Sunday 12 April 2009

J K Rowling, Gordon Brown and Spooky People

J K Rowling seems a bit spooky?

She is very close to Gordon Brown, who also seems a bit spooky?

The Sargeants Inn has a fascinating blog entry which mentions JK Rowling, Gordon Brown and Madeleine McCann.

JK Rowling Donation, Labour Party, Politics, Gordon Brown and the Fabian Society.

Here are a few quotes:

"'Just where does JK Rowling fit into all this ‘Madeleine’ business?', I asked...

"There were the crazy rumours... the whole Madeleine thing being the result of a sinister social experiment conducted by the Tavistock Institute, who were also alleged to have provided the occult blueprints for the whole Potter franchise...

"There was all that talk of Madeleine’s face appearing on the bookmarks shipped out with the release of her last novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...

"JK Rowling is a very close friend of Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah. In fact Rowling was one of the first to wander out of the maternity ward after the birth of the couple’s son in July 2006...

"Rowling's favourite children's author and co-founder of Fabian Socialism was an accredited Witch."

"There is the no small issue of Rowling expressing a particular fondness for children's writer, E. Nesbit who was amongst the founding members of the Fabian Society...

"Nesbit is also alleged to have been a member of the ... 'satanic' cult, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn along with 'wickedest man in the world', Aleister Crowley...

"Are Harry, Lord Voldemort and Crowley different facets of the same person?"

"The Fabian Society; what is it?...

"The Guardian Newspaper describes the Fabian Society and Ed Balls, the society's chair, as Brown's closest allies...

"Past and present members have included HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell and hundreds more...

"At the historical core of The Fabian Society, however, are Beatrice Potter Webb and Sidney Webb...

"If there’s one thing they really enjoyed as a couple, it was in perfecting the role played by ‘propaganda’ in controlling the hearts and minds of the proletariat...

“To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge - all this whether in high capacities or in humble - is a big and endless game of chess of ever extraordinary excitement.”

-- Sidney Webb, former leader of Fabian Society

Fabian and 33rd degree Freemason Annie Besant

"...Is Lord Voldemort based on Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)...?

"A member of the infamous 19th century magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn along with the popular children's author, Edith Nesbit, Crowley is alleged to have discovered at the age of eleven his true identity... Harry discovers he is a wizard at the age of eleven...

"Are Harry, Lord Voldemort and Crowley different facets of the same person?"

Nesbit, a founding member of the Fabian Society.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and ...the Fabian Society?

... The Fabian Society.... share(s) a number of its characteristics.

"As a writer Nesbit popularized an innovative style of children's fantasy... Her novels included The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904) and The Railway Children (1906)...

"Fabian Society members often moonlighted as members of neo-pagan cults, like The Theosophical Society and The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn.

"The Theosophical Society, founded by the charismatic, Madame Helena Blavatsky, arose out of the ashes of the Society for Psychical Research (previously the Ghost Society) in 1882 and expounded a mystical and esoteric tradition not unlike the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn...

"Edith Nesbit held court at The Golden Dawn...

"So there you have it, Rowling's favourite children's author and co-founder of Fabian Socialism was an accredited Witch, steeped in all manner of sorcery and kabbalah. When they weren't proposing motions, this lot were making potions.

Is Bellatrix LeStrange based on the character Beatrice Lestrange Bradley created by Gladys Mitchell?

"...Mitchell had... (an) interest in the occult.

"A psychiatric advisor to the Home Office, Beatrice Lestrange Bradley uses no small degree of witchcraft to unravel her cases. She's unconventional and unorthodox and she has a peculiar tolerance for being able to both condone and to commit murder...

"It was Mitchell's friend and fellow detective writer, Helen de Guerry Simpson (1897-1940) who aroused Mitchell's interest in demonology...

"In the film The Order of the Phoenix, Bellatrix Lestrange, played by Helena Bonham-Carter has the prison number '93' tatooed on the back of her neck. The number 93 relates directly to the religion of Thelema, adapted from the philosophy of François Rabelais by Aleister Crowley in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law. Crowley's former home on Loch Ness, Boleskine House, is reputed to lie on the '93 Current' energy line."


"Does Grimmauld Place have anything to do with King Grimoald who defeated the Merovingian dynasty?

"...Grimmauld Place (the address of The Order Of The Phoenix) ...there's a fascinating (if not wholly convincing) argument that it refers instead to the Carolingian king, Grimoald who overthrew the Merovingian dynasty in the 700s...

"Is the Potter character, Cassandra Vablatsky a tribute to Madame Blavatsky - founder of the Theosophical Society?

"I think it's reasonably safe to assume that the author of required Hogwarts textbook, 'Unfogging The Future', Cassandra Vablatsky is a tribute Madame Blavatsky, whom Aleister Crowley cited amongst his profoundest inspirations.

"As we've seen already, Madame Blavatsky was one of the main instigators of the 19th century English occult revival. It's claimed she wore an 'Eastern Star Emblem' most of her life as a sign of respect to the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry...


"Madeleine McCann?

"... Rowling went to Exeter University. Exeter is no stranger to controversy in relation to the case: firstly it is home to the McCann’s ‘Tapas’ friends, Richard O’Brien and Jane Tanner, and secondly it is also the place Robert Murat is alleged to have visited shortly before Madeleine’s disappearance in May 2007. Robert’s sister attends the University there.

"Oh, and Rowling also lived in Portugal too. Is Madeleine the 'snitch' and the great British Public the 'seeker, occassionally set off balance by no-end of 'bludgers' from the mainstream press and Mitchell's not insubstantial PR offensive? Not for me to decide. Sometimes it really does come down to coincidence..."


Madeleine: Time for a recap.

Amaral/McCanns (3)Casa Pia (1)Clarence Mitchell/Blair (2)Control Risks Group (1)Cryptology (3)Current Affairs (25)Duarte Levy (1)Editorial Intelligence (6)Eef Hoos (1)German Tourist Disappears (1)ITV Madeleine McCann: One Year On (1)JK Rowling/Labour Party (1)Leicester Police Authority and the McCanns (1)Madeleine McCann - Alert Scheme (3)Madeleine McCann - Political Dimensions (20)Madeleine McCann - Press and PR (8)Malinka (1)Morocco/Belgium (2)Murat Family Background (2)Nigerian Elections (2)Ocean Club Owners (4)Paulo Reis (2)Pretension (1)Psychics (1)Rachael Oldfield and the Daily Telegraph (1)Ratonthebeam (1)Reviews (7)SOL/Pact of Silence (1)Strange Stories (2)Terror Plot 2006 (1)Three Arguidos (6)Who's Who - Glossary (1)

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