Saturday 31 January 2009

Are the western democracies run by a bunch of crooks and spooks?

Truscott suddenly became very rich. He was made a Lord by Tony Blair.

Are the western democracies run by a bunch of crooks and spooks?

In the UK, it is being alleged that members of the UK parliament can be bought.

It is being alleged that they earn vast sums of money by influencing laws in return for cash.

Lord MacKenzie of Framwellgate, who was linked with a prostitute in 2003, was paid £616,000 by Inter TV, owned by exiled tycoon Vladmir Gusinsky, who is a wanted man in Russia. (Peer's £600k secret payout )

Lord Truscott is one of four Labour peers being investigated by police after he was recorded by undercover reporters claiming that for £2,000 a day he could influence legislation by 'identifying people ... meeting people, talking with people'.

On 1 February 2009, The Mail on Sunday reveals the secret Soviet past of sleaze peer Lord Truscott

Lord Truscott has secret links to Soviet Russia, a Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed.

Truscott married Svetlana, an active member of the Communist Party.

Svetlana's father, Nikolai, on the left.

Svetlana's father was a senior Red Army officer with connections to the Soviet special forces.

Truscott has a £1million home in Mayfair, a country home in Bath and property in Russia.

Truscott was a member the Labour party's defence team in parliament before becoming a government minister.

Prior to 1991, Truscott was an obscure borough councillor (local politician) in Colchester, Essex, in the UK.

Truscott met Tory MP Rupert Allason, better known as spy writer Nigel West.

In 1991, Truscott met his wife Svetlana in Russia, just before the Soviet Union collapsed.

Who was Truscott working for? The security services?

Truscott became "a well-known figure in defence and intelligence circles in Russia, Brussels and Britain."

An official who worked with him in the Labour Party said: 'He was a slippery character. He was like a bar of soap. He would be Left-wing talking to one person and Right-wing talking to another.

'He was a very average councillor. Nobody was more shocked than I to discover he had become a Lord.'

A former friend of Truscott says Truscott had "an interest in Russian women."

'I remember seeing him with a brochure containing mail order Russian brides,' said the friend.

Svetlana's father, Nikolai Chernikov, linked to Russia's special forces, died in mysterious circumstances in 1994, three days after he dined with Lord Truscott and his wife in Brussels.

Truscott has been an Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies, whose members include many past and present MI5 and MI6 agents.

Truscott has business interests relating to Russia.

Truscott criticised Georgia for attacking its neighbour.

Truscott is reported to be sympathetic to Vladimir Putin, who is disliked by certain Jewish oligarchs.

Has Truscott been outed by these Jewish oligarchs?

The Sunday Times, which has led the way in attacking Truscott, is part of the Rupert Murdoch empire and Rupert Murdoch is said to be very close to Israel.

This whole affair may be part of a struggle between different factions of the elite.


Become an expert on international Jewish Capital

Kuala Lumpur from

Mostaque Ali ( has written about The Root cause of failure in certain Muslim Countries. :

The problem of Muslim countries existing in the bottom of the Third World, with low levels of growth with often harsh autocratic governments can be attributed to many factors.

It is not merely the result of "Western oppression", though that may be a significant factor.

One must also look at the weaknesses of Third World regimes in themselves and the wider society from which their governments are chosen to explain why so many Muslim nations fail.

It is this weakness that predatory Western powers such as the USA, and UK feed on, as it is in their nature.

But here again we must look at the work of specific groups in Western society who shape policy for countries such as the USA, namely Jewish groups.

So to summarize it is not a Muslim vs Christian thing, but rather 1) Weaknesses in Muslim societies. 2) Predatory usually Capitalist, usually Jewish groups exploit the local situation for their geo-strategic and financial schemes.


Become an expert on international Jewish Capital; become an expert in their way of thinking and how they operate, and then beat them if you can at their own game. They are human after all.

They also suffer significant criminal tendencies involving money, financial transactions, sex, narcotics, gambling......and the worst source of all the lust for power and total control because their local rabbi taught them at aged 10 it is in their destiny.

Such things one can term Jew weaknesses which subject to proper investigation by righteous groups can reveal their true nature, and the numerous gentiles with whom they work.

Their strengths are:

1. The Western media which creates popular consciousness, and allows the Jew perception management, what is important etc.....

2. Financial strength, running the major banks of the world, especially in the West..........

3. Finally security domination, again especially in the West, and the control of major intelligence and other security organizations which gives them a lot of unofficial power.

These factors are the reasons why Jews like creating "security situations" like war, or low level insurgency because Jews feel they can control such situations, through the media, through banks, and through security.

The need to "secure" and "expand"

Israel's boundaries is one major factor for the hostile stance of Western governments such as the USA and UK, TWO COUNTRIES DOMINATED BY JEWS, towards Muslim nations and the subsequent covert problems such nations suffer.

It is in this Jewish led narrative of Israel's interests are the same as that of the Christian West (Our struggle against Muslims is your struggle) that much of the problems of Muslim nations can be identified at its source.

