Saturday 18 April 2009

Nationalists save us

FBI agents to testify at Mumbai attacks trial

aangirfan: FBI : Ajmal Kasab has no links to Pakistan

In 1988, the FBI's Robert Mueller supervised the Lockerbie Bombing investigation. - aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence

US Threatens to Invade Eritrea

How,when and why people became debt slaves and who benefitted?

Cash-rich China courts the Caspian

Bush memos parallel claim 9/11 mastermind’s children were tortured with insects

aangirfan: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and go-go girls

"Bowen, who was one of the few journalists I could watch on the television without having to resit the urge to smash the screen in with my foot, is being targeted by Zionist fascists..." Baldy or blondie

Three Cheers for Nicola Sturgeon, Hip Hip ...


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