Friday 11 March 2011

God Bless those in Japan!

Insomnia sucks. I struggled to sleep last night so finally around 2AM I got up and turned the TV on. And for the next hour just sat there staring at the devastation taking place in Japan as the earthquake and tsunami wreaked havoc on that country. I finally had to force myself to turn the TV off and try to stop my mind from playing the scenery over and over. I said a prayer for God to watch over Japan, Hawaii, and our states as I drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Life is uncertain, folks. You never know when it will be over. Don’t wait for a disaster to alter your life to make you live to the fullest and love to the maximum. We can’t live in fear of pending doom and gloom, you have to live with purpose and light. It is something we need to think of every single day, not just when we see a tragedy happen and we think “Thank God, that wasn’t me”. Because we never know when it will be and the regrets should be minimal.

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