Monday 28 February 2011


Jeffrey Epstein likes boys?

"Maximilia Cordero, who stepped forward ... with a lawsuit claiming she'd engaged in 'bizarre and unnatural sex acts' with Epstein while in her teens, was born Maximillian Cordero in 1983, records show." NY Post

"Jeffrey Epstein was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift...

"He brought over a 14-year-old from the Balkans whom he called his 'Yugoslavian sex slave.'" (Sex Trafficking - The Daily Beast )

'Mossad spy' Robert Maxwell (Ján Ludvík Hoch) and his daughter Ghislaine.

Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert Maxwell, is a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein who was jailed for involvement with 'child prostitutes'. Ghislaine Maxwell is 'just like her Daddy' - Mail Online.

Former Mossad officer Ari Ben-Menashe reported that in 1986 Robert Maxwell tipped off the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel's nuclear capability to the Sunday Times.

Jeffrey Epstein. Photo by Patrick McMullan. (Website for this image)

Jeffrey Epstein is a member of the the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

He supports the Friends of Israel Defense Forces.

He has donated money to the Palm Beach Police Department. (Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia)

Virginia Roberts, friend of Epstein and Prince Andrew.

Does Mossad run pedophile rings?

Virginia Roberts worked for Jeffrey Epstein.

She has stated that when she was aged 15 "She was 'given' to men ranging in age from their 40s to their 60s.

"They included a well-known businessman, a world-renowned scientist, a respected liberal politician and foreign head of state."

On 27th February 2011, in the Mail on Sunday, we read about

Prince Andrew and the teen girl his sex offender friend Jeffrey Epstein flew to Britain to meet him.

From this we learn:

1. Jeffrey Epstein was jailed, for 18 months, for soliciting underage prostitutes.

He escaped a 20-year sex trafficking sentence.

Around 20 February 2011, photographs appeared which showed Prince Andrew with Jeffrey Epstein.

Virginia Roberts, who was at the centre of the Epstein case, has revealed to The Mail on Sunday that, while employed by Epstein, she was flown across the world to be introduced to Prince Andrew.

2. Andrew is friends with Epstein and with Epstein’s confidante Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of (Mossad agent) Robert Maxwell.

Epstein's friends have included Woody Allen, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

3. Virginia Roberts was 15 years old when she got to know Epstein in 1998.

She alleges that her duties included being "sexually exploited by Epstein's adult male peers including royalty".

4. Virginia Roberts, who now lives in Australia, was born in Sacramento, California, in 1983.

She was sexually molested by 'a man close to her family'.

Aged 11, she was sent to live with an aunt.

Three years later, she started a new life with her father, in Palm Beach, Florida.

Her father was maintenance manager at Donald Trump’s country club, Mar-a-Lago.

5. Aged 15, she met Ghislaine Maxwell, who arranged for her to work as Epstein’s masseuse.

Her father drove her to Epstein's Palm Beach mansion.

Epstein also owns a nine-storey home in New York, a 7,500-acre ranch in New Mexico and an atoll in the US Virgin Islands.

Virginia worked for Epstein for four years.

For three of those years, she was under Florida's age of consent.

6. "Basically, I was training to be a prostitute for him and his friends who shared his interest in young girls," she says.

"The way it usually worked was I’d be sent to meet a man on the private island Jeffrey owned in the Caribbean, or at his ranch in New Mexico, which was really isolated...

"I met famous friends of his such as Al Gore and Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell."





aangirfan: Mossad, Haider, Dutroux, Fortuyn, Prince Bernhard

aangirfan: Lockerbie links to Franklin, Dutroux, Mossad, McKee

aangirfan: CHILD SEX


William Casey was Director of the CIA from 1981-87. Hours before he was due to testify before Congress about Iran-Contra, he was rushed off to hospital where he died. Casey would have known about heroin being smuggled on PanAm flights. Website for this image

The Arab media, like the Western media, is largely controlled by the CIA and its friends.

Al Hayat appears to be spreading lies about Lockerbie.

It links Lockerbie suspect Abu Nidal to Gaddafi.

