Saturday 17 January 2009

Goals and puppy breath.

I have worked out a pretty complex list of goals for 2009...I have nicknamed the whole "project" 200Mine and have been working on putting everything in place. There are twelve main goals, as it is said it takes 30 days to create a habit. So that is one goal per month. But I do have lesser goals that I am working on. One of them is de-cluttering my life. First up is my room. I took some before pictures and will take some after pictures when I am done, which I will then post them all together. It should definitely be interesting.

I worked a little on one of my projects today, which was to make my own Valentines cards. They aren't anything fancy as I'm just starting to figure out the self card making thing, but they are pretty cute so far. Pictures will follow soon...probably on Thursday for my creativity post.

Tomorrow brother, Jeremy, is moving in. Liz and I really wish he would blog as I have never met someone who gets in as many interesting situations as him, but he doesn't really think that it is up his alley.

My parents brought home a new little furball to take up residence in the house today...

Little Miss Molly is quite the little cutie, isn't she? Nothing as sweet as little puppy kisses. And as gross as puppy breath really is, it is also one of the best smells.

For those wondering...if Tyson could speak we would probably hear more swearing out of him than imaginable followed by a little bird flipping.

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