Saturday 10 January 2009

Got Puck?

Our company has a suite at a local arena and sometimes the employees are lucky enough to get tickets. I have seen Dancing with the Stars twice, New Kids on the Block, and Nickelback there...tonight was my first hockey game. The arena is the home to the Phoenix Coyotes. I know nothing about hockey but the fact that fights break out a lot on the ice and it is cold in the arena. Our company once held a mandatory company meeting there while they were getting the ice ready for a game...we FROZE!!! My lips turned blue while we were in there for the meeting it was so cold. So I bundled up and invited my parents to join in the fun. It was free limited edition Phoenix Coyote build-a-bears to all kids and season ticket holders tonight. In the end we came away with cute little stuffed bears, a Coyote win, and a fun night!

Now I'm off to watch the rest of "Empire Strikes Back" and then bed.

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