Or to put it in a faux Ahmedinejad way, so long as Israel exists, in its present condition, Muslim nations will face "difficult" times ahead for many decades to come, as the Jewish dominated West continues to justify false actions against fake actors in the vicinity of Muslim countries in the name of GWOT, an open ended Jewish war against Muslims, that pits western security against Muslim nations covertly and overtly.

There is a need to expose this fake nature of this false struggle between "radical Islam" and the "West".

"Clash of Civilization" as stated originally by the Jew British agent of influence in Washington Bernard Lewis and later sanctified by Samuel Huntington in influential American circles in the early 1990's just as the Cold War had ended.

You and I both know who created the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the 1920's, al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban...and for what purpose, and even though these falsely created organizations exist they do not themselves carry out many of the terrorist acts that happen around the world, but provide cover for state agencies in their acts, and thus the justifications.


Mostaque Ali also comments on Malaysia, a successful Moslem country (Malaysia a poster child of Muslim success? ):

And so I also speculate as to why Malaysia is successful.

A good pertinent question to pose. Whether the thesis has credibility in relation to Pakistan and other Muslim countries interests me and I imagine a lot of other people curious and concerned for the outcomes of such countries.

I would attribute Malaysia's success to many factors, and not just one, two, or three.

Malaysia is a second world country now with real per Capita income around $15,000 (2009), and is on target to becoming a first world country by "2020" which is its program name. I think it can achieve this realistically.

So why is Malaysia successful, when the vast majority of Muslim countries still slumber in the Third World?

1) I believe Malaysia's present success has a lot to do with its resource wealth. It has a lot of exportable resources, juxtaposed with a small population.

But that in itself would not alone explain the countries success. Zaire or the DRC in Africa also has huge wealth, but is very poor with little development.

2) Malaysia was fortunate to have a good leader. Mohammed Mahatir ruling the country for 22 years. He was not corrupt but loved his country ardently. He was intelligent and understood the basic essentials of economics.

He understood global politics far more than the average Third World leader. Through his astute guidance he made Malaysia successful.

3) Malaysia was a colony of the British, and to a great extent how the colonial master behaves towards your country, both overtly and covertly determines how successful a country becomes even after the British let go the reins of power into their chosen successors in that ex-colony.

Looking at Malaysian/British relations there does not seem to have been any great conflict, except for the Communist insurgency by ethnic Chinese in the Malay peninsula.

By contrast not too far away in both Pakistan and later Bangladesh the British exercised a very negative posture against both countries covertly, especially Bangladesh, both independently or with collaboration with America.

There are various historical factors for this....though certainly not justifiable....but as they say its the luck of the draw.

Malaysia is a Muslim country as are Pakistan and Bangladesh, BUT the British applied different standards. My assumption is that the British shielded Malaysia from American Jewish interference and intrigue, and Mahatirs long and successful tenure as PM was not merely the result of his "genius".

4) It is easier for the British or Americans to be benevolent towards 16 million Moslems in Malaysia than the 200 million Muslims in Indonesia, or the 140 million in Bangladesh or the 180 million in Pakistan. It is likewise easy for the British and USA to be benevolent towards the UAE or Kuwait both enjoying high living standards, but not Iran or understand.

5) Malaysia has a sizable ethnic population of Chinese----about 30%. The Chinese are a talented, intelligent, and hard working race, and a considerable determining factor for Malaysia's current success must be attributed to the ethnic Chinese community.

Though certainly being biased, as I am from South Asia originally, Bangladesh and Pakistan have many remarkable talented people by GLOBAL standards. But like any cricket team, and especially the Pakistan cricket team, you can have enormous talent in your country but if the team do not play effectively nationally than that national human talent is wasted.

And so the best of these countries people are usually always end up working in the USA and UK. ........So the sum total of South Asia exports (1.5 billion) is less than Malaysia's (27 million). This is not because of the lack of ability, there has to be other explanations, and I tend to focus on geo-strategic reasoning's.

6) The characterization of the troublesome military in Muslim countries is CORRECT, usually without exception. Most are trained by the USA, and in the case of Pakistan and Bangladesh, the British through colonial history also exercise considerable input.

Both of us know that global Islamic terrorism does not exist and is a fiction perpetuated by America and their puppets around the world who have surrendered to American hegemony, or bribes, or out right criminal activity.

In the case of Pakistan specifically, the military/ISI have been the main propagators of the al-Qaeda myth and Taliban nuisance. Without the Pakistan military/ISI "cooperation" in this area with America over 30 years, such organizations would not have existed in the first place in peoples imagination or in reality. The Pakistan military are the main source of problems for Pakistani society, and for Pakistan's neighbors INDIA AND AFGHANISTAN.

But how does a sufficiently strong civilian leader rein in the military of such countries?

800,000 men under arms in the case of Pakistan, consuming and controlling large parts of the economy...very hard. Bhutto tried, as did Nawaz Sharif, but the military with the help of the Americans always dominated again.

