Thursday 30 April 2009


Is there a battle for control of the Mexican drugs trade?

Will the swine flu allow the CIA to increase its influence in Mexico?

In 2008, investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker wrote (CIA Drug Planes Part of Massive 50-Plane Deal ):

"Two American-registered airplanes with clear ties to the U.S. Government - a DC9 airliner (N900SA) painted to resemble an airplane from the U.S. Dept of Homeland Security, and a Gulfstream business jet (N987SA) formerly used by the CIA for renditions - were busted in Mexico 18 months apart carrying multi-ton loads of cocaine."

'Plan Mexico' is supposed to be about the USA helping Mexico to stamp out narcotics.

However, some journalists believe that 'Plan Mexico' is designed by the CIA to eliminate its competition in the over 30 billion a year drug business. ("Plan Mexico" and the CIA )

Plan Mexico lines "the pockets of American defense contractors while putting both political dissidents and ordinary Mexican civilians at risk...

"The initiative would ignore the US's own involvement in the transport and sale of drugs." (t r u t h o u t Plan Mexico )

The Mexican press reports that the CIA works with the Russian Mafia to import opium and heroin into the USA.

Photo by Jay Peepls

Former DEA Agent Celerino Castillo III testified that the CIA and the Nicaraguan Contras were smuggling cocaine from Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador. The smugglers were using the same pilots and planes that the CIA and Lt. Col. Oliver North used for the covert supply operation to the Contra mercenaries. ("Plan Mexico" and the CIA )

Before Chavez, the CIA, along with elements of the Venezuelan National Guard, were allegedly importing cocaine into the USA through Miami. The testimonies on this were given by the then head of the DEA Robert Bonner and the then DEA Agent in Charge in Caracas Anabel Grimm. ("Plan Mexico" and the CIA )

Jorge Cabrera, reportedly a drug dealer, with Hilary Clinton.

Are top people in the USA involved in the Mexican drugs business?

In the year 2000, Peter Dale Scott wrote (Overview: The CIA, the Drug Traffic, and Oswald in Mexico ):

"Informed observers of American politics have more than once commented to me that most of the hundred wealthiest people in the US know each other, and in addition often have connections to both the CIA and to organized crime.

"There is no shortage of anecdotal examples: James Angleton of CIA Counterintelligence delivering the sole eulogy at the small private funeral of Howard Hughes, or Joseph Kennedy Sr. being a point-holder in the same casino (the Cal-Neva) as Sam Giancana.[6]

"More relevant to the milieu of the JFK assassination is the example of Clint Murchison, Sr. Murchison paid for the horse-racing holidays of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover at the same time as he sold stakes in his investments to mob figures like Jerry Catena, and enjoyed political influence in Mexico.[7]"

Heroin Flows

Is Mexico to become another Iraq or Afghanistan?

"U.S. officials tell ABC News that President Obama has been told the Mexican cartels have become a criminal insurgency, threatening to turn Mexico into an Iraq or Afghanistan." (Mexico: The Next Iraq or Afghanistan? - ABC News )

According to Michel Chossudovsky, writing about AFGHANISTAN (The Spoils of War:Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade ...):

"Heroin is a multibillion dollar business supported by powerful interests, which requires a steady and secure commodity flow.

"One of the 'hidden' objectives of the war was precisely to restore the CIA sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes.

"Immediately following the October 2001 invasion, opium markets were restored. Opium prices spiraled. By early 2002, the opium price (in dollars/kg) was almost 10 times higher than in 2000.

"In 2001, under the Taliban opiate production stood at 185 tons, increasing to 3400 tons in 2002 under the US sponsored puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai."

Sir Roy Anderson

But should we be worried about Swine Flu?

In the UK, the 'spooky' Sir Roy Anderson, a British 'expert' on epidemiology, has told the BBC that Swine Flu is a real problem.

Anderson left the University of Oxford after a unanimous vote of no confidence in him by the Department of Zoology.[2]

This also prompted his resignation in May 2000, from the Wellcome Trust where he had been a Trustee (then a Governor) for nearly 10 years.[3]

Roy Anderson was one of the most prominent scientists who advised the UK Government on the handling of the Foot and Mouth control policy in 2001, a policy that culminated in the destruction of around six million UK cattle.

