Thursday 31 March 2011


Moussa Koussa, who may have been working for the CIA and MI6 since the 1970s.

In 1978, Moussa Koussa attended Michigan State University in the USA. He earned a degree in sociology and presumably made contact with the CIA.

In 1979 he was in the UK and presumably made contact with MI6.

His activities seem to favour the CIA and its friends.

In line with CIA policy, he helped normalise relations between Libya and the USA and its allies.

In line with CIA policy, Koussa helped secure the release of al-Megrahi, thus preventing Megrahi's appeal from being heard, and thus preventing the CIA's faking of evidence from being revealed. (Gareth Peirce on the Framing of al-Megrahi)

In line with CIA policy, Koussa has criticised China's activities in Africa.

Moussa Koussa)

In line with CIA policy, Kusa pledged support for the IRA.

The Americans murdered Mountbatten and Thatcher's ... / CIA and MI5 created IRA, PLO, al-Qaeda and now Iraqi ...)


The Stuxnet Worm and Fukushima

Greencrow sent us this video:



Gaddafi's foreign minister Moussa Koussa - blamed by the CIA for the Lockerbie bombing - is being questioned in a 'secure location' in the UK, following 'pressure from MI6'.

Our old friend Robert Halfon (Rob's Blog), a UK Conservative MP who has tabled parliamentary motions on Lockerbie, said Koussa's arrival in the UK was comparable to that of Hitler's lieutenant, Rudolf Hess, during the Second World War.

(Libyan foreign minister Musa Koussa in UK.)

Robert Halfon's family is Jewish-Italian and Robert's grandfather lived in Libya. (Rob's Blog: My father thinks he shook hands with Gadaffi)

Robert is Political Director of Conservative Friends of Israel.

We assume Rob has done his research on Hess and on Lockerbie

The Duke of Edinburgh's brother-in-law, Prince Christoph of Hesse, was a member of the SS.

So many of the Duke of Edinburgh's relatives had Nazi links that when he married Elizabeth 'he was severely limited on the guests he could invite'. (Real History and the German side of the British royal family)

According to Charles Higham’s book "Trading With The Enemy": In the early stages of World War II, the Duke of Windsor had a secret meeting in the Hotel Meurice in Paris with Rudolf Hess and Martin Bormann.

In ' Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-up' by Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince & Stephen Prior it is argued that:

1. Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland in 1941 with Hitler's blessing.

2. Hess was to meet with a faction of British royalty who wanted to arrange peace between Britain and Nazi Germany.

3. Churchill and his faction got to Hess first when his plane landed and locked him up, even though Hess had been guaranteed safe passage by King George VI.

4. It is possible that the Duke of Kent rescued Hess and tried to fly to Sweden to continue secret peace negotiations. Allegedly, the Duke of Kent wanted to see Churchill removed.

5. The Duke's plane crashed approximately two miles from where Hess was kept on the shores of Loch More. Hess may have died in the plane crash. The plane crash may not have been accidental.

Clive Prince wrote:

"Churchill was in a very, very insecure position politically in May 1941. In fact, three days before Hess arrived, there had been a vote of no-confidence in Churchill.

"He didn’t have the support of the aristocracy or the support of MI6 and the King. But the Hess affair basically gave Churchill the opportunity to blackmail his opponents who were involved with the Hess flight into supporting him...

"He also used the Hess flight to ensure that Hitler went ahead with his attack on Russia six weeks after Hess arrived....

"We’re certain that MI6 was totally involved in the Hess affair - they weren’t luring him over: they were inviting him over. This was because MI6 were supportive of the idea of ending the War with Germany.

"MI6 saw the real enemy as being Russia. Sir Stuart Menzies - the head of MI6 - advised Churchill to stay out of things and let the Nazis and the Russians get on with it."

It has been claimed that the British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis. (Royal Nazis and the Scottish connection / The Frost blog)

Monzer al Kassar reportedly worked with the CIA unit known as Corea. (Franklin, Dutroux, Mossad, McKee)

On 2 December 2010, it was reported that the family of Abdulbaset al Megrahi is preparing to sue Britain for false imprisonment. (Family of alleged Lockerbie bomber 'preparing to sue Britain for false imprisonment' )

Libya's Colonel Gaddafi, in a speech at the London School of Economics, via a live video-link, alleged that the case against al Megrahi had 'been fabricated and created by Thatcher and Reagan.'

Gaddafi suggested that CIA agents carried out the 1988 Lockerbie Bombing.

(Involved in the story is CIA asset Monzer al Kassar, who reportedly had links to Oliver North and Mohammed Atta. (Monzer al-Kassar - Wikipedia / Madcow Morning News.) The alleged maker of the Lockerbie bomb, Marwan Khreesat, was a Jordanian intelligence service (GID) agent with links to the CIA. (Pan Am Flight 103.)

Were these passengers on PanAm 103 killed by the CIA? The US ambassador to Lebanon, John McCarthy, and the South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha had their travel plans altered at the last minute in order to avoid PA103. Charles McKee and Matthew Gannon allegedly changed their plans at the last minute to fly on PA103. ("Cover-up - Lockerbie")

Was there an attempt to kill al Megrahi?

According to Gaddafi, al Megrahi's health "was not looked after in prison.

"He didn't have any periodic examination...

"After he passes away, his family will demand compensation because he was deliberately neglected in prison."

(Lockerbie bomber's family to sue for false imprisonment and neglect, says Gaddafi )

If all the evidence had been heard in the appeal case, then the world would have got to hear more about Major Charles McKee and heroin.

