Saturday 18 April 2009


Gould (far right) with Margaret Hodge (centre) (Camden New Journal)

Does the UK Labour party go in for vote-rigging?

Is the Pope a Catholic; and did Pope Julius III sleep with young boys with names like Innocenzo?

The UK Labour Party has been choosing candidates for certain parts of the UK.

There is a suspicion that friends of Blair have been selected as candidates thanks to fraudulent 'postal votes'.

1. On 18 April 2009, the UK media reported on 'voting irregularities' in a candidate selection process which could lead to the daughter of one of Tony Blair’s 'cronies' being given a safe seat.

"It was discovered that the seal on a ballot box containing previously received ballot papers for the selection of Labour's parliamentary candidate for Erith and Thamesmead was broken."

Labour ballot box 'tampered with' Tony Blair's supporters in vote rigging row

Labour ballot box 'tampered with'

Georgia Gould is the candidate linked to Blair.

Georgia Gould, 22, is the daughter of 'one of the architects of New Labour', Philip Gould.

About a third of the local party members registered to vote by post.

There have been reports that Ms Gould’s campaign has been giving out postal vote forms "pre-filled with voters’ names, addresses and telephone numbers."

Stephanie and Tony Booth .. "He left his first wife with two young children to bring up and ran off with another actress. He had a child with her, but didn’t stick around for long." (Tony Booth's wife selected as prospective MP. Anna Raccoon)

2. In the constituency of Calder Valley, in Yorkshire, Steph Booth, one of the stepmothers of Tony Blair's wife Cherie, lost the vote among those who voted in person, but, she was chosen as the candidate thanks to a large number of postal votes.


Peter Kenyon, a member of Labour’s governing National Executive Committee, said he had concerns about the number of postal votes being cast.

It has been claimed that Steph Booth's supporters approached Lab­our Party members and helped them fill in their postal voting forms, which is against the rules.


aangirfan: Looks like GLENROTHES election WAS RIGGED, like 2004 ...

A different Stephanie Booth -Transsexual buys string of hotels.

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