He was Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Ministry of Defence from October 2004 to September 2007.



Revealed: full scale of vaccine blunders


Robert Wanek


Swine Flu, McDonalds and Huntington.

Teen Model, Bilderberg, Broken Homes, Pigs

The only people ever put on trial in connection with the 7/7 London Bombings..



Cameron or someone else?

Swine Flu Psy Op



Haha I didn't notice the Furbie! I owned one at one point. It's cute.. and freaky.
[source, Cobrasnake]

Blondes, blazers, bangin' legs..

I love Stylesightings.. sometimes more than Garance.
[source, Stylesightings]

Wednesday 29 April 2009



Vivienne Allan of the World Health Organisation said the body had confirmed that worldwide there have been just seven deaths from swine flu - all in Mexico.

(Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO -

The Truth Seeker - Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO)

Just 7 deaths from swine flu, but:

A venture capital firm is set to reap rewards on swine flu .

Firms that Look to Prevent a Swine Flu Pandemic, Turn a Profit - ABC News

Swine Flu: Who Profits? Clipmarks

Video from Leonard Horowitz. Leonard Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The World health Organisation has a number of Private sector partnerships:

Aeras: Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation
DNDi: Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
FIND: Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
IAVI: International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
IOWH: Institute for One World Health
IPM: International Partnership for Microbicides
MMV: Medicines for Malaria Venture
MVI: Malaria Vaccine Initiative
PATH: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
PDVI: Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative
TB Alliance: Global Alliance for TB Drug Development
etc. etc.

Simon Jenkins writes in the Guardian about a panic stoked in order to posture and spend.:

"The avian flu mania... The media went berserk, with interviewers asking why the government did not close all schools "to prevent up to 50,000 deaths". The Today programme's John Humphrys became frantic...

"Meanwhile a real pestilence, MRSA and C difficile, was taking hold in hospitals... These diseases have played a role in thousands of deaths in British hospitals - the former a reported 1,652 and the latter 8,324 in 2007 alone...

"MRSA and C difficile are not like swine flu, an opportunity for public figures to scare and posture and spend money. They are diseases for which the government is to blame. They claim no headlines and no Cobra priority. Their sufferers must crawl away and die in silence."

Simon Jenkins: Swine flu? A panic stoked in order to posture and spend.

Why Mexico?

Mexico and the USA have not been getting along too well.

There is a trade dispute.

Mexico raised tariffs on scores of U.S. imports - retaliation for Washington's decision to stop funding a program that allowed some Mexican trucks on U.S. highways under a free-trade agreement.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon and other top officials "let fly unusually sharp remarks about drug consumption and possible official corruption north of the border."
(Mexico's Drug War: U.S.-Mexico relationship hits some bumps.)

Swine Flu, McDonalds and Huntington.


Lockerbie bomber to choose between appeal or going home

Lockerbie bomber 'deteriorating'

Lockerbie Timer Fragment Fabricated: Report - OhmyNews International

aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence

Operation Ringwind and Lockerbie

The Octopus


Courtesy of Past Expiry Cartoon

Former British Ambassador Testifies On Torture


Here piggy, piggy!!

This...seriously cracks me up because I have always loved this picture and now the poor kid has to be accused of bringing us swine flu!

Tyson once got in touch with his piggy side as well...

Ah geez, there she goes showing embarrassing pictures again!

Swine Flu, McDonalds and Huntington.

Photo of La Gloria, Mexico, from:

Here are some pieces of the jigsaw.

1. Swine Flu and McDonalds

Maybe the swine flu is an accident, associated with factory farming and globalisation.

Maybe the swine flu started at a large pig producing facility in La Gloria in Mexico.

However, only ONE case of swine flu has been confirmed as having come from La Gloria.

Local and federal health officials are downplaying suggestions that the epidemic started in La Gloria.

(Swine Flu Baffles Experts And Raises More Questions Than Answers)

The local and federal health officials insist that the other cases of sickness from La Gloria were of a completely different and common strain of flu, H2N3.

Governor of Veracruz, Fidel Herrera has told the media there was not a single indicator that the epidemic started in La Gloria.

