Friday 2 January 2009

Some structure for this little blog!

I have seen a few people doing this and I think it is probably what will keep me focused on posting on the blog more than anything. So I present to you the "schedule" of Just Jump.

Quotable Sunday

I love quotes...I am always searching for perfect quotes. I will choose my quote of the moment and share what it means to me.

Me Monday

You are basically going to get whatever pops into my head to talk about. Yeah, that can be a little crazy, but it will be all Michelle.

Thoughtful Tuesday

I will post a picture of something or someone that I am thankful for.

Wordless Wednesday

Ganked from many people...You will see photographic posts, but no words in the post.

Creativity Thursday

I'll share something fun and creative...from recipes to artsy stuff...decorating, etc. :) It will also help me hone my own creating skills. Fear all my mad skills, yo!

Fluff Friday

I'm a fangirl! I will share thoughts on movies, tv, books, celeb gossip, etc. All fandom fluff!

Saturday Shenanigans

Another free get whatever craziness that pops in to my head to share with everyone.

I really want to work on posting every day and hopefully this will help spur me into doing it. :)

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