Al Hayat is an Arab newspaper owned by Saudi prince Khalid bin Sultan. (Official website in English)

Al Hayat has a bureau in Jerusalem. (Al-Hayat - Wikipedia)

Khalid bin Sultan attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and the US Army's Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. He also graduated from the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama.

Abu Nidal was reportedly an agent of the USA and Israel.

(Was Lockerbie suspect working for US? - News ) (The Truth Seeker - Abu Nidal - Mossad terrorist) (Abu Nidal, notorious Palestinian mercenary, 'was a US spy')(aangirfan: Abu Nidal reportedly worked for the CIA and MOSSAD)

Allegedly, Abu Nidal had a Jewish father and was educated in Israel. (Website)

Atef Abu Bakr was second-in-command to Abu Nidal.

Atef Abu Bakr has given a 'confession' to Al Hayat.

It looks scripted by the CIA.

American victims of the Lockerbie Bombing

According to Atef Abu Bakr:

1. The lockerbie Bombing was the result of a partnership between the Abu Nidal group and Gaddafi's secret service.

2. The Lockerbie bombs were built by the Abu Nidal Organisation in the south of Mount Lebanon.

The bombs were smuggled into Libya via Brazzaville, the Congolese capital.

"Two of the group were met by members of Libyan intelligence and under the cover of the son of leader Patrice Lumumba."

The bombs were then taken from Tripoli to Malta.

Bakr said: "I want to emphasise that the shipment came from Malta."

3. The head of Libyan intelligence, Abdullah al-Senussi, was involved in the plot.

Megrahi, who worked for Senussi and may have played a minor part, promised the night before his extradition to keep silent about Gaddafi's involvement.

He recently "threatened to expose the whole process unless the Libyan authorities made efforts to secure his release, which is what has happened".


The UK's Sunday Express, owned by a Jewish pornographer, has an account of the Al Hayat story: FINAL PROOF GADDAFI ORDERED LOCKERBIE AND KILLED BOMBERS

What really happened?


aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence



The Lockerbie Case: Abu Nidal chief jumps on the bandwagon

William H Webster, CIA boss in 1988, at the time of the Lockerbie Bombing


Amr Moussa

Ashraf Marwan was Sadat's chief of staff.

In 2002, the London-based Israeli historian Ahron Bregman alleged that Marwan was Israel's "master spy" in Cairo.

Reportedly, Marwan may have been a double agent. (Urban Dictionary: Ashraf Marwan)

The book "The Angel: Ashraf Marwan, the Mossad and the Surprise of the Yom Kippur War," (2010) by Uri Bar Yosef, a political scientist at the University of Haifa, claims Marwan was not a double agent and was, in fact, only spying for Israel.

Marwan's son is married to Hania Moussa, daughter of Amr Moussa.

Amr Moussa hopes to become President of Egypt.



SAS enters Libya (Mail on Sunday).

Libya, once one of the poorest countries in the world, now has the highest Human Development Index score in Africa. (Wikipedia.)

It is well ahead of certain countries in Europe, thanks to Gaddafi.

On 26 February 2011, at the UK's Independent, Peter Popham had an article entitled "Tribalism is key to the Libya's future". (Thanks to Blackwatch for the link)

Popham makes the following points:

1. Gaddafi came to power as a force for modernisation.

2. He "turned the desert green ... and raised the literacy rate from 17% to 80%.

3. He called for an end to tribalism.

Tribalisms influence has weakened, "as more modern ties of schooling and urban neighbourhoods gained in importance."

According to former British ambassador Sir Richard Dalton: "Tribal origins have no existence in Libyan institutions or in public affairs."

Tripoli by gordontour

BUT, Gaddafi opposed the New World Order, and so his country has to be wrecked.

On 27th February 2011 we read that the UK's notorious SAS are in Libya.

"The Special Forces soldiers landed in two C130 Hercules military transport aircraft on a landing strip ... south of the eastern port of Benghazi...

"A senior source confirmed that an advance party of SAS men had been in Libya for several days...

"The SAS party had sneaked into Libya in plain clothes on commercial flights...

The UK's HMS Cumberland "is due to return to Benghazi".