Miguel Angel Lezana, the director of the National Centre for Disease Control, said that genetic information in the H1N1 virus show it is more similar to types of flu that affect pigs in Central and East Asia. (Swine flu: Mexico claims it started in Asia)

Disinformation by the media?

By 29 April 2009, the world's media were interviewing the mother of 4-year-old Edgar Hernandez who reportedly got swine flu on 2nd April 2009.

(‘I had a headache and fever' says boy who survived - Times Online / 'I feel great,' says five-year-old Mexican boy living near 'ground ... )

Edgar comes from La Gloria in Veracruz in Mexico, where there is the giant US-owned Smithfield Foods pig production facility.

Edgar is quoted as saying: 'I feel great. But I had a headache and a sore throat and a fever for a while. I had to lay down in bed.'

Reportedly, it was confirmed, on 27April 27 2009, that Edgar was the first known sufferer of swine flu.

Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova told reporters a sample taken from 4-year-old Edgar in Mexico's Veracruz state in early April tested positive for swine flu.

Smithfield spokeswoman Keira Ullrich said the company has found no clinical signs or symptoms of the presence of swine influenza in its swine herd or its employees working at its joint ventures anywhere in Mexico.

The company supplies the McDonald’s and Subway fast-food chains.

Mexican Agriculture Department officials said that its inspectors found no sign of swine flu among pigs around the farm in Veracruz, and that no infected pigs have been found yet anywhere in Mexico.

"However, Ochoa, the farm manager, said no one from the government has inspected his farm for swine flu." ('I feel great,' says five-year-old Mexican boy living near 'ground ...)

Smithfields was fined $12.3 million in the United States in 1997 for violating the Clean Water Act.

Mexico City.

The Swine Flu story sounds like a psy-op:

2. Millions die in Mexico each year from diseases such as TB, typhoid and malaria.

But we don't hear much about that.

Due to high levels of poverty in Mexico, there is a tendency for outbreaks of flu to kill large numbers of people.

"During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection." - Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality

3. In the USA and Canada, flu symptoms have been described as mild.

Professor Wendy Barclay, chair in influenza virology at Imperial College London says initial indications suggest there is nothing about the genetic make-up of the new virus which is a cause for particular concern. (What scientists know about swine flu )

"Several students experienced flu symptoms after they returned but they were so mild that they didn't raise any concerns." (Swine flu hits Canada)

This swine flu's a "relative lightweight" (Swine flu's a relative lightweight.)

The first reports of swine infections in Mexico came in mid-March.

The current swine flu strain still has fewer than 1,000 reported cases.

Vivienne Allan of the World Health Organisation said the body had confirmed that worldwide there have been just seven deaths from swine flu - all in Mexico.

(Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO / The Truth Seeker - Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO )

Remember: "During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection." - Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality

So, why is publicity for the flu coming now?

4. The Flu Kills The Torture Memos

And reports of the Lockerbie Bomb case appeal (Lockerbie bomber launches second appeal).

5. And, certain fascist swine are hoping to make lots of money from selling vaccines.

Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu .

Firms Look to Prevent Swine Flu Pandemic, Turn a Profit - ABC News

Swine Flu: Who Profits? Clipmarks

"On March 20, 2009, this researcher outlined a peculiar PANDEMIC VACCINE TRAINING exercise in Texas scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 2, 2009." (

"There was a Swine Flu outbreak in 1976. President Gerald Ford asked that all Americans be innoculated.

"As it turned out, the disease only killed one person but the vaccine harmed hundreds and may have killed some." (This article addresses that question.)

Video from Leonard Horowitz. Leonard Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6. And maybe the latest swine flu is meant to target certain groups?

Germ warfare `could target ethnic groups' acording to an article in The Independent

"Viruses ... tailored to detect the differences in the DNA of races could offer warmakers ... a new means to carry out 'ethnic cleansing'," said a panel convened by the British Medical Association (BMA).

7. Why Mexico?


Samuel P Huntington saw a new threat to the United States: Mexicans.

"In The Hispanic Challenge, Huntington claims that 'the single most serious challenge to America’s traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico.'" - The Huntington Challenge: Why The Hispanic Challenge should be ...