In the case of Turkey with its even bigger military/MIT, backed by Israel and America, 1.1 million men under arms, you have an example of maybe a Turkish version of Mohammed Mahatir, Erdogan, and he has started an assault against the military by the arrest of many officers and generals linked to extreme groups attempting a coup against the AKP government.

Large sections of the Turkish military seem to tacitly approve his actions, BECAUSE he is delivering on the all important economic front providing jobs for Turks, increasing wealth and income for everybody.

Turkey now has the largest Muslim economy, and has the potential to achieve many great things as I have stated before. BUT Erdogan's success is only linked to the economic side, so long as he can deliver on this than all is well......then Erdogan has room to maneuver within Turkey.

By contrast far too many Muslim national leaders are thick on rhetoric but thin on real economic achievement. Many are corrupt, or outright agents of America (Musharaf).......or incapable (Karzai).

7) You correctly identify the importance of the Middle Class as the power house and work horse of any successful economy and the significant measures Mahatir took to propagate this class in Malaysia.

8) Regional cooperation is an important factor for any countries development. If you do not have regional stability with your neighbors, how than can you focus on the economy and other such vital national issues?

Pakistan and India being classic examples, where there is no real regional cooperation, but you have American/UK backed civilian puppets (Zardari) and military puppets (Busharaf) creating problems for the region. Where you have communication between the two countries through the national and international media, or worse still through the Americans and British, the real back seat trouble makers.

9) Good infrastructure. Malaysia through the good leadership of Mahatir has excellent development, simple.

10) Good communal relations, tactfully managing the aspirations of the various communal groups; Again this is the legacy of the "benovolent" British colonial rule who originally imported the Chinese and Indian coolies into the Malay peninsula, and the work of Mohammed Mahatir later.

By contrast look at Indonesia and the treatement of minorities, or even Pakistan, or Turkey. Development should mean national development for everybody.


Aangirfan - January 2009

January Posts

Jewish control of Turkey?
"Anyone who considers the elimination of children ...
Hot North African Sex
The State Is The Only Terrorist
9 11 taints the legitimacy of the American governm...
Who would we be?
Palestine, Pilger, Kosher Conspiracy
Obama On Arab TV
Admiral Dennis Blair 'lied' about church killings....
Mark Thompson loves the bad guys.
Obama will use foreigners to carry out torture.
Jewish billionaires and Jewish bankers; Blavatnik,...
How do you prove that a conspiracy theory is true ...
Israel begins to suffer
Sack Mark Thompson and Impeach Obama
“Rogue” Trader Highlights Possible 9/11 and 7/7 In...
Obama starts killing children - reports
What YOU can do to stop the USA burning babies.
Torture to Continue; Mossad in Turkey; Holbrooke a...
Obama's orders leave torture, indefinite detention...
Mossad falls out with certain generals in Turkey?
Holbrooke is one of the bad guys.
How Jews take over countries and steal wealth.
The Biggest Moslem Country in the World; the Milit...
Jew Control
The Jewish Plot
Jewish Manipulation of the Economic Crisis?
Hay, Hay, Oi Vey!
Obama's New World Order plans revealed
The Next Gaza
Thai monarchy, child prostitution, drugs mafias.
The Zionist Plan and US Military Intelligence.
Bailhache, Harper, Wathelet and child abuse worldw...
Linked to the Rothschilds
The Palestinians are most likely the original Jews...
Jewish Terrorists attack on Gaza August 2007
My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Is...
Jews and their links to amputations and al Qaeda
UK Jewish Member of Parliament likens Israel to Na...
Top Secret
Secret talks on al Megrahi, the alleged Lockerbie ...
ISRAEL STARTED IT; What YOU can do about it.
Canada becomes a colony.
Pro-Israel Rally
The psycopathic gangsters who run society.
Gaza - Obama speaks out about white phosphorus wea...
The Nasty Party is controlled by Israel?
The USA's alliance with Iran
The CIA's control of countries around the world
Israel: 'The Bernie Madoff of Countries'
Regev, the most evil fucker alive?
India's Dodgy Dossier on Mumbai
Most Military Leaders are Sadistic Gays?
How Globalisation destroys America.
Если бы парни всей земли ; Это моя семья
Obama - government and military connections?
Hamid Gul and Mumbai
Israeli Ambassador Kicked Out
9 11 link to Lockerbie
Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the CIA and Eisenho...
Military planning takeover in Greece?
Remember that Britain's SAS trained the Khmer Roug...
Israel Near Collapse
The Czech Republic and a shitty little state
Opus Dei, Tony Blair, Fascists and Zionists.
Gaza carnage censored by YouTube
FBI : Ajmal Kasab has no links to Pakistan
Some sort of freemasonry
Time to drive out the Money Lenders
Who is behind the drop in oil prices?
Aangirfan December 2008

He's just not that into you!

Molly really wants Tyson to be her friend.
Tyson really wants Molly to buzz off.

How can you not want to play with such a sweet little face?

Tyson still is not amused or convinced.

Menswear F/W 09.10

Damir Doma F/W 09.10.