Another Royal Navy ship, the destroyer HMS York, "has also been deployed on standby".

tunisia kids
Tunisians by patduncan10

On 26 February 2011, three people were killed in clashes in Tunisia's capital: (ministry)

Now that Tunisia has been wrecked, thousands are fleeing. (Chaos, militant Islam and thousands fleeing Tunisia.)

According to the Mail on Sunday:

On 20 February 2011 demonstrations continued in Tunisia.

"I see one father with his son, aged five.

"As the police fire warning bullets into the blue sky, I ask him if he is afraid for his child.

"He unzips the boy’s jacket to expose his chest.

"‘My son is ready to take a bullet to the heart for freedom,’ he says.

"The child’s face crumples..."

City Centre- Tripoli - Libya (طرابلس - ليبيا)
Booming Tripoli by TAR3K

"I meet 36-year-old Muhammed.

"He also dreams of getting rich, but not in Tunisia.

"He is unemployed and does not care about the revolution...

"'A few days ago, I heard from a friend of a boat going from Zarzis to Italy.

"I paid $1,800...

"What about the revolution? I ask him.

"'I don’t care about revolution. My dream is Italy,' he says"

The Italian government says 300,000 may try to reach Europe...

Tunisia ... was renowned for being the most liberal of Muslim countries.

"There are troubling signs ... A Polish priest had his throat slit in a suburb of Tunis...

"The Vatican news agency said he was beheaded."


The Pentagon plan may be to make North Africa just like Afghanistan.

"The gangsters, both foreign and Afghan, are the ones now in control of Afghanistan," says General Ali Shah Paktiawol, the former head of Kabul’s Criminal Investigation Department. (How to make a killing in Kabul.)


World cheers as the CIA plunges Libya into chaos, part 2.

World cheers as the CIA plunges Libya into chaos


Oscar Fashion

Best Dressed, in my opinion:

Sandra Bullock looked fabulous in red.

I loved Scarlett Johansson's hair! And the dress...the color was perfect for her.

Mila Kunis was best dressed to me. I have a soft spot for the cast of "That 70's Show" and Mila has been on a tear this awards season.

"Winter's Bone" was such a bleak and depressing movie, but Jennifer Lawrence looked beautiful and as the first on the red carpet set the bar high.

Seriously, does Halle Berry ever look bad?


Russell Brand looked like he had been on a bender for days!

Marisa Tomei had too much botox! and the dress was oddly ugly.

Florence Welch..oy!

Cate Blanchett, normally so exquisite. She looked like The Mad Hatter puked up her dress.

The Couples:

Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. I <3 him!

Robert Downey Jr. and Susan. They are such a fabulous couple!

Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves.

Javier Bardem & Penelope Cruz. can you believe she just had a baby?

The Hotties:

Mark "Don't call me Marky Mark" Wahlberg and Christian Bale. Mark is just so good looking. (Of course, I always prefer his Calvin Klein pictures...)

Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. Is it December yet??? I want to draw hearts around these two and their mad chemistry as Holmes & Watson!

Jeremy Renner. I thought he was so amazing in "The Town" and can't wait for "The Avengers" to come out.

Gerard Butler (w/ Jason Bateman). He is just hot!


Kunduz, Afghanistan, by Steve McCurry 2006
Afghanistan, by Steve McCurry 2006

Tunisia has now become a Fascist state?

On 26 February 2011, author John R Bradley reports on the Arabian nightmare (The Spectator)

Among the points made:

Tunisia used to be tolerant.

1. Kairouan in Tunisia, Islam's fourth holiest city, has long had legal and regulated brothels.

In the Moslem Ottoman-Turkish empire, prostitution was legal and regulated.

2. In Tunisia, tourists have always been able to drink alcohol.

3. In Tunisia, Christians used to be pretty safe.

modern-day don quijote
Tunisia by elmina

Since the Jasmine Revolution of January 2011 everything has changed.

1. The Jasmine Revolution has led to attacks on the brothels in Tunisia's cities.

"Hundreds of Islamists raided Abdallah Guech Street armed with Molotov cocktails and knives, torching the brothels, yelling insults at the prostitutes and declaring that Tunisia was now an Islamist state."

Tunisia's brothels are to be permanently closed.

2. Throughout Tunisia there have been demonstrations against the sale of alcohol.

3. Suspected Islamists have slit the throat of a Catholic priest.

What about Egypt?

