Sunday 13 March 2011

Goodnight Tweetheart: A review

Abigail Donovan hit it big with her first book. She had Oprah's stamp of approval and a near Pulitzer Prize. So what happened to her follow up? She seems to be stuck on chapter five with no inspiration coming to her. Her publicist signs her up for Twitter in an attempt to get her connecting with her fans and Abby is intrigued -- what is the big deal with this Twitter?

After her first initial log in, one of her followers, MarkBaynard, takes her under his wing and shows her the ropes of Twitter. Their flirtatious relationship quickly heats up as Mark shares his travels with her, as he is a college professor on a sabbatical around the world, and Abby shares her struggles to write the next great American novel with Mark. What happens when the real world interferes and the truth isn't what it seems?

That is exactly the question that Teresa Medeiros brings up with her latest novel, "Goodnight Tweetheart". Almost wrote entirely in direct messages/tweets, I was intrigued immediately when I saw the book on the shelf at Target and I am so glad that I picked it up to read. Abby is a likable character, her struggles with her career and her family are wrote with a very heartfelt and relatable manner. The hesitance to begin and continue the internet relationship is played out perfectly, as is her best friend's reaction to the relationship. Mark comes off as a little too good to be true at times and I found myself hoping that he wasn't going to end up being a loser that would break Abby's heart. As the eventual truth behind Mark's life came into play I found myself unable to put the book down, rooting for these two to find each other in real life and make their relationship become real. The book flowed smoothly, the pop culture references between the two as they signed off each night made me smile, and I finished the book in an afternoon. This is definitely one of those books that I recommend. You can order "Goodnight Tweetheart" through Amazon or find it your local book store (Borders, Barnes & Noble, even Target.)

(This review is part of the 2011 Chick Lit Challenge from Chick Lit Plus. It is not too late to sign up if you haven't already.)

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