Saturday 3 January 2009

FBI : Ajmal Kasab has no links to Pakistan

If the CIA and its friends get a war going, it is the ordinary Indians who could suffer. (Analysis: Nuclear Armageddon in South Asia)

An FBI team investigating the Mumbai attacks' case has said that the alleged main culprit, Ajmal Kasab, has no links with Pakistan.

(Press TV - FBI: Mumbai's culprit has no Pak links)

The five-member team headed by the agency's South Asian Department Director, William Robert, visited the remote town of Faridkot, the place India claims Kasab is a resident of.

However, the team members said that there was no connection between Kasab and the town, a Press TV correspondent reported.

"No evidence could be collected from the area which could confirm the claim of Ajmal Kasab's being Pakistani", the FBI investigators said on Wednesday.

Ajmal Kasab

At LankaWeb, January 2009, Prem Raj wrote about MUMBAI'S MAYHEM (In lion's voice roared the "Rat")

Among the points made:

1. The Indian intelligence service RAW is the 'main architect'.

2. The 'terrorists' with their weapons and equipment were able to reach the centre of Mumbai without being detected by the Indian Navy or intelligence systems or security devices.

3. India's intelligence service has been involved in adventures in Sikkim, in Sri-Lanka, in Pakistan, in Nepal, in Afghanistan and in the Maldives.

India is now funding the Baloch liberation Army.

4. Mossad, the CIA and RAW are trying to fragment Asia.

It's that man again!

5. The attackers in Mumbai were clean shaven, wearing arm bands and drinking.

Hemant Karkare had unmasked Hindu extremists involved the Samjhota Express carnage and the Malegon massacre.

He had arrested Col Purohit and a major, both serving in Indian military intelligence of India.

Karkare was sent to a place away from the Taj and Oberoi hotels. He was then killed.

That's why his family did not accept any grief sharing sentiments from government representatives.

Mr. Antulay, India's Minister for Minorities, called for an independent inquiry into the Karkare shooting.

Mukhtar Ahmed is an Indian police operative who reportedly provided cell phone SIM cards to the terrorist group blamed for the Mumbai attacks.

RAWs trail of terror: Indian Bomb blasts in Pakistan . "In 1971 India RAW orchestrated a fake hijacking and used this as an excuse to stop Pakistani overflights over India. The hijackers disguised as Kashmiri militants, however were Indian intelligence agents.

"Several years ago, an attack on the Indian parliament was used to place 300,000 Indian soldiers on the Pakistani border Eventually they withdrew."


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