Huntington and Hispanic immigration: "The extent and nature of this immigration differ fundamentally from those of previous immigration, and the assimilation successes of the past are unlikely to be duplicated with the contemporary flood of immigrants from Latin America.

"This reality poses a fundamental question: Will the United States remain a country with a single national language and a core Anglo-Protestant culture?" - Civilizations (print)

Samuel Phillips Huntington (April 18, 1927–December 24, 2008) was an American political scientist who gained prominence through his Clash of Civilizations (1993, 1996) thesis of a post-Cold War new world order.

And, Mexico and the USA have not been getting along too well.

There is a trade dispute.

Mexico raised tariffs on scores of U.S. imports - retaliation for Washington's decision to stop funding a program that allowed some Mexican trucks on U.S. highways under a free-trade agreement.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon and other top officials "let fly unusually sharp remarks about drug consumption and possible official corruption north of the border."

(Mexico's Drug War: U.S.-Mexico relationship hits some bumps.)

Sir Roy Anderson

8. But should we be worried about Swine Flu?

In the UK, the 'spooky' Sir Roy Anderson, a British 'expert' on epidemiology, has told the BBC that Swine Flu is a real problem.

Anderson left the University of Oxford after a unanimous vote of no confidence in him by the Department of Zoology.[2]

This also prompted his resignation in May 2000, from the Wellcome Trust where he had been a Trustee (then a Governor) for nearly 10 years.[3]

Roy Anderson was one of the most prominent scientists who advised the UK Government on the handling of the Foot and Mouth control policy in 2001, a policy that culminated in the destruction of around six million UK cattle.

He was Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Ministry of Defence from October 2004 to September 2007.



aangirfan: Bird flu and profits at Roche



[source, tFS]

Vintage Olsen

[source, OlsenFiles]

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Teen Model, Bilderberg, Broken Homes, Pigs

Photo of teen model Manohara (right) from

"In brief, the girl is just 17. Reputedly she was the girlfriend of a Bakrie scion when, in December 2006, she, along with her sister Daisy, was invited to dinner by the then Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Abdul Razak. This was where she met her future husband, who reputedly raped her a year later.

"Presumably he took her virginity because they married in August last year. And he is seemingly a right shit because she fled back to Indonesia a couple of months later alleging domestic abuse - he slashed her breasts with a razor and treated her "as a statue" to be brought out at royal functions."-

Police Investigate Alleged Kidnapping By Kelantan Prince

Manohara's Mom Says One Smiley Photo Is Not Enough

Who is Manohara Odelia Pinot, Indonesian Model


"On March 27, 2008, two teams of agents from the Turkish Ministry of the Interior, acting on information received from a foreign intelligence agency, conducted a heavily armed raid on a house in Balikesir.

"In addition to the reports of the existence of this house, the Ministry also had growing reports from local citizens about loud screams issuing from the building for 'many weeks previously.'

"Ministry officials were able to capture six American citizens, all of whom claimed to be members of the USIA, a known branch of the CIA.

"Taken as evidence were many papers and documents that showed with great clarity that this house had been used as a CIA torture and murder house." - CIA Mossad torture house for snuff kiddie porn


Madeleine McCann went missing on 3 May 2007.

Reprtedly, Jean-Michel Nihoul was released from jail on 4th May 2007. (Cached )

The Bilderberg meetings began near Istanbul on 31 May 2007. aangirfan: Madeleine McCann; Bilderberg; Belgium; Bush

Westminster School -

John Rae, who died in 2006, was the headmaster of London's top private school, Westminster school (The Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster).

Rae had some difficult pupils to deal with and he noted that most of the difficult boys came from broken homes.

Rae "noted how often the parents were separated and the father absent."

(The old boys' network The Economist )

The head of one of the UK's top private schools once told us that over half of his pupils came from broken homes.

One boy had had five mothers.

"During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection." - Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality

A 23-month-old baby girl who died in Texas was a Mexican taken ill while visiting relatives. - Swine flu: Mexican toddler dies in Texas

Swine flu: Death rate slows in Mexico

New Zealand swine flu sufferers to return to school

Indonesia floats idea of man-made swine flu

Swine flu is a man made virus ?

Was The 'Spanish Flu' Epidemic Man-Made?