Reportedly, Major Charles McKee and his team of US agents had gathered evidence concerning CIA smuggling of heroin from South Lebanon into the USA on PanAm flights.

McKee and his team were on PanAm 103.

Reportedly, the CIA brought down PanAm 103 in order to destroy McKee and his evidence.

Enron CEO Ken Lay died from 'a heart attack'.

Slobodan Milocevic died of 'a heart attack'.

Robin Cook died of 'a heart attack'.





Moussa Koussa

Libya's foreign minister Moussa Koussa was in Tunisia on a diplomatic mission.

On 31 March 2011, we read that he mysteriously arrived at the UK's Farnborough airport before being taken to London.

Did he defect or was he pressurised? (Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa defects to Britain‎)

Brian has provided some useful links:

1. Reason for Libyan war? Gaddafi wanted to nationalise oil.

"On February 16, 2009, Gaddafi ... called on Libyans to back his proposal to dismantle the government and to distribute the oil wealth directly to the 5 million inhabitants of the country.

"However, his plan to deliver oil revenues directly to the Libyan people met opposition by senior officials who could lose their jobs due to a parallel plan by Gaddafi to rid the state of corruption."

2. Toward African freedom in Libya and beyond.

"No one has shouted any louder than Gaddafi that Africa must be for the Africans...

"Why hasn’t the Western world rolled into Israel or the West Bank and saved the Palestinian people who suffer true slaughter and discrimination at the hands of Israel?"

3. Libyan Rebel Leader Spent Much of Past 20 Years in Langley Virginia

Khalifa Hifter, the new leader of Libya's opposition military, spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia.

4. American Media Silent on CIA Ties to Libya Rebel Commander

Hifter is CIA.

5. LIBYA explained.

Mar 26, 1996 - "Reuters news reports ... state that unrest in ... Eastern Libya is caused by armed rebels... This is an operation to overthrow Gaddafi led by Col. Khalifa Hifter, of a contra-style group based in the United States called the LibyanNational Army."



Rick Porrello's - - Steve Miller - Inside Vegas

Will George Clooney Testify in Silvio Berlusconi's Sex Trial?

Rosemary Clooney

George Clooney and friend. Website for this image . ‘George has really taken David (Beckham) under his wing since the transfer trouble started. At the house, David is able to get away from everything, relax and switch off in private.’ [Daily Mail] Beckham and Clooney Sitting on a Tree? Is George Clooney Gay? Famewatcher

Website for this image




Thanks to C. for alerting us to this story.


Egyptian president Sadat was allegedly murdered by Islamists linked to the CIA.

(Bin Laden Deputy Ayman Zawahiri, the CIA & the Murder of Anwar Sadat)

Now the CIA-generals would appear to be in charge in Egypt. And the CIA generals would appear to be on the side of the Islamists.

On 29 March 2011, in The Guardian, we read of the release from prison in Egypt of Aboud al-Zomor who was implicated in the murder of Sadat. (Egypt is stan)

He has been given a hero's welcome on TV and in the newspapers.

"Every time I changed the TV channel, he was there spewing out some criminal nonsense, such as the legitimacy of murdering people if religious scholars permitted it."

On 29 March 2011, we read of Ultraconservative Muslim sect clashes with villagers in Egypt.

Members of the fundamentalist SALAFI movement have clashed with villagers south of Cairo over demands that an alcohol store and coffee shops be closed.

One villager was killed in the armed clashes.

The powerful Salafists want to ban alcohol and want shariah law.

In Egypt there are rumours that the Salafi movement plans a massive rally aimed at forcing all Egyptian women to wear a veil and punishing those who don't adhere by burning their faces with acid.

Salafi doctrine "is only a few shades away from that of groups such as al-Qaeda."

"The growth of Salafism is visible in dress.

"In many parts of Cairo women wear the niqab, a veil which shows at most the eyes.

"The men grow their beards long..."


Abbey Lee Kershaw x Portmans

[source, tFS]

Bambi on the freeway

[source, tFS]
Hon. Nimrod Mkono this week hosted a wedding reception for his daughter Dr. Neema Mkono and her husband Dr. Moise Anglade, and to introduce a new member of the Mkono family, baby Rehema, the USA-based couple's daughter. The reception was held at the Kilimanjaro Kempinsky hotel on the 27th of March 2011. The following are some of the wonderful moments of the event the host, couple and guests shared on that beautiful day!
Happy moments
Mzee Nyakhyoma speaks
Khanga presents from Mr & Mrs Mkono to
the couple and granddaughter

Boogie time...
Hon. Nimrod Rehema Mkono offers a cake
to namesake baby Rehema

Hon Mkono with Makongoro Nyerere and baby Rehema
Champaine for the couple and Lea
Neema greets uncle Nyanduga
Music legend Zahir Ally Zorro belts out his evergreen 'Cleopatra' hit
Banana Zorro with his B Band in action

cake cutting ceremony
Hon. Mkono introduces Dr Neema Mkono to the quests Hon. Mkono with his Haitian

son-in-law Dr. Moise Anglade Little Rehema
Barbra pops up the champaigne
Little Rehema taught the rudiments of
ball room dancing by Babra
The beautiful couple open the floor
Dr Neema Mkono is happy to be home
The dance
Hon Steven Wassira with Hon Makongoro Nyerere
Hon Mkono with his VIP guests
Dr. Moise greets music legend Zahir Ali Zorro
Dr Neema thank guests for their presence
Thanx for coming...
Dinner is served
The couple at the salam table with Mama Simba and Mzee Butiku
Have your pick
Lea Mkono with her aunt

Albert Makoye with Bosco Majaliwa