Friday 10 April 2009

Police incompetence and corruption?

David Kirkwood on the ground after being struck by police batons.
At the
1919 Battle of George Square. 31 January 1919.

Sections of the the media can be very effective at revealing the faults of the police, the security services, and the criminal justice system, particularly in the UK.

1. The police officer who attacked Ian Tomlinson shortly before he died had still not been interviewed by the Independent Police Complaints Commission more than 48 hours after the Guardian revealed footage that showed him hitting the newspaper vendor with a baton and pushing him to the ground.

(Ian Tomlinson death: G20 riot officer in footage has not been interviewed)

This could suggest that the police officer in the mask had been ordered to kill or seriously injure someone.

2. Raids to foil an alleged Easter al-Qaeda bomb plot in the UK in April 2009, are yet to uncover any explosives or firearms, according to senior security sources.

Raids on 'bomb plotters' fail to unearth explosives

Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Peter Fahy said: "There is no particular threat against any particular location ... I would like to say I would have no hesitation, or any of my family, in using any of those locations that have been mentioned."

In other words, the Easter al Qaeda plot may have been devised by the security services to discredit Pakistan and to distract attention from the murder of Tomlinson; and the police forgot to plant some explosives on the patsies?

Baby P was tortured and killed.

3. On 9 April 2009, the media revealed that the police could have saved Baby P from being killed if they had not been incompetent and useless.

The Police were 'culpable in the Baby P case' .

An assault case against Baby P's mother was ‘left to drift’ for months


The Satanic Jersey cover up continues

4. Are UK criminals being caught and dealt with?

According to Nick Davies in the Guardian, on 17 August 2005, "the system is bringing justice in only 3% of offences committed.",13733,1550555,00.html

In other words, the vast majority of criminals are getting away with it.

The few that do get dealt with are often the inadequate losers.

5. Are UK courts efficient?

According to Davies, in the Guardian, "courts continue to experience delays."

24% of prisoners are not delivered to court on time;

52% of civilian witnesses come to court and do not give evidence;

64% of prosecution witnesses come to court and do not give evidence.

Files of evidence provided by police to prosecutors are on time and up to quality in only 43% of cases;

and the preparation by prosecutors is effective in only 60% of cases.

6. In the UK, what happens to those who are found guilty?

According to Davies:

Forty-four per cent of fines are unpaid;

up to 40% of community punishments are unserved.

7. Can the police be trusted?

Police Corruption in UK is at "Third World Levels" according to a report in The Telegraph on 10/02/98.


The British Newspaper "The Telegraph" reported that it was in possession of a confidential document containing the minutes of a meeting organized by the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS).

In attendance were "10 of Britain's most senior officers and policy makers."

The document states that "corrupt officers exist throughout the UK police service" and that the NCIS' intelligence director indicated during the meeting that "Corruption may have reached 'Level 2', the situation which occurs in some third world countries."

The document blames the drug trade and the vast amounts of cash inherent in the black market for the enormous level of corruption. It states, in part that "The enormous volume of money that is available to... drug importers and dealers means that very large sums can be offered to corrupt officers. Criminals are willing to pay to ensure their ability to operate."

8. Do the UK police kill people?

Simon Hattenstone, in the Guardian, 18 August 2005, wrote about the police:,16141,1551418,00.html

"....there have been more than 1,000 deaths in police custody in Britain in the past 30 years - most involving restraint, either in the cells or during arrest - and many of these people have subsequently been demonised..."

9. The case of Ray Mallon:

November 20, 1996 - Ray Mallon becomes the new head of Middlesbrough CID and takes the extraordinary step of pledging to quit if he fails to slash the crime rate by 20 per cent.

August 6, 1997 - Nine months into the job and his pledge to cut crime appears to be working as figures plummet towards the key 20 per cent mark.

December 1, 1997 - Detective Superintendent Mallon is suspended by Assistant Chief Constable Robert Turnbull, the force's disciplinary officer. He vows to clear his name after allegations he leaked information about a police corruption investigation - Operation Lancet...

February 3, 1998 - A 30,000-name petition demanding the reinstatement of Det Supt Mallon is handed to the Home Office.

March 12, 1998 - Cleveland Police launches a new inquiry into Det Supt Mallon over his expenses and movements since his suspension on December 1.

April 16, 1998 - A vote of no-confidence is passed in Cleveland's Chief Constable Barry Shaw over his handling of the Mallon saga, at a packed public meeting in Middlesbrough.

November 24, 1998 - Det Supt Mallon is cleared of fiddling his expenses.

April 20, 1999 - Det Supt Mallon is cleared of wrongdoing in his relationship with the media.

July 9, 1999 - Calls are made for the police corruption inquiry to be wound up after it is revealed that some of the investigating officers are under investigation themselves. Ashok Kumar, MP for South Middlesbrough and East Cleveland, says the situation is turning into farce with public credibility in Cleveland Police now seriously at risk.

December 1, 1999 - Det Supt Mallon marks the second anniversary of his suspension with a scathing attack on the Police Complaints Authority which, he claims, smeared him. He predicts the investigation will end without criminal charges being laid against him, and he calls on Jack Straw to instigate a public inquiry so that the main players can be called to account.

February 10, 2000 - Det Supt Mallon acknowledges that he may never be allowed to return to policing, even if he is cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.

June 15, 2000 - MP Dari Taylor, member for Stockton South, claims Cleveland Police is losing public support.

June 20, 2000 - Crown Prosecution Service announces there will be no prosecution of Det Supt Mallon as there is insufficient evidence.

June 23, 2000 - Det Supt Mallon challenges his bosses to reinstate him.

August 8, 2000 - Det Supt Mallon makes a formal complaint to the Home Secretary that senior officers have conspired to pervert the course of justice. He asks solicitors to write to Jack Straw alleging the conspiracy against him. Members of Det Supt Mallon's legal team say they have compiled evidence to back the claims.

September 12, 2000 - Cleveland Police are accused of "scraping the barrel" to find 14 disciplinary charges against Det Supt Mallon. The Police Complaints Authority reveals it will charge Det Supt Mallon with 14 unspecified offences later in the week.

December 22, 2000 - The CPS reveals there will be no criminal charges arising from Operation Dollar, an investigation into Cleveland Police by West Yorkshire Police, into allegations made by Det Supt Mallon.

June 7, 2001 - The Cleveland officer whose allegations triggered the suspension of Det Supt Mallon is dismissed. Det Insp Russ Daglish, together with Det Con Brendon Whitehead, was sacked following a disciplinary hearing.

August 10, 2001 - Ray Mallon announces his intention to quit and seek election as Mayor of Middlesbrough.

September 28, 2001 - Sir John Hoddinott, who was leading a Home Office investigation into police corruption in the local area, is found dead in his hotel room.

January 3, 2002 - Det Supt Mallon is named Man of the Year 2001 by listeners of Radio Cleveland


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