I love the menswear season. Capsuled with draped silhouettes, textured leather, detailing expertise-- and what's not to love when it comes down to the men? Martin Margiela F/W 09.10 didn't work for me; except for a couple of crocodile-lined blazers. I loved, however, the bottoms at Givenchy Homme (bless Riccardo) in lace-ups and multiple textures and the hooded (and cowled, perhaps?) wear at Juun J. Number (N)ine's menswear for fall reminds me of Arielle de Pinto's hand-crocheted masks.. and then at YSL, Stefano seemed a little disjointed to me? I don't know, but it was boyish to mannish and it was sort of swirling from one era to another, but that's just me. Other honorable mentions: Kris van Assche and Julius (because the ripped wool sweater was made of magic.) But, my heart had a winner:

Rick Owens F/W 09.10.
[source, tFS]

Days gon' by

Paul & Joe gray cardigan, Keds shoes, vintage Ray-ban Clubmaster, Wrangler bleached shorts, All Saints bag, La Perla lace bra

[source, Polyvore]


Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003.

Malaysia is a successful Moslem country.

The Palestinians should copy Malaysia.

And so should the Americans.

The CIA has managed to wreck most of the Moslem countries that have tried to become prosperous and independent.

The CIA and its friends have, reportedly, promoted the extremists in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Indonesia and so on; but in Malaysia, so far, the CIA has failed.

Allan Nairn, (Rising in Malaysia. )in November 2007, pointed out:

Malaysia, after independence, did not copy other Moslem countries such as Indonesia.

The USA put the military into power in Indonesia in 1965.

What did Malaysia do?

1. It put some controls on foreign investors, thus defying the IMF.

2. It developed a big middle class with domestic industry, public works and housing.

3. Malaysia pulled away economically from Indonesia and Bangladesh...

4. "Malaysia did something that London and Washington normally frown on:

"They utterly castrated the army as a political institution."

Malaysia is not entirely Moslem, but Islam is the official religion. According to the Population and Housing Census 2000 figures, approximately 60.4 percent of the population practiced Islam; 19.2 percent Buddhism; 9.1 percent Christianity; 6.3 percent Hinduism; and 2.6 percent traditional Chinese religions.

At the Crossroads - Malaysia

One reason for Malaysia's success is its former prime minister Dr Mahathir.

Mahathir knows who rules the world.

"Faced with furious criticism from around the world over Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's assertion that Jews rule the world, Malaysia apologised today for any misunderstanding and claimed that no offence was intended.

"Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar struggled to contain the damage wrought by his blunt-spoken boss, who told a summit of Islamic leaders yesterday that 'Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.'

"Repeated assertions of Jewish dominance dotted the speech to buttress Mahathir's analysis that Muslims needed to embrace modern knowledge and technology and overcome divisions over religious dogma that have left them weakened on the world stage." - Malaysia apologises for Mahathir's 'Jews rule world' remark - www ...

Photo from:

Malaysia is a successful Moslem democracy.

It is not without its faults but it is a happier country than most.

The ruling coalition won 199 out of 219 parliamentary seats in the 2004 elections.

The USA and its friends may be trying to wreck Malaysia? And they may be using opposition leader Mr Anwar, who pretends to be a keen Moslem.

Anwar and his friend, former U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen.

On 16 July 2008, Malaysian police arrested Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Allegations of sodomy have been levelled against Anwar by a male aide.

"Anwar was in a vehicle approaching his home when the road was blocked by 10 police cars and a contingent of 20 balaclava-clad special forces, who took him to police headquarters." (Malaysian opposition leader Anwar arrested)

"Road blocks were set up and water cannons and helicopters were mobilised around the police station in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where Mr Anwar was taken after being arrested." (Malaysia braced for riots after sodomy arrest of Anwar Ibrahim)

Acording to an article at, Anwar may be an agent of the CIA.

In September 2000, Malaysian politician Lim Kit Siang called on Prime Minister Mahathir to declare the outcome of three years of police investigations as to whether Anwar is a CIA agent and to state whether the United States is the country he meant in a Merdeka Day message as the country out to 'recolonize' Malaysia

Anwar was alleged to have received RM60 million from a Mr Nallakaruppan.

Former Bank Negara assistant governor Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid accused Anwar of having amassed a fortune of RM3 billion while in government through over 20 "Master Accounts".

Reference was made to the American-based organisation called Asia Pacific Policy Centre (APPC) headed by Douglas H. Paal, who was former Senior Director from Asian Affairs (1989 to 1993) of the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States.

MPs used parliamentary immunity to claim in Parliament that Anwar was a CIA agent on the basis that the APPC was a CIA outfit and Douglas Paal a CIA agent.

Oddly, Anwar had allegedly given money to APPC and Douglas Paal.

"The CIA... have complete records of Anwar's visits to gay bars in Washington D.C. and New York whenever he visited the USA." (cia)

Reportedly, Anwar is chairman of the board of the CIA-funded "Foundation for the Future". (BarkingMagpie: Biggest kennel of foreign pet poodles, and Anwar ...)

The USA may be trying to use 'People Power' against Malaysia.