Swine Flu Psy Op

UK and Libya make prisoner deal



Jessica Miller for Moussy.
[source, tFS]

Happy Ali

Ali Michael. Adorable beyond words.
[source, AltamiraNYC]

The only people ever put on trial in connection with the 7/7 London Bombings have been found not guilty.

Abu Hazma (left) and Haroon Rashid (right) are suspected of having worked for the security services.

There is a suspicion that the 7/7 London Tube Bombs were the work of elements of the security services.

MOHAMMED SIDIQUE KHAN had Links to the security services.

The Bombs went off under the trains according to an eye witnesses.

And, Haroon Rashid Aswat 'the London bomb mastermind' reportedly worked for MI6 in Kosovo?

Now, on 28 April 2009, the only people ever put on trial in connection with the 7/7 bombings have been found not guilty.

The jury unanimously found Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil not guilty of conspiring, with the four alleged bombers who have 'disappeared', to cause explosions.

There was no CCTV footage to show what the trio had been doing and no proof they had even been on the underground, where three of the four bombs would later explode.


Monday 27 April 2009




Samuel P Huntington saw a new threat to the United States: Mexicans.

"In The Hispanic Challenge, Huntington claims that 'the single most serious challenge to America’s traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico.'" - The Huntington Challenge: Why The Hispanic Challenge should be ...

Huntington and Hispanic immigration: "The extent and nature of this immigration differ fundamentally from those of previous immigration, and the assimilation successes of the past are unlikely to be duplicated with the contemporary flood of immigrants from Latin America.

"This reality poses a fundamental question: Will the United States remain a country with a single national language and a core Anglo-Protestant culture?" - Civilizations (print)

Samuel Phillips Huntington (April 18, 1927–December 24, 2008) was an American political scientist who gained prominence through his Clash of Civilizations (1993, 1996) thesis of a post-Cold War new world order.

The Lockerbie Appeal starts on 28 April 2009. A case of swine flu is discovered at the same time.


Lockerbie appeal to hear new witness statement

Scotland swine Flu Psy Op

aangirfan: The Vincennes and Lockerbie and Heroin

Faslane, Devonport and nuclear leaks

April 14-15: FEMA’s Interagency Continuity Influenza Pandemic Tabletop Exercise

CIA Link to Cuban Pig Virus Reported

Ocean Acidification Risks Mass Extinction of Sea Life

US Cities Increasing Use of Armed Mercenaries to Replace Police

"Labour members have demanded the result of the Edinburgh East candidate selection process be overturned after accusing officials of presiding over a postal votes scandal." - Oh Dearie Me

Madeleine: The veil briefly lifts

Barney Frank



Cameron or someone else?

The Importance of Cyprus


Amnesty tells us some of the bad things about Obama...



Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

In the USA, the Library of Congress is the research arm of Congress.

Henry Oliver Walker (1843–1929) was an American painter.

His works include a series of paintings honouring various poets for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Ganymede by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

Adonis by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

Lyric Poetry by Henry Oliver Walker - Library of Congress

Reportedly, boys have always been popular with the folks in the US Congress.

Reportedly (Congressional Sex Scandals in History):

In 1973, Rep. Gerry Studds (D-Mass.) had sexual relationships with a teenage congressional page. Studds acknowledged he was gay.

In 1978, Rep. Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.) was arrested in Washington for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

In 1980, Rep. Jon Hinson (R-Miss.) announced that in 1976 he had been accused of committing an obscene act at a gay haunt in Virginia.

Musa Regina by Henry Oliver Walker

In 1980, Rep. Robert Bauman (R-Md.), a leading "pro-family" conservative, pleaded innocent to a charge that he committed oral sodomy on a teenage boy in Washington.

Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, hired a male prostitute who ran a prostitution service from Frank’s residence in the 1980s.

Chapter -XXI- Omaha (Bush book: Chapter -21- ):

"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital. Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.

"The Times reported, 'A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite'....

"Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who had used the call boy service."

Abraham Lincoln

"The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln", By C. A. Tripp, edited by Lewis Gannett, refers to Lincoln's sexual interest in males.

Trip argues that Lincoln's relationships with women were not deep.

In 1831, when he was 22, Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois, and met Billy Greene.

