Friday 2 January 2009

Fluff Friday: The List: 100 Ways to Shake up your Life

I love books that challenge you to do something and I found this nifty little book a few weeks back at Barnes & Noble, but didn't purchase it until today.

The List: 100 Ways to Shake up your life by Gail Belsky It contains a list of 100 things to do that will cause a "sensation" in your life...some of these things that may be so simple and every day but maybe you don't do. From write a novel to learning to surf to riding a horse bareback (some of you will love that one) to bungee jump. There are some crazy ideas in there and there are some "wow" ideas. I can't wait to read through the 100 ideas in this book and then start compiling my own list.

A definite must read!

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