According to The Economist, (Not mellow yellow ):

In mid November 2007, "tens of thousands of Malaysians wore canary-yellow shirts to defy a government ban and march in Kuala Lumpur, calling for fairer elections. Riot police blocked routes into the city and fired water cannon to break up the rally...

"Mr Anwar is out of jail and again leading opposition to the entrenched elite he was once part of."
Malaysia is of strategic importance.

The Straits of Malacca are one of the most important shipping lanes in the world and are used for transporting oil. (

Admiral Thomas Fargo, head of U.S forces in the Asia-Pacific in his testimony to U.S House Armed Services Committee had suggested that U.S troops might assist in patrolling the straits to deter terrorists who might target shipping in the Malacca Straits. This suggestion has been resented both by Malaysia and Indonesia.



Remember the fall of Marcos in the Philippines and the fall of Suharto in Indonesia?Remember the fall of pro-Soviet regimes in Eastern Europe? Remember the recent changes in Haiti and Georgia?

There is a CIA connection.

Mark Almond, lecturer in modern history at Oriel College, Oxford, wrote in the Guardian, December 7, 2004:,3604,1367965,00.html

"As an old cold war swagman, who carried tens of thousands of dollars to Soviet-bloc dissidents alongside much better respected academics, perhaps I can cast some light on what a Romanian friend called 'our clandestine period'. Too many higher up the food chain of People Power seem reticent about making full disclosure.

"Nowadays, we can google the names of foundations such as America's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and a myriad surrogates funding Ukraine's Pora movement or 'independent' media. But unless you know the NED's James Woolsey was also head of the CIA 10 years ago, are you any wiser?"

People Power is usually about changing regimes to suit the American Military Industrial Complex.

As Almond states, "People Power is, it turns out, more about closing things than creating an open society. It shuts factories but, worse still, minds. Its advocates demand a free market in everything - except opinion."


Kuala Lumpur

Melaka, Malaysia

YouTube - Marvelous magical Malaysia

Happy holidays in Malaysia

Kids dance


Friday 30 January 2009

Smoke gets in your eyes

Daria Werbowy.
[source, tFS]

Cold, cold hands

[source, StockholmStreetstyle/NastyGal/tFS/Facehunter]

Jewish control of Turkey?

Turkey's prime minister Erdogan.

Israel likes to control Turkey, but things may be changing.

In Turkey there has been a secret 'fascist' organisation called Ergenekon, which, reportedly, was originally set up by the CIA and its friends.

Ergenekon is reportedly behind most acts of terrorism in Turkey.

Reportedly, Mossad has influence within Ergenekon, and has tried to use it to topple the Turkish prime minister.

86 people, including retired generals, journalists and politicians, have been on trial. On 22 January 2009 a further 39 people (five of them serving army officers) were arrested. (Conspiracy theories )

The leaked diaries of a retired naval commander have revealed that some fellow officers (two of whom are now in jail for alleged links to Ergenekon) had plotted at least two coups against the present Turkish prime minister Mr Erdogan. (Conspiracy theories )

The military, and presumably Ergenekon, are said to be split into two factions. There are those who see the value of having links with neighbours Russia and Iran and those who oppose this. The latter faction want to keep close to Israel, the USA and Europe.

Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan has recently blasted Israel for its attacks on Gaza.

Behind the scenes, one half of the military wants to continue its close ties to Israel.

In 1948, Turkey was among the first countries to recognise Israel. (Bad new vibrations )

Under a military co-operation deal in 1996, Israeli pilots have been training in Turkish skies.

In 2007, bilateral trade rose to $2.7 billion. Between 2006 and 2007, the number of Israelis visiting Turkey went up from 362,000 to 511,400—more than 7% of Israel’s population. (Bad new vibrations )

Should Turkey be friends with Israel, Russia, Iran, the USA...?

1. What is one to make of the arrests of Ergenekon people?

This may signal that Mossad and its friends have fallen out with certain Ergenekon generals.

It may signal that the Turkish government is fed up with Mossad and the CIA using Ergenekon to carry out acts of terrorism.

There may be a split within Ergenekon.

Why has Ergenekon been outed?

2. In early January 2009, the Turkish daily Milliyet stated that a report had found that "Mossad has been behind the Ergenekon plot to topple the Turkish government."

(Report: Mossad behind Ergenekon plots)

Fars news reported that Investigators uncovered evidence that a Jewish rabbi named Tuncay Guney, who worked for Mossad and fled to Canada in 2004, was a key figure behind attempts to overthrow the Turkish government.

Sabah daily reported that Guney infiltrated Ergenekon and another organization known as JITEM, an illegal intelligence unit linked with the police and suspected of hundreds of murders and kidnappings.

Turkish daily Yeni Safak has claimed that Turkish security forces have discovered documents in Guney’s Istanbul house that disclose information concerning suspicious investment and economic activities by certain Jewish businessmen in Turkey.

The businessmen allegedly have significant relations with individuals, political groups and cultural organizations affiliated with the Ergenekon group.

