Monday 13 April 2009

Tam Paton, the Bay City Rollers and Boys.

Bay City Rollers

Most people in the pop music business seem to like boys.

When it comes to boy bands, we find that members and young male fans are often bisexual.

What about the managers and other adults in the business?

Tam Paton

Tam Paton, the former manager of the 1970s pop band the Bay City Rollers, was linked to the investigations of a 'paedophile ring' that involved pop star Jonathan King, ex-Radio One deejay Chris Denning and TV entertainer Matthew Kelly. (Matthew Kelly in the clear over child sex - Telegraph )

Scotland on Sunday, on 12 April 2009, had an article entitled Rollers chief linked to sex abuse network

Tam Paton was manager of the Bay City Rollers, a Scottish boy band from the 1970s.

Paton made millions out of the Bay City Rollers, who sold more than 100 million records.

Paton lived in a ten-bedroomed home, Little Kellerstain, along with various young men 'aged 20 upwards' who paid him £100 a week rent to live in luxury.

The houseguests also once included a 42-year-old female Bay City Roller fan.

Paton sometimes dressed in a pale blue Arabian 'dish- dash' robe. (YES I'M A QUEEN BUT I'D NEVER ASSAULT A CHILD Sunday Mirror. )


Sarah Nelson, an Edinburgh University researcher and government adviser on sex crimes, has claimed that Paton was involved with an abuse ring which involving dozens of teenage boys.

Paton died of a heart attack in April 2009.

In 1982, Paton was convicted of abusing two boys aged 16 and 17.

Did Paton have "sex with young people who enjoyed, and indeed, sought gay sex"? (Articles Scottish Media Monitor Examining the treatment of ...)

In 2003, Paton was cleared of child sex abuse allegations.

In 2003 he was fined £200,000 after admitting to supplying cannabis but the punishment was overturned on appeal. In 2007, he was fined £20,000 for drug offences.


Rollers frontman Les McKeown has recently claimed that he was raped by Paton when he was 18 or 19.

McKeown said Paton had threatened to kill him if he ever told the authorities about the abuse.

McKeown says Paton controlled teenagers using terror and drugs and Paton surrounded himself with "ned" henchmen.

McKeown, reportedly, is gay. (My secret life as a Gay City Roller.)

McKeown, reportedly, has often met "strange" men for sex.

He says: "Maybe part of the shame was that I actually enjoyed it." (Bay City Roller was date-raped - PinkPaper)

Roller guitarist Pat McGlynn has accused Paton of attempted rape in an Australian hotel room in 1977.


Some members of the Bay City Rollers accused Paton of swindling them, but others remained supportive until his dying day.

Sarah Nelson has been researching sex abuse and wrote reports on the subject in 2004 and early 2009.

She states:

"I became very concerned in the course of both studies, but particularly in 2004, to come across repeated allegations of sexually abusing activities involving Mr Paton and rings of unknown others. I think it is safe to say there are dozens of alleged victims.

"They were mainly very vulnerable teenagers, for instance those from a care background who should have been under society's protection.

"They were groups of severely damaged young men, offenders who were now in the criminal justice system, but who had eventually revealed being abused in some kind of network involving Mr Paton.

"The allegations included that extreme fear of the repercussions of reporting kept them silent, along with their fear of entrapment if they spoke out, since they had themselves been inveigled into crime. They would not agree to speak out about the abuse...

"There were also allegations that abuse and criminal activities involving boys took place regularly at Mr Paton's home, which surveillance over a period would surely have revealed...

"Given that my own research report of February 2009 raised some very disquieting issues about apparently continuing risks to boys in care, especially those with a history of residential care and offending, I believe ... an inquiry must be instigated in order to protect others and to learn lessons for protecting these boys in future."

Nelson refers to an alleged network of flats in Edinburgh where vulnerable male teenagers and young men were placed.

Allegedly these flats were scenes of 'criminal activities'.



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