Lincoln shared a bed with Greene.

Greene said of Lincoln's body: ''His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be.''

When Lincoln moved to Springfield, Illinois, he became close friends with Joshua Speed, a young store owner.

Earlier biographers, Nicolay and Hay, described Speed as the only intimate friend that Lincoln ever had.

Lincoln and Speed shared a double bed in Speed's store for four years.

Some of Lincoln's letters to Speed are signed ''Yours forever.''

In 1836 Lincoln began courting Mary Owens. In 1837 Owens ended the relationship.

Lincoln wrote: ''I knew she was oversize, but now she appeared a fair match for Falstaff.''

In 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd and they had 4 children. Tripp suggests Mary had a psychopathic personality. With Mary, Lincoln was 'remote' and 'unavailable'. Lincoln is reported to have been terrified of the idea of marrying Mary.

Eros et Musa by Henry Oliver Walker

When Lincoln became president, he met Col. Elmer Ellsworth described by Lincoln as ''the greatest little man I ever met.''

Lincoln brought Ellsworth into his Springfield lawoffice and then made him part of his presidential campaign. As war approached, Ellsworth was given a top military post. When Ellsworth was killed, Lincoln was deeply upset.

In 1862-3, Capt. David Derickson was one of Lincoln's bodyguards in DC.

According to Derickson's regiment's history, Derickson ''advanced so far in the president's confidence and esteem that in Mrs. Lincoln's absence he frequently spent the night at his cottage, sleeping in the same bed with him, and - it is said - making use of his Excellency's night shirt!''

Early biographers of Lincoln, such as Carl Sandburg, wondered about Lincoln's homosexuality.

Sandburg wrote: "Month by month in stacks and bundles of fact and legend, I found invisible companionships that surprised me. Perhaps a few of these presences lurk and murmur in this book."

Sandburg wrote that Lincoln and Joshua Speed had "streaks of lavender, spots soft as May violets."

Lincoln's stepmother said of Lincoln: "He was not very fond of girls, as he seemed to me."

Lincoln's fellow lawyer Henry C. Whitney observed once that Lincoln "wooed me to close intimacy and familiarity."

Lincoln produced a humorous ballad in 1829:

But Biley has married a boy

The girles he had tried on every Side

But none could he get to agree

All was in vain he went home again

And sens that he is married to natty.

In 1990, the American Historical Association presented a panel on "Gay American Presidents? — Washington, Buchanan, Lincoln..."


Cameron or someone else?

Is this Cameron?

Is this Cameron in the centre? (

Tories deny video 'showing David Cameron at a rave in 1988' is David Cameron.

In the UK, the Conservative Party has denied that a person in a video clip of a 1988 rave is the party leader David Cameron.

The video, called 'Acid House Sunrise 1988 Part 4', has appeared on YouTube and has been picked up by political blogger Guido Fawkes.

Dave the Rave?


Zippora Seven for MINK PINK.
[source, tFS]

Lace face

Madame April 2009. Nane Feist, shot by Mierswa-Kluska.
[source, tFS]

Swine Flu Psy Op

Mexico City.

The Swine Flu story sounds like a psy-op:

1. Millions die in Mexico each year from diseases such as TB, typhoid and malaria.

But we don't hear much about that.

Due to high levels of poverty in Mexico, there is a tendency for outbreaks of flu to kill large numbers of people.

"During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection." - Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality

2. In the USA and Canada, flu symptoms have been described as mild.

"Several students experienced flu symptoms after they returned but they were so mild that they didn't raise any concerns." (Swine flu hits Canada)

This swine flu's a "relative lightweight" (Swine flu's a relative lightweight.)

The first reports of swine infections in Mexico came in mid-March.

The current swine flu strain still has fewer than 1,000 reported cases.

Remember: "During a typical year in the United States, 30,000 to 50,000 persons die as a result of influenza viral infection." - Flu Pandemic Morbidity / Mortality

So, why is publicity for the flu coming now?

3. The Flu Kills The Torture Memos

And reports of the Lockerbie Bomb case appeal (Lockerbie bomber launches second appeal).