Turkish security forces have detained many members of the Ergenekon group, including retired army generals, politicians, popular lawyers and famous journalists. The individuals currently face trail on charges of plotting to overthrow Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

(Report: Mossad behind Ergenekon plots)

3. On 22 January 2009, Prof. Dr. Umit Ozdag stated that the United States is the real power behind the Ergenekon Operation in Turkey. (Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)

Mr. Ozdag said "The US aims to establish a federal Turkey instead of unitary Turkish state".

Prof. Ozdag claimed that the European Union (EU) too makes efforts to shift Turkey's unitary state into an ethnic based federal Turkey state.

4. A report in Turkish Weekly, 23 January 2009, suggests that some Ergenekon people may have turned against the USA and Israel. (Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide)

According to a writer in Turkish Weekly:

"Most of the Ergenekon members are anti-Semitic.

"They claim that the MOSSAD has played a very dirty role in Turkish politics and aimed to divide the country into poles."

5. So, it would seem that Ergenekon's problems may be caused by a split within Ergenekon.

Israel may be outing anti-Israel members of Ergenekon; and anti-Israel members of Ergenekon may be outing pro-Israel members of Ergenekon.

Israel may have to find a new set of people to carry out its acts of terrorism.



Moslem kid.

Former President Jimmy Carter Supports Call For New 9/11 Investigation

Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’

Jew Control: "Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos telephoned Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Friday, and told her his government was undertaking swift action to amend the law in an effort to limit the courts' authority and thus prevent war crimes investigations from being pursued." - Haaretez report today

"Anyone who considers the elimination of children a crime against humanity lives in an upside-down world."

Indonesia pushes Wordpress for blogger's identity; Canadians beat up redheads

What happens when people stop believing the Jewish media guys? Short sellers burnt as banks surge

(George Soros has warned that the current crisis outstrips that of the 30s)

The RealNews Network (a spooky site that denies 9 11 was an inside job) Malware attack.

Video: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan clashed with Shimon Peres.

Erdogan says to Peres: "You know how to kill very well. I know how you shot, how you killed the children... You have a prime minister who said that 'When I get in to Palestine on tanks, I feel myself a different kind of happiness...'"

Turkish PM returns to hero's welcome after Gaza row

The Great Oil & Gas Robbery - Part 1

Scotsman's London Establishment Agenda

Shock U-turns set to save SNP budget



[source, tFS]

"Anyone who considers the elimination of children a crime against humanity lives in an upside-down world."

Berak: "Anyone who considers the elimination of children a crime against humanity lives in an upside-down world."

Israel protests at Spanish probe into 2002 Gaza raid

On 29 January 2009, Israel protested against the decision by a Spanish judge to probe the Israeli bombing raid in Gaza, on 22 July 2002, which involved crimes against humanity.

14 civilians were killed, mainly children.

Senior Israeli army officers, including former defence minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, are implicated.

Israeli-style general

The 2002 bombing raid was designed by Israel to make Palestinians angry.

The hope was that any retaliation would give Israel an excuse to wipe out yet more people and infrastructure in Gaza.

Israeli Nazis enter Gaza to kill more kids.

The Israeli defence ministry said in a statement that Barak "vehemently rejects the insane announcement by a Spanish judge."

A spokesman said: "Anyone who considers the elimination of children a crime against humanity lives in an upside-down world."

Israel's penal code permits it to try people for crimes committed outside its borders.

"We can organise more terror in Spain if the goy judge does not drop the investigation."

Meanwhile, a US envoy has been in Nazi Germany to get his instructions from his bosses Meir Dago, Yuval Shitskin and army chief Lieutenant General Gabi Imanazi.

Police in Madrid, Alicante and Barcelona have arrested 6 people in connection with a $600million shares fraud on the London Stock Exchange.

According to Spanish National Radio one of the men arrested in the fraud is an agent for the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad.

Benjamin Ben Eliezer - No relation to Hermann Göring?


Thursday 29 January 2009

Super Bowl!!

This is to fun not to share!

Ultimate Super Bowl snack stadium

That is one way to pig out while watching the big game.

And who are you rooting for?

I'm not sure on my end.
Steeler-nation, baby! I love Pittsburgh, but I do like the Cardinals and their fairy tale season that they have had. It is a win-win for me.

Hot North African Sex

Obama wants closer relations with Moslems.

And the CIA is leading the way.

On 28 January 2009, it was reported that the CIA Station Chief in Algeria, Andrew Warren, has been raping Moslem women and making sex videos.

CIA Algeria station chief faces sex assault probe


Warren is being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department for allegedly raping women who claim he laced their drinks with a knock-out drug.

An affidavit says the first victim states she was raped by Warren in Sept. 2007 after being invited to a party at Warren's residence by U.S. embassy employees.

She told a State Department investigator that after Warren prepared a mixed drink of cola and whiskey, she felt unwell.

When she woke up the next morning, "she was lying on a bed, completely nude, with no memory of how she had been undressed."

She said she realized "she recently had engaged in sexual intercourse, though she had no memory of having intercourse."

