Saturday 18 April 2009

Jersey Child Abuse and the Jersey Police

There are many ways to abuse a child. Image from:

There is evidence that massive child abuse took place on the island of Jersey.

This child abuse may have links to child abuse worldwide.

There appears to be a massive cover-up.

On 18 February 2009, at the Mail on Sunday, Eileen Fairweather has an article about child abuse on the island of Jersey and about Lenny Harper the brave detective who formerly investigated this abuse:

The victims of the Jersey child abuse inquiry cannot expect justice, reveals Lenny Harper, the detective who was at the centre of the case

Among the points made:

1. Harper discovered three police employees were using police money to buy computers for private use. Some of these computers stored pornography.

2. Three detectives sold intelligence to women linked to drug dealers in return for sex. Despite film and audio evidence, no prosecution was brought.

3. One detective was secretly filmed being massaged by a lover. The lover then examined police files relating to international terrorism.

This detective also sent texts to another lover, a convicted criminal linked to a drugs gang.

4. Police accepted favours from a local businessman.

According to Harper: 'Some 16 to 20 officers admitted to me that they were being paid, in kind or otherwise.' This is ten per cent of the force.

'A file was submitted to the Attorney General seeking the prosecution of the businessman and a key officer for bribery and corruption. No case was brought.'

5. Harper refers to Jersey's culture of 'perks'.

'We prosecuted abusers at one school. A senior teacher told us, in all seriousness, that the children were abused only as some sort of reward for all the hard work he had put into them, like it was a teacher's perk.'

6. The former Jersey children's home at the centre of child abuse reports is called Haut de la Garenne.

In 2006, the commanding officer of the Jersey sea cadets was arrested in connection with child pornography offences.

Allegations against sea cadet volunteers went back years.

'Some of the victims were children from Haut de la Garenne, taken sailing for a treat. The victims described being taken into international waters, where guests were invited to abuse them.

'The allegations hadn't been investigated properly. Two senior police officers had put pressure on junior detectives not to interview the perpetrators, and were implicated in the disappearance of evidence and putting pressure on victims to retract. These officers were also members of the yachting fraternity.'

7. Harper charged three suspects with serious sexual offences. Nearly a year later, none has been tried.

8. Harper is now retired from the police.

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