOSSAD has played a very dirty role in Turkish politics and aimed to divide the country into poles."

5. So, it would seem that Ergenekon's problems may be caused by a split within Ergenekon.

Israel may be outing anti-Israel members of Ergenekon; and anti-Israel members of Ergenekon may be outing pro-Israel members of Ergenekon.

Israel may have to find a new set of people to carry out its acts of terrorism.


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