According to the affidavit, a second alleged victim told a similar story, saying Warren met her at the U.S. embassy and invited her for a "tour of his home" where she said he prepared an apple martini for her "out of her sight."

The second victim said she suddenly felt faint and went to the bathroom.

She could see and hear, but she could not move, the affidavit says.

She told investigators Warren "was attempting to remove her pants."

The bin Ladens like to keep close to the Bush family

The alleged victim said she remembers being in Warren's bed and asking him to stop, but that "Warren made a statement to the effect of 'nobody stays in my expensive sheets with clothes on.'"

She told investigators "as she slipped in and out of consciousness she had conscious images of Warren penetrating her vagina repeatedly with his penis."

Warren admitted there were photographs of the two women on his personal laptop.

U.S. officials found videos that appear to have been secretly recorded and show, they say, Warren engaged in sexual acts.

Officials say one of the alleged victims is seen on tape, in a "semi-conscious state."

As the station chief in Algiers, Warren may know quite a lot about the al Qaeda (al CIAda) group responsible for a wave of bombings in Algeria.

In the most serious incident, 48 people were killed in a bombing in Aug. 2008 in Algiers, blamed on the al Qaeda group.

The Algerian ambassador to the United Nations, Mourad Benmehid, said his government had not been notified by the U.S. of the rape allegations or the criminal investigation.

No charges have been filed.

There has been terrorism in Algeria for many decades.

According to an article entitled The Arc of Crisis various Nazis and spooks have been involved in Algeria.

Reportedly, what these Nazis and spooks believe in is a 'Strategy of Tension'.

Fascism thrives on terror.

From 1954 - 62, there was a war for independence in Algeria. Thousands died in acts of terror.

Reportedly, elements of the US and French governments supplied both sides in the conflict.

l'extrémiste françois genoud, de hitler à carlos 4
Uploaded by kaz1988

The Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva was set up by Francois Genoud, a Swiss financier linked to the Nazis and certainIslamic groups.

Genoud had the help of Otto Skorzeny who had led a stay-behind Nazi organisation.

In 1958 the bank reportedly helped to provide arms and money to both sides of the war of Independence in Algeria.

Reportedly, several ex-Nazis helped the Algerians who were seeking independence. ( Beaudry, Pierre. “The Algeria Paradox: Will Bush or Kerry Learn a Lesson from Charles de Gaulle?” Executive Intelligence Review, June 18, 2004. )

Reportedly, Skorzeny became involved with the French Secret Army Organization (OAS), which tried to block President de Gaulle’s plans to give independence to Algeria.

Allen Dulles whose CIA Operation Paperclip assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment

Reportedly, the OAS was controlled by financier Pierre Guillain de Benouville, in cooperation with Allen Dulles of the CIA, Hitler’s Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht and Genoud.

(Beaudry, Pierre. “The Algeria Paradox: Will Bush or Kerry Learn a Lesson from Charles de Gaulle?” Executive Intelligence Review, June 18, 2004.)

Reportedly, when Dulles was OSS Station Chief in Berne, Switzerland, he helped Genoud transfer Hitler money into Swiss bank accounts. (Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”. excerpted from Geopolitics: The Global Economy of Big Oil, Weapons and Drugs.)

Reportedly, elements of the OAS supported both sides in the war of independence in Algeria. Reportedly, François Mitterrand was part of this conspiracy.

Reportedly, Mitterand promoted the idea of the head of the OAS, Jacques Soustelle, becoming governor-general of Algeria.

Reportedly, the OAS linked up with Skorzeny, who trained elements of both the OAS and the FLN (those seeking independence).

Beginning in November 1954, the FLN launched attacks against the French.

Algeria’s Governor-General Soustelle ordered retaliation.

Thousands of Muslims were tortured and killed.

Algiers Casbah posted to Flickr as joyful street by jam-L

The war ended in 1962 and an FLN government took over.

By 1991, the FLN government was seen as being corrupt and unpopular.

In 1991, a Moslem party, the Islamic Salavation Front (FIS), was about to win the elections.

The FLN government cancelled the elections and effectively there was rule by the military.

It is believed that members of the security services, disguised as terrorists, then began to carry out acts of terrorism, in order to discredit the Islamic Salvation Front.

Image:EnfantsTouareg.jpg by Bertrand Devouard ou Florence Devouard

1. In Algeria there is evidence that the 'terrorists' work for the security services.

These security services may be Algerian and / or French and / or American.

2. But the mainstream media wants us to think of al Qaeda.

Message from the CIA's Department of Disinformation? "Has bin Laden chosen Algeria as his launching pad to attack Europe?" - Algeria: al-Qaeda Connection/Huffington Post

"Algeria's present al-Qaida offshoot is known as Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa. It grew out of the GSPC, the last extremist group left over from the bloody civil war, which joined Osama bin Laden's network in September 2006." - Al-Qaida claims responsibility for Algeria attacks

3. There is evidence from the past that the 'terrorists' worked for the French and Algerian security services.

The New Zealand Listener reported on the links between the security services and the 'Islamic terrorists' in Algeria.