1. Egypt is now run by a military junta.

2. The Muslim Brotherhood is "the only political group of any note".

Tunisia by Rene Collin

What was Tunisia really like under Ben Ali?

"Tunisia was the most secular and progressive country the Islamic world has ever known.

"The regime was the least brutal in the region, its people the wealthiest and best educated.

"The poverty level was just 4  per cent when the revolution broke out, which is among the lowest in the world.

"Eighty per cent of the population belonged to the middle class.

"And the education system - allocated more funding than the army - ranked 17th globally in terms of quality.

scene de vie -4275
Tunisia by ZX-6R Christophe Faugere

How Islamic is Egypt?

1. Egypt had a history of tolerant and liberal Islam.

But, a recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Egyptians support stoning as a punishment for adultery, hand amputation for theft, and death for those who convert from Islam to another religion.

2. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is the spiritual guide to the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood.

He has a weekly television show on Al Jazeera.

Recently he delivered a political sermon to a five million-strong crowd in Tahrir Square.

3. Alexandria was once famous for 'its secular, carefree atmosphere'.

Now, all Muslim women in the city are veiled.

Violence between local Christians and Muslims is commonplace.

Most bars have stopped serving alcohol.

What about Morocco?

The fundamentalist Party for Justice and Development (PJD) increases its number of seats at each election.

John R. Bradley is the author of Inside Egypt: The Land Of The Pharaohs On The Brink Of A Revolution (2008) and Behind The Veil of Vice: The Business And Culture of Sex In The Middle East (2010).

Entre neumáticos
Memphis, Egypt by bsargentina

On 24 February 2011, at the Christian Science Monitor, we read that ordinary Egyptians wish their revolution had never happened

According to the Christian Science Monitor:

1. In recent weeks, Umm Karim, a mother of four, has only been able to afford one meal per day.

"Her teenage sons both lost their jobs when the factory they worked in burned down in Egypt's revolution."

2. "Some Egyptians are beginning to wish that their own revolution had never happened."

3. "Shaban doesn't know how he is going to find money to feed his children dinner.

"Since the revolution started, he has not had a job."

Shaban wasn't involved in Egypt's protests.

4. In Shaban's town of al-Maraziq, building projects are halted and business ventures have been disrupted.

A mechanic in al-Maraziq says that business has declined.

He now pays more for paints and spare parts.

His 11-year-old nephew now misses going to school.

5. Umm Karim says: "I wish the revolution never happened."

Five tourist hotels have been attacked in Cairo.

According to the manager, 'about 1,000 young guys' attacked Cairo's Europa Hotel on 15 February 2011.

WND reported that the Egyptian Islamist terrorist organization Jamaat al Islamiya (Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya) , 'founded by the Muslim Brotherhood', and 'armed by Hamas', is re-establishing itself.

In 1996, Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya reportedly carried out a shooting rampage at the Europa Hotel in Cairo, killing 18 Greek tourists.

In 1997, it reportedly carried out the Luxor massacre, killing 58 foreign tourists. (Muslim group.)

On 19 February 2011, the Financial Times reported that these February 2011 hotel attacks raise Islamist fears

"Over the past three weeks", a series of attacks have "targeted the Gandool, the Ramses, the Europa, the Arizona and the Andalous."

The manager of the Europa Hotel suggested that his hotel was smashed up by Islamists.

A policeman standing near the Gandool said the attackers were 'the ones with the beards'.

Two people died in the firebombing of the Ramses.

funny boy
By kexi

Some people suspect that the CIA and Mossad are involved with the 'Islamists'

The Head of Egyptian Islamic Jihad Ayman al Zawahiri, fought for the CIA in Bosnia. (aangirfan: Zawahiri)

His brother Zaiman al-Zawahiri fought for the CIA in Kosovo.

Ayman al Zawahiri was involved in the Luxor massacre.

According to January 2000 U.S. Congressional testimony, Ayman al-Zawahiri was granted U.S. residence by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

One of the centers of operation for al-Zawahiri was London.