4. And, certain fascist swine are hoping to make lots of money from selling vaccines.

"On March 20, 2009, this researcher outlined a peculiar PANDEMIC VACCINE TRAINING exercise in Texas scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 2, 2009." (

"There was a Swine Flu outbreak in 1976. President Gerald Ford asked that all Americans be innoculated.

"As it turned out, the disease only killed one person but the vaccine harmed hundreds and may have killed some." (This article addresses that question.)

5. And maybe the latest swine flu is meant to target certain groups?

Germ warfare `could target ethnic groups' acording to an article in The Independent

"Viruses ... tailored to detect the differences in the DNA of races could offer warmakers ... a new means to carry out 'ethnic cleansing'," said a panel convened by the British Medical Association (BMA).

6. Why Mexico?


Samuel P Huntington saw a new threat to the United States: Mexicans.

"In The Hispanic Challenge, Huntington claims that 'the single most serious challenge to America’s traditional identity comes from the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from Mexico.'" - The Huntington Challenge: Why The Hispanic Challenge should be ...

Huntington and Hispanic immigration: "The extent and nature of this immigration differ fundamentally from those of previous immigration, and the assimilation successes of the past are unlikely to be duplicated with the contemporary flood of immigrants from Latin America.

"This reality poses a fundamental question: Will the United States remain a country with a single national language and a core Anglo-Protestant culture?" - Civilizations (print)

Samuel Phillips Huntington (April 18, 1927–December 24, 2008) was an American political scientist who gained prominence through his Clash of Civilizations (1993, 1996) thesis of a post-Cold War new world order.

Photo of La Gloria, Mexico, from:

7. Swine Flu and McDonalds

Maybe the swine flu is an accident, associated with factory farming and globalisation.

Maybe the swine flu started at a large pig producing facility in La Gloria in Mexico.

Only ONE case of swine flu was confirmed as having come from La Gloria.

Local and federal health officials are downplaying suggestions that the epidemic started in La Gloria.

(Swine Flu Baffles Experts And Raises More Questions Than Answers)

They insist that the other cases from La Gloria were from a completely different and common strain of flu, H2N3.

Governor of Veracruz, Fidel Herrera, told the press there was not a single indicator that the epidemic started in La Gloria.

Miguel Angel Lezana, the director of the National Centre for Disease Control, said that genetic information in the H1N1 virus show it is more similar to types of flu that affect pigs in Central and East Asia. (Swine flu: Mexico claims it started in Asia)

By 29 April 2009, the world's media were interviewing the mother of 4-year-old Edgar Hernandez who reportedly got swine flu on 2nd April 2009.

(‘I had a headache and fever' says boy who survived - Times Online / 'I feel great,' says five-year-old Mexican boy living near 'ground ... )

Edgar comes from La Gloria in Veracruz in Mexico, where there is the giant US-owned Smithfield Foods pig production facility.

60% of the 3,000 residents of La Gloria reported getting sick, including three children aged under two, who later died.

Edgar is quoted as saying: 'I feel great. But I had a headache and a sore throat and a fever for a while. I had to lay down in bed.'

Reportedly, it was confirmed, on 27April 27 2009, that Edgar was the first known sufferer of swine flu.

According to the Times, 'residents of La Gloria have been complaining since March that the odour from Granjas Carroll’s pig waste was causing severe respiratory infections.'

There have been calls to exhume the bodies of the children who died of pneumonia so that they could be tested.

The Vera Cruz-based newspaper La Marcha blames Smithfield’s Granjos Carroll for the outbreak of sickness.

Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova told reporters a sample taken from a 4-year-old boy in Mexico's Veracruz state in early April tested positive for swine flu.

Smithfield spokeswoman Keira Ullrich said the company has found no clinical signs or symptoms of the presence of swine influenza in its swine herd or its employees working at its joint ventures anywhere in Mexico.

The company supplies the McDonald’s and Subway fast-food chains.

Mexican Agriculture Department officials said that its inspectors found no sign of swine flu among pigs around the farm in Veracruz, and that no infected pigs have been found yet anywhere in Mexico. However, Ochoa, the farm manager, said no one from the government has inspected his farm for swine flu.

Smithfields was fined $12.3 million in the United States 1997 for violating the Clean Water Act.


aangirfan: Bird flu and profits at Roche