'In recent years, firm evidence has begun to emerge from Algerian military sources and leading academics that the dreaded GIA has been – perhaps from the outset and certainly under Zitouni's bloody leadership – a dummy, or 'screen' organisation managed by French/Algerian counter-intelligence.' -,

4. Reportedly, the Algerian military, disguised as terrorists, were barbaric.

In February 2001, 'The Dirty War', by Habib Souaidia, a former Algerian army officer, was published.

It tells of the part played by the Algerian army in the killing of tens of thousands of Algerians.

Habib writes:"I have seen colleagues burn alive a 15-year-old child.

"I have seen soldiers disguising themselves as terrorists and massacring civilians.

"I have seen colonels kill mere suspects in cold blood.

"I have seen officers torture fundamentalists to death...." - Fake terror in Algeria; the US military in Algeria; oil in Algeria.

5. Some observers think the Algerian government, or a faction within the government, is to blame for the terror.

"Algerian officials defect and blame Algerian intelligence for sponsoring all the attacks." - How Algeria created their "aL Qaeda" cell

Some observers think that within the military there is a pro-Russian faction and a pro-American/French faction.

The most likely explanation for recent events is that the bombs are meant to strengthen the pro-American/French faction.

6. How strong is the American interest in Algeria?

The United States is building a huge military surveillance base at Tamanrasset in Algeria.

US forces are training the Algerian military.

Washington wants to provide Algiers with pilot-less drone planes.

This military base is a result of agreements signed between Washington and Algiers for oil industry development.

In addition, the United States has worked to include Algeria in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and considers this North African country one of its most important allies outside of NATO. - Fake terror in Algeria; the US military in Algeria; oil in Algeria.



Are you nasty enough?

[source, NastyGal]


Photo of Rebecca_Harms_and_Daniel_Cohn-Bendit.jpg

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is co-president of the group European Greens–European Free Alliance in the European Parliament.

The Sisyphus blogger claimed that Cohn-Bendit is Jewish, and 'an agent of Mossad'. (Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Mossad)

In 2001, the German Green Party was part of the German government of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and supported the 2001 Afghan War.

One presumes Germany's Green Party has been taken over by the CIA-Mossad.

In 2007, Reinhard Bütikofer, who along with Claudia Roth is co-leader of the Greens, expressly defended Germany’s international military missions. The world would be 'far more uncertain' without the deployment of German troops in Afghanistan or in the Lebanon, he told the media. (Germany: Green Party attacks peace marches)

Harvey ( may be a fan of Cohn-Bendit.

Scotland has a government with limited powers. At present the government is anti-war.

On 28 January 2009, Patrick Harvie, joint leader of the Green Party in the Scottish Parliament, brought down Scotland's entire £33 billion Budget.

If the budget does not get approval, Iain Gray, spooky leader of the sleazy 'Zionist-Fascist' Labour Party could take over the Scottish government.


The present Scottish National Party (SNP) Government is one of the few governments that is not controlled by the Zionists and Fascists.

The SNP leader Alex salmond is a hero, just as Ron Paul or Cynthia McKinney are heroes.

Salmond, who has opposed all wars from Kosovo to Afghanistan.

The Scottish Green Party is not led by heroes. It supports the new EU Constitution.

The SNP government aims to get much of Scotland's energy from renewable sources, such as tidal energy in the Pentland Firth.

The SNP budget would have seen 100,000 homes given extra insulation at a cost of £33 million.

Under the SNP, unemployment in Scotland is lower than the UK average; and economic activity in Scotland is higher than in the UK.

The SNP's budget would have abolished business rates for small businesses.

It would have again frozen the Council Tax.

It would have greatly increased spending on infrastructure projects.

The shitty, anti-Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Greens and the Labour Party all opposed the SNP budget.


Wednesday 28 January 2009

The State Is The Only Terrorist

Photo from:

False Flag terrorism in INDIA:

"We would have been a wee bit surprised had the police not produced some 'terrorists' - slain or alive - in the run-up to the Republic Day," the Mail Today said.

The militants not only advertised their intentions with a gun-laden bag, they also asked for directions from a tea-seller - who just happened to be a police informer...- Doubts over "Pakistan militants" foiled by India

Mumbai False Flag? Some inexplicable questions for India .

Pakistan's Swat Valley. CIA-ISI Jihadi "Frankenstein" Sows Chaos, Reaps Death

J.P. Morgan Chase
Assets - $1,768,657
Derivatives - $87,688,008
Credit Exposure to Capital Ratio - 400.2
Bailout This!

Gates: Cash Cows of War Running Dry

Gaza family says Israeli troops killed children waving white headscarves

Israel planned Gaza attack nearly one year ago, says academic

Zionist France: A Left-wing cartoonist is to go on trial on charges of anti-Semitism for suggesting Jean Sarkozy, the son of the French president, was converting to Judaism for financial reasons. - French cartoonist Sine on trial on charges of anti-Semitism over Sarkozy jibe

Pilger McGowan Chavez and m_astera.

CIA station chief accused of rape

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