President Mubarak, after the Luxor massacre, stated: "There are people who carried out crimes and who were sentenced [in Egypt] and live on British soil." (aangirfan: Zawahiri)


Jamaat al-Islamiyya - Council on Foreign Relations


Paul Wolfowitz, US ambassador to Indonesia 1986-89.

Some of the media have been predicting that Egypt will be like Indonesia.

Both have links to terrorism.

Where did the idea of al Qaeda come from?

Back in the 1950s, the CIA and its friends began using Moslem militias to do their dirty work in Indonesia.

In 2003, Australian academic Dr Damien Kingsbury wrote about the Indonesian special forces regiment called Kopassus, which has friendly links to Mossad and the Pentagon.

"Kopassus... set up the Islamic organisation Komando Jihad that hijacked the plane in 1981 and which has since emerged as Jemaah Islamiah." (We must not get back in bed with Kopassus -

Former Indonesian President Wahid was saying in 2005: "There is not a single Islamic group ... that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence."

'Demcocracy' in Indonesia is a bit of a fiddle.

On 16 February 2011, the New York Times suggests that Indonesia's political landscape offers a path for Egypt

What happened in Indonesia after the CIA's 1998 coup against Suharto?

"At the end of 1999, the UNICEF Jakarta office stated that ... Indonesia will sustain a lost generation; a weak and feeble-minded generation resulting from malnutrition, lack of education, and unhealthiness." (Indonesia's foreign debt: imprisoning the people of ... )

How long before we get more clashes of civilisation in Indonesia?

The New York Times (a path for Egypt) reports on the 2010 national congress of Indonesia's Prosperous Justice Party, which is linked to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.

The congress was held at the Ritz Carlton's ballroom in Jakarta.

Among the keynote speakers was Cameron Hume, then the U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, who praised the party, known as the PKS.

According to the New York Times: "Following the 1998 overthrow of the dictator Suharto, Indonesia looked a lot like Egypt now."

Indonesia's Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) wants the Koran to form the basis of law.

The PKS in 2009 got less than 8% of the vote but got four seats in the cabinet of President Yudhoyono, a US trained general.

The PKS was a key force behind Indonesia's 2008 anti-pornography law.

C. Holland Taylor, the Jakarta-based chairman of LibForAll Foundation, which promotes moderate Islam worldwide, says the PKS has been a key factor in the rise of a more austere, intolerant form of Islam in Indonesia.

After two separate attacks in February 2011 by Muslim mobs, in which people were killed and churches torched, a number of PKS leaders said the attackers had been 'provoked' by acts of blasphemy.

aangirfan: Aceh's Mad Islamists; the CIA.
aangirfan: The Muslim Brotherhood and the CIA in Indonesia; the ...

Oscar Thoughts

Did you all watch the Academy Awards last night?

I have to tell ya, I watched both red carpet and awards show while on Twitter and it was really a fun night last night. The best part of Twitter is how fast it moves and the conversation flowed. Let’s face it, most awards shows are pretty boring and if you aren’t able to watch them with friends where you can have that conversation, then I was happy to have my tweeting pals around.

I saw nine of the ten nominated films. Time ran out and I didn’t get to see “True Grit”. (I saw “Inception” but didn’t really pay attention as I was suffering a horrendous headache so I do want to see that one again where I can really focus on it.)

My red carpet thoughts will be in the next post. There were some gorgeous dresses last night. There were some WTH dresses last night. And there were hot boys!!

James Franco & Anne Hathaway as hosts? Thoughts? I thought they were okay. I’ve seen worse, definitely seen better (Billy Crystal, come back!). Franco did appear bored (stoned) through the majority of the program, but I laughed so hard at seeing him dressed as Marilyn Monroe.

I called the big awards – Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, and Animated Film. (Come on, you knew that Toy Story 3 was going to win that one!) I was really excited for Christian Bale (and got a laugh when he forgot his wife’s name when he got so overwhelmed) and for Natalie Portman (she is such a cute pregnant lady).

Overall not too bad of a show. It had some dull points, of course, as do most Academy Awards telecasts and they left Corey Haim out in the “In Memory Of”, but not a bad show.

Black leather jacket + black dress

[source, StockholmStreetstyle]

Spell and The Gypsy

[source, Spell&TheGypsy]